"do you wanna come with me to a festival today?" harry asks, a smirk on his face.
louis' mouth fishes open and closed, "oh, uhm, okay," he chuckles, "yeah, when and where is it?"
"well i'll pick you up at three. it lasts until twelve, and it's in holmes chapel," he says, a giant smile on his face.
louis groans, "harr, babe, that's three hours away from me," he tells him, leaning back in his chair. his students were helping volunteer for whatever it was that the art teacher needed, so he was alone for at least twenty minutes.
(they're actually only 2 hours away but I figured that out after I wrote this all so oh well)
"that's why i'm picking you up. you can sleep or read or do whatever in the car ride there as long as you come with me please," harry begged, and louis has to do everything in his power not to imagine him pouting at him with those puppy eyes. "please, lou! a bunch of people come down from different towns and such for it!"
oh my god, "fine, alright. three today. i get out at three-fifteen so just come right to my place, okay?" he asks.
"okay, yeah!" harry chirps, "i'll see you very soon then," he chuckles, a grin on his face.
the two hang up their conversation after louis gives him his address, and louis has the biggest smile on his face. to be reunited with this boy has been the best thing he's ever experienced, and that says a lot since he went to california once and was on the xfactor.
it doesn't take long for the end of louis' day, or at least the end of his school day, since it only lasts until three-fifteen. he even seems to forget that harry would be waiting at his house, without a key to get inside. so he rushes home faster than he ever thinks he has, and manages to get home at three-thirty.
the only thing he seems to notice as he pulls up is that harry is just walking up to his place as he pulls up. he turns when hearing the car, and smiles.
louis gets out in a hurry, running up the path. "hey, no rush," harry chuckles, his hand grazing louis' arm.
the older man sighs, "right, sorry. uh, c'mon," he jerks his head and starts walking, unlocking the door with his key and walking inside. he notices harry look around once stepping in, and blushes. "uh, not much, but-"
"no, no! i like it," harry nods, "really."
"okay," he sighs, "okay, well then uh, i'm gonna go get changed and then we can leave?" he asks, smiling when harry nods.
the younger boy investigates the home while louis changes, looking at the pictures hung on the walls. there's a lot of what is obviously louis, standing with his family. but the only one catching his eye is the one on the little picture board where you hook the pictures under the crossing straps. because there's a picture of louis and him. from the xfactor. they were both sitting on the couch, harry's legs hooked over louis'. both of them smiling into the camera happily. harry smiles, feeling some sort of pull towards the picture.
"hey," louis' voice is soft behind him, and harry turns around, looking at the older man. he's surprised at how fast it took louis to change from a dress shirt and slacks to tight black jeans and a cute green sweater that makes him look so gentle and soft.
"hi," harry smiles, "you ready?" he asks.
louis nods, "yeah," he says, grabbing his black winter jacket. the one with the soft cream fur on it (larry jacket it's the larry jacket ok). he grabs his black scarf and gloves, since it's freezing out, and stuffs his phone in his pocket. harry nods towards the door, and louis nods as well, following him out and locking his door afterwards.
they walk to harry's car, and louis blushes immensely when harry opens his door for him. No one usually did that for him, not even the three guys he tried going on a date with before taking a hiatus on dating. "get ready for a three hour drive," harry sighs, smiling louis' way.
louis smiles back, with a smirk hidden, and hums in acknowledgement, "sure thing, captain," he chuckles, making harry grin and laugh.
❊ ❊ ❊ ❊
it's at some point while the two are walking around, hands swinging between their sides, when louis' phone starts buzzing in his pocket. the man sighs, coming back from laughing so hard at something the other man said. he pulls the phone out, furrowing his eyebrows when his mum's name shows up. "uh, sorry, i-i should-"
"no, no, yeah, go ahead," harry smiles, nodding. louis nods, letting out a breath as he steps off to the side.
"mum? what's up? everything okay?" he asks.
he can hear a shaky breath coming from the other end of the conversation, "lou, it's nan," she sighs, "she had been awake for a bit this morning, but she's been getting more weary-"
"mum," louis' voice cracks.
moments of silence passes, "she passed in her sleep, hon," jay tells him, her voice quiet.
louis nods to himself, his eyes shut as he holds back his tears, "okay," he whispers.
"mum, i-i have to go, m'with harry," he says quietly.
"take care, baby. tell harr i said hello," she says, and he hums before pulling the phone away and hanging up.
he walks over to the other man, pursing his lips. he tries sparing harry a smile, but it looks broken and weak. "nan passed," he says, his voice quiet.
harry's face drops, his eyebrows raised. he gulps, and quickly pulls louis into a hug. he rocks him back and forth, hearing louis' unsteady breaths. "i'm sorry," he murmurs, kissing the top of his head.
louis shakes his head, taking a deep breath, "it's okay," he whispers, and even if harry doesn't hear it he lets it go, pulling away.
"do you wanna go back to mine?" he asks, sorrow in his eyes.
on the inside, louis is screaming yes, but he just nods, leaning into harry's side when he pulls him close as they walk. they make it to harry's car rather quickly, and harry kisses the side of louis' head before closing his door, jogging around to his own side and sliding in. the car is already started, since he has a button on his keys that does it for him.
the ride back to harry's house is quiet. it's only ten minutes, all of which louis spends looking out the window and trying to keep his tears in. he doesn't need to be walking in harry's house only to impress his mum by crying first thing.
harry sort of rushes louis into the house, his hand on his lower back comfortingly. his mum, anne, is in the kitchen when they get inside, and goes to smile when she see's louis strained face. not to mention the look that harry gives her as they walk right upstairs. the look that tells her he's got in all under control.
louis steps into harry's room, his arms crossed. he turns to face harry, and the younger boy puts his hands on louis' biceps. "are you okay?" he whispers.
that's louis' cue to break down. he does, his face contorting into something so so miserable, his lips trembling and the corner of his eyes crinkling as he lets out an ugly heart wrenching sob, "no!" he exclaims, taking a step forward and collapsing onto harry. his shoulders shake as he cries, and harry rocks him side to side, whispering sweet nothings into his ear.
he spends another ten minutes letting louis vent before he pulls away slightly, holding louis' wet cheeks in his hands. he thumbs away the stray tears, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "let's lie down, yeah?" he murmurs.
louis nods, "yeah," he whispers, his voice groggy and tired. so harry picks him up by the thighs, and although louis normally would giggle at the action he just leans his head on harry's shoulder, letting the boy lay him down onto the large bed. harry pulls louis' shoes off, as his energy has been wasted on crying so hard. he then gently takes louis out of his jacket and scarf, his movements slow. the man falls asleep by the time harry's tugging his jeans down, knowing he's never been able to sleep in them. harry then takes his own shirt and jeans off, replacing them with joggers before climbing in next to louis, wrapping his arms around his waist. he snuggles up close to the older man, burying his face in the back of his neck, letting out a sad sigh.
I know I know it's a sad chapter but i'm getting things going here so... yeah
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