Louiss POV
The snow was cold under my paws as I ran. My full white coat of fur camouflaged me from most everything. Some people would call me "pure" or "flawless" ,but I'm the exact opposite. Why could I have just been born an alpha and not an omega. My father told me I would have to marry the alpha's son from the Blue Moon pack. He said a male omega is a disgrace to the Star Followers pack so he had banished them from his pack before I was born. When my marks came in when I was a few days old to tell if I was and alpha, beta or omega my dad didn't think he would see pink swirls on the back of my neck. They should have been black like his or even blue like the second in command also known as betas. But they where and forever will be pink. He said I would have to marry him next week is the thing that gets me! I'm only 15! That's why I'm running away to a pack with an alpha that will protect me. I paused smelling the air. He is near. Then a voice breaks through the dark night.
"Are you a cute little lone wolf?"
I turn around and saw him ,well his wolf form. He had a full coat of black fur and green eyes. He was with another wolf who was light brown with icy blue eyes.
"I may be small ,but I still can tear you to pieces." I reply growling at him.
"hah, I think I like this little kid, Niall, What's your name pup?" He asked stepping closer. Does he not remember me?
"Louis. Louis Tomlinson." I say sadly.
"Tomlinson? What's a royal doing in rebel territory?" He asked stepping closer.
"Escaping" I say.
"Follow me pup. You can stay with me and my pack." He said turning around and ran through the dark forest.
I quickly followed him through the woods until we made it to what I think is the pack house. There is a few people outside holding some clothes. Harry jumps and changes in mid air back into his human form. I stopped in shock. Harry and the other wolf he was with got dressed as I hid behind one of the trees. I really didn't want to shift in front of these people.
I flinch and look up and saw it was Harry. He has really changed a lot since I last saw him. He was taller and stronger were two things that came to my mind first.
"Here Pup, you can shift back here I'll tell my men to go inside." He said handing me some clothes.
A few minutes later I shift and quickly change into the clothes. They smelled like Harry and I can guess they are probably his because they are baggy. Then I realized he was masking my sent. I walk out from behind the tree and saw Harry waiting for me. I run to him and he leads me in the house. It looked about ten or more stories tall.
"Go to the kitchen. It's the last room on the right. I'll be there soon." Harry says quickly then leaves.
I follow his directions and go to the kitchen. When I enter the kitchen I see about six people talking. Their heads snap over to me and stare for minute before one spoke.
"Who are you?"
He was small with curly dirty blonde hair and was sitting on the blonde ones lap. Then I saw he was holding his stomach. He is pregnant. But that would make him a.....
"Male omega. You're a male omega!" I pause still shocked that I met another person like me. I've met female omegas ,but never a male. "I-I have never met someone like me before." I whisper.
"And why is that?" He asked shifting in the blondes lap.
"I-I...I'm Louis Tomlinson. That's probably enough information to know why." I mumble.
The next thing I know I'm being pulled into a hug. I look up and saw him and the other two omegas hugging me. When they pull away they lead me to the table.
"I'm Ashton by the way and this is my mate Luke." The curly haired boy said.
"How far along are you?" I ask smiling.
"About a month and a half ,but I'm having four pups." He said holding his tummy.
"Wow." I say shocked. This kid looks my age! I haven't even had my first heat yet!
"How old are you?" I ask knowing I said it abit rudely.
"I'm 15 and Luke is 19. Calum is 16 and his mate Michael is 19. Brody is 21 and his brother/mate Vincent is 17." Ashton said.
"Are they......." I trailed off not knowing what to say.
"Yes. Calum is two months along with two pups and Vincent is four months along with two pups." Ashton said smiling.
"Wow that's a lot." I say.
"Niall had a litter of six a few years ago. His story is really sad." Ashton said.
"What happened?" I ask.
Before Ashton could speak someone else spoke.
"Ashton I'll tell the story, Niall is my brother"
I saw Harry enter the kitchen and sat beside me.
"It was five years ago. When I was still part of the Star Followers pack-..."
"You do remember me!" I say smiling cutting him off.
" How could I forget you. As I was saying, Our fathers had been friends back then so when he made the rule about the male omegas he let us stay because my younger brothers Sage and Niall were omegas. I was your caretaker and friend since you were born. It was fine for many years until you were ten. Your step brother Liam and Niall were caught. They had been dating since Niall was twelve. They kicked us out and tried to kill Sage. Two weeks after we left, my dad was already the head of this pack. A week after that we found out Niall was pregnant. He had six pups Three boys : Carter, Axel, and Percy. Three girls Alley ,Audra, and Nevaeh. Two alphas and Four omegas. Liam probably doesn't care anymore. He didn't even come after them."
I was sitting there shocked at the next words I spoke.
"He did care...........
So first chapter. :) sorry for the wait. Go check out my other books. If I get 5 votes and/or 10+ comments tonight I'll update again.
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