Zussman x Reader P/2 ~ Awake
Aww, the continuation of a sad love story lol. I can't wait for this honestly. Ideas just come to me while I write, I don't plan it out XD so yeah. Wish me luck!
You woke up in a CCP Station's bed. You looked around and everything was blurry for a second. You saw Zussman sitting down in front of you looking at the floor. You: "Zussman?" Zuss: "Oh, L/N!" He hugged you. You: "Ow, ow." Zuss: "Oh, sorry. I'm just so happy to see you awake." You: Wait, awake? What do you mean? What happened?" Zuss: "You don't remember?" You shook your head. Zuss: "Well, we were fighting off some Krauts, while you were shooting someone, a Kraut in the opposite side shot you in your shoulder with a sniper rifle. You could've died, but you were so strong, you survived it." You: "Oh, wait. I think it's coming back to me." Zuss: "Good. The doctor told me you might've forgotten." The other guys walked in. Aiello: "Oh L/N, you're awake!" He hugged you too, but a little too tight. You: "OW, ow, ow!" Aiello: "Aw, shoot, sorry." Daniels: "You know what happened now, right?" You: "Yeah, I was shot." Stiles: "Yeah, sorry L/N." Aiello: "So can you take the bandage off yet?" Zuss: "NO!" Everyone's eyes widened including yours. Zuss: "I don't want anyone to touch it." You: "YOU don't want anyone touching it?" You looked confused. Zuss: "Well, the doctor doesn't. And me, incase, y'know, i-it gets infected." You: "Hmm. Okay." Aiello: "I just wanted to look at it..." You: "Here." You pulled off the bandage. Everyone except Aiello: "OOOH! Eww!" Aiello: "Ehh, I've seen worse." You: "I know right?" You and Aiello laughed. Zussman was still mad that you didn't listen to him. You could tell. You: "Sorry." Zuss: "It's okay, I get it. If I had a gross injury I'd wanna show everyone too." You smiled, he smiled back. Stiles: "We need to go. Pierson's gonna kill us." Daniels: "Oh, right. Zuss, You comin'?" Zuss: "Actually, I'm gonna stay here with L/N." You smiled as Daniels walked out with everyone else. You: "So why did you stay?" Zuss: "Because." He paused then quickly leaned in and kissed you. Your eyes widened. You kissed back even though you were still in shock. He pulled away. Zuss: "That's why." You blushed. You: "That explains a lot." You smiled and he chuckled. You: "Campfire tonight?" Zuss: "Hell yeah. But I wish you could." Your smile faded. You: "Wait, what?" Zuss: "The doc said you gotta stay here for another two days to run some more test on you." You: "Oh. Great." You rolled your eyes. Zuss: "I'm sorry, L/N." He put his hand on yours. You smiled. You sat up and kissed him again. He smiled. You: "So, I'm assuming you aren't gonna stay the entire two days." Zuss: "Nope, I can't. I'll hate to leave you." You: "I know, me too." Zuss: "But I'll be able to stay with you the rest of the day, and talk to you." You: "Thanks, Zussman. None of other guys would ever do this for me." Zuss: "Of course, L/N." You felt you needed to 'interview' him, since you wondered how long he felt this way about you. You sighed then quickly began your question. You: "So, how long have you felt this way about me?" You noticed Zussman's eyes widen then stuttered as he began. Zuss: "U-uh, I'm not sure anymore. M-maybe, a c-couple weeks a-after you got here?" Your eyes widened then you laughed. You: "Haha. Wow, really? I-I mean, I have no problem with it, but since then? SINCE LAST YEAR, ZUSSMAN? And you never told me before..." You sounded like you were about to cry, but it was fake. Zuss: "No, NO! Don't cry, L/N. I'm sorry! I really wanted to tell you! Believe me! I just had no idea how to admit it." There it is. You got him to tell you! You: "I'm not going to cry. I was just trying to get you to tell me more." Zussman looked at me with his eyes squinted and looking mad. You laughed slightly and he did after you. Hours passed and you two talked. You looked out the window and saw it was dark. You sighed. You: "I guess time really does fly when you're having fun." You frowned. Zussman sighed. Zuss: "Wow. Just like that, huh? I should go. I really don't wanna, but- if I don't want to get murdered in my sleep by Pierson." You: "Y-Yeah. I-it's okay, Zuss. I understand. I'll just, go to sleep, too." Zuss: "Ok. Good. I'll, uhh, see you tomorrow. Maybe, not sure if Pierson's gonna throw a surprise mission at us." You laughed. You: "Ok, Zussman. Bye." He stood up and kissed your forehead. Zuss: "Bye." He winked and left the room. You sighed as you turned the light off and turned to your side. You closed your eyes and fell asleep.
OKAY so this was longer than my average story but I had a pretty hard time writing this. I didn't have many ideas, so yeh. Also sorry I haven't updated in awhile, been busy with school and shiz, so sorry. Bye D00DS
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