Stiles x Reader ~ Pain
Hey it's NERD STILES no offense lol. Okay let's get started :)
You were in the boys' cabin with Daniels, Zussman, Aiello, and Stiles. Recently you've started feeling weird around Stiles though. Every time he speaks its like, you can't explain it. He just- you guess that you think he's cute. Or, hot, if you will. Aiello: "Go fish." Stiles: "We're not playing Go Fish." Aiello: "Don't you think I know that, college? Aiello put his arm around Stiles and pushed him down to his chest. He patted him on the head and hit his helmet." You looked at Aiello with a dirty look. You always got mad at Aiello for doing that. Zussman laughed. You mouthed to Stiles 'Sorry.' 'It's okay.' He mouthed back. He smiled. You smiled back at him. Stiles: "Anyway, this game is pretty boring." You: "I agree." You slouch down in your seat, then quickly got up when you looked at Stiles. Daniels: "Alright then. You two can stay here while we head out and keep watch. You: "No, no! Uhh. W-we'll come with. Right Stiles?" Stiles looked confused, probably wondering why you didn't want to stay. Stiles: "Y-yeah. Sure." He sounded kind of disappointed. You made a worried face while looking at him. Zussman nodded his head at us, signaling to go over to them. You walked over with Stiles, with your gun on hand. You all walked to your assigned spots for keeping watch. You sat there with your gun on point and sighed. Stiles was next to you. Stiles: "You okay?" You: "Yeah, just- worried." Stiles: "Worried? For what?" You lies and told him, You: "Normandy. It just seems like we're going lose hundreds." Stiles: "Well, we might. But, you won't lose us. The people you've been with for three years running?" You: "Yeah, at least I'll still have you guys." Stiles: "Yeah! I mean-" Daniels: "Krauts!" You: "Oh great, defensive positions!" Pierson ran over to your spot. Stiles tried to dodge a shot from a Kraut on his other side, but it pierced through his appendix. Stiles yelled in pain as you took cover and dropped down to Stiles. You: "Stiles! No, no, no, no! Stiles, please don't." He started to close his eyes and be unresponsive. You: "Stiles? Stiles!" You screamed his name and he wasn't responding to you. You: "Oh my god. We need to take him to the CCP Station!" Pierson: "What happened?" You: "H-he was shot, in t-the appendix." Your voice was shaky as you were trying not to cry and show your feelings towards him to the others. Pierson dragged his body to the CCP Station. You saw his head move from left to right. Towards you. You smiled and sighed in relief. You said in your head 'Please don't leave me, Stiles." As you examined the rest of the area you saw Stiles' camera. You grabbed it and took it with you. Zussman: "They're retreating!" You: "Oh, now they retreat? Ugh..." Daniels and Aiello noticed you looking sad. They walked up to you. Aiello: "Hey, you okay?" You: "Well, no. Stiles could be dead." You tried you're hardest not to cry in front of the guys. Daniels: "Hey, it's okay. He'll be fine." He and Aiello smiled. Zussman; "Why don't we go visit him?" You: "Sure." You guys walked over to the CCP Station. After awhile of talking about Stiles, the guys left. You wanted to stay until Stiles woke up. If he ever did. A couple hours passed and it was dark out. You were so worried at this point. You saw Stiles move, then open his eyes. You ran as fast you could across the room to see Stiles get up and look around. Stiles: "L/N?" You: "Stiles!" You hugged him then lifted shirt a bit to see his bandaged appendix. You: "Look." You frowned. Stiles: "Oh god, what happened?" You: "We were talking while defending the camp. Some Krauts came, and you were shot." You pointed to his side. You: "There." Stiles groaned. Stiles: "Agh, it hurts like hell." You: "I know. I know. It's okay. It'll get better, it'll heal in about 2 weeks." Stiles sighed.
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