Daniels x Reader ~ Silence
When Daniels first joined your platoon, you originally thought he was just another ordinary soldier. Until he joined your friend group, and got closer to everyone. Especially you. Seeing his laughing and smiling with you and you friends, makes you feel-- something. Something special... different. Like a crush? No. Maybe?
"L/N. Hey, you okay?"
You looked up and saw Daniels, then feeling his hand on your shoulder. You widened your eyes and blushed.
"O-Oh! Y-Yeah, I'm okay!" You stuttered.
Daniels smiled. "Heh, okay. Uh-- Pierson's, uh, waitin' for us, so let's get goin'." He said.
"Oh, okay! Let's get going." You smiled and stood up, walking out with Daniels.
You sighed silently, hoping he wouldn't hear you, to calm yourself. You eventually rendezvoused with the group, and found your friends. Zussman, Aiello, and Stiles. You quickly relaxed, knowing they'd be able to calm you down a lot.
"L/N, Daniels, you guys are finally back." Stiles looked at the two of you.
"Yup. L/N is all we were missin', right?" Daniels' asked.
"Right. Okay, let's meet with Pierson before he gets all crazy." Zussman laughed.
You all began walking to the meeting point, Daniels next to you.
"You sure you're okay?" Daniels asked.
"I'm okay. I promise. I was just— thinking." You smiled.
Daniels smiled back as you all arrived to the meeting point. You saw Turner and Pierson talking. You took a deep breath.
"Finally, you're all here. Attention everyone! We're moving out at 04:00pm tomorrow. We'll be heading to Marigny, so I want you all to wake up early and prepare yourselves, because it will not be easy. Dismissed." Pierson and Turner walked back into the field office and soldiers left and went back to patrol the area.
"We can never catch a break, huh?" You laughed.
"Never." Daniels smiled wide.
"I guess that's what we get for being in the Army." Stiles shrugged.
You nodded and walked to the unlit fire pit and sat down on a log. The group sat around on the other logs, Daniels sitting next to you. Of course. You took a deep but silent breath again, to calm yourself.
"Ay, Daniels, why you always sitting next to L/N?" Aiello asked, teasing him.
"Yeah, y'know I've always wondered that, too." Zussman tried not to giggle.
You looked at Daniels who had wide eyes and was staring at Aiello and Zussman. Daniels cleared his throat loudly.
"WELL. I, uh— gotta use the bathroom real quick. See y'all in a bit."
He saluted the group and walked away quickly. You widened your eyes and looked at Aiello and Zussman. They looked and you and smiled. You shook your head. They started laughing quietly. Stiles just sat there looking at the three of you, whistling.
"Pretty sure someone's caught feelings for L/N." Aiello said, a bit more serious this time.
"Yeah. I think so, too. Daniels has just been acting so much more different with you around, L/N. More... nervous. Weird." Zussman mentioned.
"He doesn't like me." You whispered.
"Do you like him?" Stiles asked, smirking.
You blushed. "I-I— M-Me?"
The group nodded and you widened your eyes. Crappp.
"Maybe." You whispered, but still at a volume they could hear.
"OHH!" Aiello and Zussman yelled.
"Called it!" Stiles smiled.
Aiello smacked Stiles on the back of the head. "Can it, college."
"I-I do." You blushed and covered your mouth nervously.
"L/N. He likes you. Believe me." Zussman winked. He then looked behind you because Daniels came back. He sat down and you were all quiet. You just looked around. You looked back at Aiello who was trying not to smile. He looked at you then at Daniels, raising his eyebrows. You subtly shook your head while giving him a death stare. A few more seconds of silence passed.
"I'm sorry, but the silence was killing me."
"I told you to can it, college!" Aiello whispered.
Everyone looked at Stiles. You looked at Aiello and Zussman, then Daniels. The two of you looked at each other with wide eyes for a few seconds.
"Um—" Daniels interrupted you with a kiss. You immediately fell into it. You heard the boys freaking out in the background, but you drowned them out. Daniels places his hand on your waist and you placed a hand on his shoulder. The more you two fell into the kiss the further back you tilted.
You broke the kiss and noticed you were nearly on your back on the log and Daniels was on top of you. The two of you blushed and sat back normally. The others stared at you with their mouths open and eyes wide. You and Daniels looked at each other, smiling. You both cleared your throats.
"Ah. Um— Sorry." You scratched your neck.
"For what? Don't be sorry about anything, L/N. Y'know... I actually really enjoyed that." He smiled, in a low voice so the others wouldn't hear.
"I-I did, too. I actually wanna do it again." You blushed, before kissing him again.
"Oh my god—" Stiles covered his mouth.
The kiss broke. "You're so good at that." Daniels chuckled.
"And you, too. Hopefully we can do it again some other time."
"You want to?" Daniels asked.
"I'd love to." You answered.
There was another moment of silence. Aiello has the same face.
"The hell just happened?" He asked, in complete shock.
"So, I think— L/N and Daniels are dating. And they also just kissed for like a long time and he was on top of her and— I think we saw too much?" Zussman answered slowly, confused.
Daniels looked at you. You nodded.
"We are datin'." Daniels answered. You both smiled.
"Congrats, you guys." Stiles smiled. Aiello nodded his head in agreement.
Zussman smiled. "I always thought you guys would be a great couple. I can't wait to see where else this goes."
You looked at Daniels. He smiled and pulled you into him from your side. You snuggled into his chest.
WUEUURHERU THIS WAS KINDA CUTE NOT GONNA LIE EEEEE ok SO this chapter was a lot shorter compared to how i'm going to make my other chapters (average 1300 words) because this one was 1067 words sooo yeah. omg also i can't believe i'm already one my 12th chapterrr wowowr :'3 AnYways i hope you just enjoyed and thanks for reading ❤️
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