Mask Free
Pairing: Task Force 141, Alex, & König x Female!Reader
CW: normal canon violence, depictions of death/killing (nothing too vulgar), fluff endings (some more than others tbh).
WC: ~3.8k
A/N: I'm sooooo great at making titles 🙄🙄 this was requested on my tumblr account and I just remembered I could post it here lol.
It was raining out. Your clothes were soaked- adding what felt like ten pounds of water weight to you- and your mask was as well, making it hard to breathe through the fabric. Your scope on your sniper grew blurry through the array of raindrops that hit the lens. You groaned. The mission now becoming ten times harder than anticipated with these horrible weather conditions. You've trained to fight in all kinds of conditions, so this was nothing new, but it meant that the pan needed to be changed.
"I'm getting a closer look." You said into your radio as you shoulder your rifle, the barrel resting between your shoulder blades as you started to make the descent down the hill.
"Be careful, (y/n)." Price responded as you took refuge behind a thick tree at the base of the hill. You turned on your night vision goggles and surveyed the grounds around the buildings; looking for any patrols. A pair of men were about 300 yards away from your spot- the rain and night now aiding in your hiding as you let them walk by. You let out a huff as the fabric on your face practically suffocated you at this point, water dripping from your chin every second from how drenched your mask was.
'Fuck it.' You thought to yourself before removing your goggles and sliding your mask off your head. Your hair was soaked and matted to your head, but being able to take a deep breath was rewarding and no longer bothersome to you. Pocketing your mask you bring out your silenced pistol and touch the throwing knives that were ready to throw on your vest; the feel of the cold metal reassuring as your fingertips grazed the sharp blade.
You put the goggles back over your eyes and checked out the area one more time before moving out into the open. Four cabins and two storage sheds were all the shelters this group had to fall back on; in a very remote area in the middle of nowhere, but it was perfect for harboring weapons and morally ambiguous men. The information they had acquired was crucial and not supposed to be in the hands of a growing terrorist organization, so the mission was focused on obtaining the info and capturing those that took it. And according to your intel on the mission, two men were responsible for overseeing this group, and they were here.
"Got eyes on you, (y/n)." You hear Ghost tell you on the radio, letting you know that he sees you and is watching your back.
The light from the cabin was the only light reaching outside (besides the flashlights the patrols were holding and scanning over in the forest), so sneaking up to the house would be an easy task. The nearest cabin was a small one-story house and by a quick glance in the window, you could see only two men inside. They were playing a card game, drinking beers, and smoking cigarettes. Their guns were laid against the doorframe of the kitchen, but you would be stupid to think they were unarmed. A knife or a hidden handgun tucked away in a boot/waistband was almost always true. You waited a few more minutes to see if any other person would emerge from any of the closed doors, but they stayed closed and the two men opened another bottle each.
"Two coming up on the house, (y/n)." Price alerts you as you start to hear two sets of footsteps approaching the front of the house. You stayed still for a moment before moving along the side of the building, heading towards the front door as well. Your hands wrap around the grip of the pistol, finger on the trigger as you listen to the men open the front door. They all greet each other and the two enter the threshold of the cabin, probably savoring the warmth the fireplace gave the room.
You walked up behind them and lifted your gun, putting two bullets in the men who just walked in, their bodies still falling to the ground before the other two men realized what had happened. You aim at them and quickly squeeze the trigger twice again, a shot landing in each of their chests. You walk into the room and aim your gun at the nearest room to your left, twisting the knob and opening it fast to see an empty bedroom- covers tousled and personal items thrown messily into the open closet. You make your way down the hallway, seeing three doors- two on the right and one on the left.
You open the one on the right first, seeing it is a coat closet- nothing but old winter coats and boxes covering the small area. The second door on the left was a bathroom- also empty upon opening the door and scanning the small room. You approach the last door and open it quickly. The bed creaks as someone moves on it and you don't hesitate to shoot in front of you, hearing them hit flesh and then it's quiet. You search the wall with one hand, finding a switch and flipping it on to see the sheets starting to turn red with the man's blood.
You holster your gun and walk back into the main room seeing the front door still wide open, so you go over and close it. You search the bodies for anything that may seem useful, starting with the ones closest to the door and then moving to the ones in the chairs. Turning up empty-handed you focus on the house itself, looking through drawers in the kitchen (seeing if maybe one of them was a false drawer), checking under rugs and beds, behind paintings and their supplies. But nothing of importance was here.
"I'm empty." You call into your radio, standing by the fire as you warm your fingers- even for just a quick second.
"Soap. Gaz. König. Any luck?" Price asks.
"Nothing here either, Captain." Gaz responds.
"Small arsenal in the west shed, nothing else." Konig chimes in next.
"Besides porn magazines, nothing." Soap replies and you crinkle your nose at the discovery. You're glad you found nothing like that over here, not wanting to have to look through stuck-together pages in case any information was hidden in between the centerfolds. It's happened once before.
"No one's come out of the two-story the entire time we've been here, nor has anyone walked by any of the windows." Alex adds his observations and you glance out the window at the building closer to the east side of the area.
"He's right. The men we're looking for are more than likely in there. Soap and Gaz take the back door. König and (y/n) cover the front. Alex, Ghost, and I will start heading to your position and secure the house," Price instructs as you start to head toward the front door, "Remember we need those two men alive."
"Copy that."
Back into the rain, your freshly warmed fingers turn back to icicles as the water soaks back into your clothes, chilling you to your bone. But you can't let it affect you. You keep to the outer buildings that have already been cleared, moving to the farthest house from your position. There were no more patrolling soldiers out, you noticed; Soap, Gaz, and König must've taken them down as well. Then the only people left would be whoever is in this house- at least until the morning when backup would arrive in trucks to relocate everyone.
You crouched down under the window by the front door and waited for the tall Austrian. You peek into the window, counting five men just in the living room. Three were sitting on the couch and lounge chairs, relaxing it seemed. Two others were standing at the bottom of the staircase, one of them lighting a cigarette while the other read from a book. You hear heavy footsteps approaching behind you and you turn just as König settles under the window across from you- on the other side of the door.
"We have two in the kitchen." You hear Gaz say over comms.
"Five in the living room," You say, noticing König's lingering eyes, "If you guys breach and gain their attention, we can catch them off-guard." You tell Soap and Gaz.
"Aye" Soap agrees. You look over to König and give him a pointed look; raising your eyebrows.
"Oh- sorry. I-I'm ready." He reaches for his assault rifle and readjusts his position, ready to bust down the door. You both wait in silence, then a small explosion from the other side of the house catches your attention. You peer through the window and watch as the five men grab their weapons, all their attention now on the doorway to the kitchen. You turn to König and nod your head, giving him a signal to break down the door. He lifts his leg and kicks right next to the doorknob, splitting the wood as it breaks open. He takes one step in and crouches down on one knee, shooting down the nearest enemy. You come up behind him, able to see over König's head, and shoot two of them that had turned around. One yelled as he went down, now alerting the others in the house to intruders.
The last three had aimed their guns at you two and shot, but they were panicked and caught off guard, so they missed and hit the wall next to König. He moves inside, taking cover behind one of the couches and you cover him as he does so, shooting one in the leg. You move back outside, crouching next to the door as you holster your pistol and for your sniper rifle. You hear more guns going off, figuring some backup from upstairs has now joined the firefight.
You eye around the corner, seeing König take the brunt of the attack. Soap and Gaz had come into the room too, taking cover behind the thick wooden dining table that they flipped over. You bring the barrel around the corner, looking through the scope at the men above. You take out three of them and move your scope to a third just as another bullet hits him, body falling to the floor. You change targets, and after a few minutes, the room is cleared of enemies; the only sound is the rain hitting the roof.
Soap is first to approach the staircase as you shoulder your rifle, now opting for your throwing knives as you walk into the cabin. Gaz and König follow behind Soap, aiming towards the top of the staircase where a long hallway awaits them. You take up the rear, boots squelching on the hardwood floor.
"Four doors up here." Soap whispers, stopping at the first door on the left. Gaz and König stop at the next two, leaving the last door on the right for you. You grab a flash grenade from your vest clip and motion for everyone to do the same, finger ready to yank the clip. There's a silent countdown, watching Soap's mouth count till he hits one and everyone busts open the door to throw in the flash. Gunfire from those inside shooting at their respective doors cuts through the silence for a brief moment before the familiar high-pitched screech of the flash goes off.
You open your door again and survey the room quickly. Four men, disoriented, all armed- two have automatic rifles and the other two have small handguns. You recognize two of them being your targets- now realizing you'll have to somehow keep them alive and not get shot at. Easy.
You focus on the two that weren't your targets, they held the rifles; ready to protect their leaders till death. You reach your arm back and throw the blade at the nearest one; hitting him directly in the head. The other one hears the body hit the floor and tries to blink away the brightness in his eyes; looking for your silhouette to shoot at. He presses the trigger, blindly shooting in your direction as you dive towards one of your targets; kicking out his feet so he falls to the ground. He loses his pistol and you push it out of his reach, swinging your arm to release another blade, hitting the grunt in the leg and dropping his rifle; finger squeezing the trigger as he went down to his knees.
The other target blinks away his blindness as he looks around to spot you, starting to aim his pistol at you. You act quick, taking your throwing knife and throwing it at the hand holding his pistol. His gun goes off as your knife is lodged in the back of his hand, but the bullet hits the mirror behind you, shattering it.
The man with the knife in his leg, recovered, pulling himself back to his feet and yanking the knife out to use. He yells, running at you full force, but you're able to redirect him, using his weight against him to make him fall behind you. He tries to get right back up on his feet, but you're on him before he can get on his knees, holding your knife to his neck as you slit it. He gurgles, hands coming up to try and stop the blood. It seeps through his fingers, fast, and he falls to the floor.
"Clear!" Gaz and König announced.
"In here!" You alert them as you walk over to one of the men. You point your knee right into his back, hearing him hiss in pain as you hold him in place. König is in the room first and you gesture to the other man, lying on the floor with a knife in his hand, cradling it. He secures him, removing the knife and holding his wrists behind his back. Gaz and Soap walk in and look around the room.
"Jesus, (y/n). You could've called for help." Soap says as he approaches you, zip ties extending out for you to grab.
"I didn't need any."
The mission was a success. The targets were captured- only injured a little- and the intel had been recovered. It was unknown if they had spread it already, but that's why they were needed alive; to find out for sure. Price was overseeing the 'questioning' Ghost coming in and out over the course of a few days before they broke and told them what they knew. Their stories matched up, so they must've been telling the truth.
A new assignment was tasked with the team upon the completion of the 'questioning'. Traveling to another off-the-grid compound to track down the intel before it spreads to everyone of their troops. Another capture mission.
You had your bags packed the day they assigned the team, ready to leave in the next hour when the helicopter would arrive. Everyone had been waiting outside by the landing pad, discussing the previous mission.
"Y'know. I think that was the only time I've seen you without your mask." Gaz points out as he sits against the car beside you, tossing his own bag at his feet. You turn your head to look at him, shrugging your shoulders before answering.
"It happens."
"It should happen more often," He teases as he bumps his shoulder with yours, "you have nothing to hide, (y/n)." He shoots you a small smile. You can't find any words to respond with- brain going blank as he complimented you. That was a compliment, right?
"You want me to keep it off?" You ask, wanting clarification.
"You're a pretty girl, (y/n). But, you do whatever you're comfortable with." He tells you as Price gathers everyone's attention. He gives you another smile before grabbing his bag and moving closer to the group, the helicopter now in earshot.
Nothing to hide... Pretty... You'd be thinking about his words for a while.
König approached your shaded spot next to the building; sitting down next to you on the floor. You said nothing, continuing to fiddle with your throwing knives, but he looked like he wanted to say something.
"I'm sorry for staring at you," He starts, hands resting on his knees, "when we were out there. It wasn't professional."
"No harm done." You tell him truthfully. It wasn't as if he ruined the mission by staring at you. He was just caught off guard- you could tell.
"I know- it's just- I don't like when people look at me when I take off my mask, so, I wanted to apologize." He keeps his head trained forward, looking at his hands or down at his shoes. You pocket your blade.
"Apology accepted, König. Don't beat yourself up about it." You reassure him and he nods his head.
"You're a very beautiful woman, (y/n)." He glances at you before grabbing his bag and walking toward everyone else. You watch him walk away and you find yourself smiling under your mask.
"You alright over here?" Price approaches you off to the side, a cigar hanging from his mouth. His last one for a while since you'll be out on mission.
"Alright." You confirm as you face him completely, wondering if he was going to tell you something important.
"If the others are annoying you about your mask thing, you have my permission to hurt them." You can't help but chuckle. Ever since you came back from the last assignment, everyone- but Soap and Gaz in particular- have been pestering you to see you without your mask again, saying, 'You took it off for rain, just keep it off.'
"I'm grateful for the permission, Captain." You tell him as you nod your head. Not like you needed his permission to defend yourself against these guys, but it was nice now to know you wouldn't be in too much trouble if you decided to mess with Soapor Gaz. It's silent for a beat as you both hear the crew talk about the plan approaching, now realizing it's time to go.
"I will say it was nice to see you again, (y/n). " He gives you a quick smile before turning around, leaving you to think about the Captain's words and the heat crawling up your neck.
"Y'know you're pretty reckless, (y/n)." Soap tells you as he approaches you, brows furrowed in seriousness. It wasn't every day you saw Soap be serious, so you must've done something crazy- in his eyes.
"How so?" You ask him, a bit confused about where this conversation was headed.
"Last mission, you should've called us to help you out with the targets." He reveals and you turn to face him fully, giving him your attention.
"I handled it."
"There were four of them and you took them on all at once. You could've gotten hurt." His jaw clenches and you nod your head. You could understand why he was upset. It probably would've been easier to call for help. You were just too used to working alone.
"I've worked alone for 5 years, Soap." You remind him, hoping he realized you weren't trying to one-up the team or get yourself killed.
"You're part of this team now. You can rely on us." He reminds you and you nod your head. Even though you were getting reamed a bi by Soapt, it felt nice to be worried for. To be treated like an equal and important part of this team.
"I will," You bite the insides of your cheeks, wondering if you should say it, "Thank you, Soap."
"I was only mad because I was worried, but I can't stay mad at you for long." Soap smiles at you and you have to look away to keep yourself from blushing.
It was quiet as you and Ghost took up the back of the group; walking in silence together to the landing pad. Everyone else was a good few steps ahead, but you didn't feel like picking up your pace; neither did Ghost you guess.
"I hate wearing it in the rain, too." He tells you, looking away from you after he spoke. You pause, trying to think about what he was talking about until it hits you.
"Yeah feels like getting waterboarded, slowly." You comment, still a bit shocked he was to bring up what happened a few days ago.
"It does." He agrees and chuckles dryly. Helicopter propellors are heard above as three arrive, hovering slowly to the landing pad one at a time.
"Have you ever taken it off in the field?" You ask him, a sudden curiosity as you know he is known for never taking his mask off.
"Used to, quite a bit," He answered and you nodded your head, "Had used a shit ton of different fabrics. Cotton is the easiest to breathe through." He tells you like it's a secret and you smile behind your mask.
"Noted, Lieutenant." You thank him as he bumps his shoulder with yours, a small intentional moment of touch he initiates.
"Good." He finishes as all the helicopters land, everyine beginning to load up for the new mission.
"You ready?" Alex asks you as he knocks on your open door. You turn your head and look at him, his bag is already packed and draped over his shoulder.
"Yeah." You tell him as you zip up your bag, throwing it over your shoulder as well. You head to your door, but Alex doesn't move.
"Give me your bag. I'll carry it." He says and you roll your eyes before glaring at him.
"I can hold my own bag." You tell him, but he just smiles and holds out his hand.
"I know you can, but I wanna be nice. So, gimmie" He explains and you sigh before handing it over. His smile grows and he moves out of your doorway, throwing your bag over his other arm as you close the door behind you. You felt a bit odd having your arms empty, folding them over each other on your stomach as he began to speak. "I have a question for you."
"Shoot." You both turn down another corridor, walking towards the exit.
"Why'd you take your mask off during the mission?" He turned his head to look at you.
"It was wet. I was pretty much breathing in water." You tell him, adjusting the now-dry mask on your face.
"I don't know how you or Ghost do it. I hate shit around my face." He says and you nod your head, agreeing.
"Me too." You admit and he furrows his eyebrows.
"Why wear the mask then?"
"My identity must remain a secret." You joke with him, hoping a he would want to change the subject.
"Fair enough. But if you're Spiderman or Batman and you don't tell me, I'll be pissed."
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