What a Gentleman Shouldn't
(PG-13 for suggestive themes)
It had been a long, tiring mission. Being awake for most of three days in Ultranationalist territory led to you falling asleep on Price's shoulder.
He barely seemed to notice until he himself awakened towards the end of the flight home. The Captain looked down at you, your face pressed against his arm, one of your hands on his wrist. He breathed in a yawn and gently touched your shoulder to wake you.
Soft skin.
Heart racing.
He started at the sudden burst of strange thoughts that were somehow leaving warmth in his cheeks. He shook the feeling and shook you more vigorously. "Hey, wake up." he said.
You stirred and opened your eyes finally. "Mm... Are we home?"
Price nodded. "We're getting ready to land soon."
You sat up and folded your arms. "Sounds good... Sorry for falling asleep on your shoulder." you said.
"No worries. Everyone else is doing the same thing." He looked outside. "Besides, it's not like I mind..." he added to himself.
A few days went by, and you were practicing hand-to-hand combat. Price was standing across the arena, watching you spar with Roach. He was impressed by how quick and precise your movements were; he'd trained you well.
A sleek frame cloaked in pale moonlight.
Wandering hands.
Quiet breaths.
He blinked away the image and noticed his breath hitch. Price cleared his throat, and looked back at the spar in time to see you pin Roach and slice the air around his neck.
"Well done," he said. "Winners of this last spar, you're done for the day; the rest of you, do one last run with Soap around the trail and you can head home."
You breathed out a laboured breath. "Hey, what about you?"
He cocked a brow. "What about me?"
"You haven't sparred today; you trying to get out of training?"
Ghost laughed devilishly. "Yeah, Price, why don't you fight her? She needs a proper beating. Put her in her place!" He grunted when you pulled off a glove and threw it at him, hitting him square in the face.
The Captain sighed stiffly. "Fine, since you suggested it, let's have a go, (Y/N)."
You smiled at the challenge and stood, taking your glove back from Ghost. "Well, come on then."
Soap, acting as the ref, waited until you were both in position, standing a pace apart, and barked, "Go!" Price wasted no time in grabbing the back of your neck just as you unsheathed your knife, starting to push you backwards. He used his other hand to take the knife from you, only to have you twist your wrist just right to make the weapon go flying. Momentum threw you both to the ground and he landed, kneeling over you with the one hand he was holding beside your head.
Doll-like eyes, filled with emotional tears.
Intertwined fingers.
He barely flinched at the lapse and mental image. You were staring at him with rounded, surprised eyes. Price felt a shock of surprise when you reach up with your free hand and pulled his face closer.
Kisses along his neck.
Comforting murmurs of affection.
Fingertips touching.
His heartbeat spiked when he felt teeth against his throat and jugular as you fought to roll him on his back. He lay gazing up at the grey sky, unable to contain the surprised yelp that escaped him.
"I win!" you roared, panting from the effort of rolling over a man nearly a third bigger than you. "I win!"
Soap chuckled. "Price, I think she's got ya beat." He leaned forward from his place on a crate. "You submit?"
Price offered a tense chuckle. "Y-yeah... Fine, I submit. You win."
You sat upright with a cheeky grin. "'Twas a pleasure, sir." you said, offering him a hand up.
He dusted himself off and cleared his throat. "Alright; get out of here." You dipped your head, and left with the others toward the armoury to put away your things.
You were putting away a freshly cleaned MP5 when you heard someone walk in the armoury behind you.
"(Y/N)." It was Price.
You turned to look over your shoulder. Your heart leaped a little when you saw him, but you quickly tamed it. "Yes, sir?"
He walked in until he was a few paced from you. "I need to talk to you; are you able to stay for a few minutes?" You nodded. "That thing you did today... I need you to not do that again."
"... Well, it's not exactly my first choice to rip someone's throat out in a fight, but if I lose my weapon, sir..."
"Let me rephrase," he said. "I need you to not do that to me again."
"To you? What exactly did I do to you..?" you thought with a note of excitement. You cocked a brow with a smirk. "Oh? Your pride still sore from me beating you? And here I was thinking you were a good sport about it." you said as you turned away.
His hand banged against the gun rack beside your head and you looked back at him once more, this time with legitimate concern written in your expression.
His steely blue eyes were set with a hard expression, yet somehow, there seemed to be a desperate, trembling undertone, like he wasn't as steady as he was trying to be. "You keep doing things that make me feel things a gentleman shouldn't feel for a woman that isn't his." he said firmly. "I can't take it."
God, that expression. That doll like expression you gave him drove him crazy. It was so innocent and unassuming.
You looked from his face to the door behind him, making sure you were both truly alone; he followed your gaze and looked over his shoulder. When you were certain he hadn't been followed, you put a hand to his jaw and guided his face back to yours and seized him in a kiss.
He uttered a sound of surprise, but didn't fight you. Price leaned forward and deepened it, occasionally breaking for a breath. His muscles relaxed and he held you closer to him.
He broke the kiss just before Soap entered the room. "Oh," said the Lieutenant. "Am I interruptin' something? I didn't know you were talkin'; I can come back."
"No," said Price casually. "We're done here; (Y/N), you can go home now."
Later that evening, there was a knock on your door. You opened it to see Price standing on your porch. He stepped inside and pulled you into a hug and you melted in his grasp. He was warm, and strong, and he smelled pleasant. You hummed quietly, nestling your face into his neck.
He pulled back for a moment, and gave you a peck. "So, now... Where were we?"
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