How to Recover
This is a competition with MyBonerIsKNIFE to create an anxty chapter about Price inspired by Sick Part I. Good luck!
Your hand was clutching his tightly as another contraction hit. John was doing his best not to be worried... then again, what man wasn't worried when his wife was in labour? Especially this early.
"John..." you wept. "I can't do this..."
"Yes, you can," he murmured back. "You're doing great. Just focus on me." He kissed your head and squeezed your hand.
Your pushes had gotten weaker, but the doctor was saying something about the baby's head being born already and you only needed small pushes from now on. You closed your eyes, trying to block out the dizzying, bright lights and all of the other people in the room. The only ones you couldn't lock out were John and your daughter- Maddie, you were going to call her.
Oh, but you couldn't ignore how weak you already felt. Was this normal? Another contraction wracked your body and it felt like you were being ripped apart.
John felt a wave of relief and excitement wash over him at the sight of your daughter as the doctor pulled her out. She was so tiny and so...
His smile dropped with the realization and he looked to the doctors who were all talking in hushed tones. "Doc?" he asked urgently. "Why isn't she crying?"
You opened your eyes just barely. "John..? What's happening? What's going on with Maddie?"
He hushed you, stroking the top of your head to soothe you. "Don't worry, just rest," he said softly. He then looked back up to the doctors. They were performing CPR and John felt sick with worry.
One of the nurses in the room approached him. "I'm sorry, sir, but I'm going to have to ask you to wait outside."
Alarm prickled under his skin. "What? No, I can't leave my wife, please..."
"I understand you want to support her, but we need you out of the room so we can help her and the baby."
John was standing outside the room, stalk still as he waited for word on you and Maddie. It had been almost an hour. What was going on?
"Captain Price?"
He started at the doctor's quiet voice, and he quickly faced her. "How are they? It's the baby okay?"
She swallowed hard with a regretful expression. "The placenta was detached before birth, and there was nothing we could do."
It was so shocking that he could hardly move. "Oh my God..." He looked to the room. "Does (Y/N) know?"
The doctor almost seemed to shrink. "John... (Y/N) didn't make it either..."
His mouth hung open and he thought he might faint. "... W-what?" he asked breathlessly.
"She was losing a lot of blood and we couldn't transfuse her quickly enough."
John stepped back, shaking his head. "I... I... no, I need to see her..."
"Captain Price..." She followed after him. "I don't think it's a good idea..."
He stopped in the room and upon seeing your pale, grey face, eyes unblinking, he sank to his knees.
John was seated at the kitchen table some days later, his plate still full of untouched food. Up until that day he'd felt mostly numb, but today it finally was hitting him. Your place at the opposite end was empty and he felt a coldness welling in his chest. He covered his eyes; he wanted to cry, but somehow the tears wouldn't come.
He couldn't take this much loss...
As his mind wandered to darker abs darker places, his phone rang. Damn. It was Soap. He was going to be late for formation.
It was a blur between the front door and formation. Hell, he felt like he was just talking out of his ass the whole time. He dismissed them and was about to follow them to their morning run when Soap stepped in front of him. It didn't take more than the Lieutenant's eyes searching him to bring that cold, empty feeling back into his chest. John's eyes misted over and he broke down, Soap catching him in a tight hug.
"I can't believe they're gone..." he wept. "Everything was going fine..."
Soap furrowed his brows. "I'm sorry, Price... I'm so sorry, I can't imagine..."
They both stood there in near silence, only broken by the occasional soul-crushing sob from John. Even Soap shed a few tears. It was such a heavy loss.
How was he supposed to move on?
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