(Thanks for the suggestion, FreeofSin! Welcome to the first *official* 2019!Price X Reader, everyone!)
The soft commotion of the street gave Jamal a feeling of ease as he looked overhead at the apartments. His contact would be there soon, sent by the Wolf to supply weapons for the next mission.
Above him, he couldn't see you, Price, and Gaz watching his every move. Gaz adjusted his rifle under his arm. "Should I drop him, sir?" he asked.
Price scoffed, his arms crossed. "Not yet. When his contact gets here, we'll wait until they're all together, and then we'll take them all out at once."
You and Gaz nodded quietly and carried on your watch. Before five minutes had passed a disheveled gray 1995 BMW pulled into the alley and two men stepped out. They traded a few hushed pleasantries, and one of the men opened the trunk.
You drew your weapon up, your cheek resting on the stock to gaze down the scope. "I've got a bead on the guy on the right," you said quietly.
His hand gently settled on the small of your back. "Take him down, love," John purred in your ear. God, work was so much harder to pay attention to when your lover was whispering to you like that. With a pleasured smile, you put the crosshair on your target, sucking in a short breath for the shot.
The Butcher put his hand in his pocket and all three men took cover behind the car. You stepped back and pushed Price behind you. "C4!" You cried and the room burst into flames. The floor crumbled under you and you fell to the street below.
"(Y/N)!" Price called.
"I'm okay! Don't worry about me!" You looked up just as the Butcher unsheathed a knife and raised it above his head. Before you could level the barrel of your pistol with his center of mass, he was on top of you.
"NO!" Price opened fire, raining bullets down on the three men while Gaz tore down the ruined wall into the fray and killed the closest thug before haring after the Butcher. They all disappeared down the alley, and soon there was a call over the com. "Second tango down. Got eyes on the Butcher. Nikolai, are your men ready? He's turning the corner to..."
John lost the chatter as his eyes were locked on you. He scrambled down into the street and ran on weak legs to where you lay. There was already a thick pool of bright red blood on the dusty grey asphalt and you were making raspy, shuttering breaths. "Oh, God, no," he cried, kneeling at your side and picking you up. "(Y/N), (Y/N), please... Come on, talk to me, tell me you're okay."
You rolled your tired eyes up to him and groaned. You didn't have the strength to speak, never mind the fact that the gaping hole in your chest made it so hard to breathe that talking wasn't an option. In a feeble attempt to reassure him, you grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze before closing your eyes.
"No, hang on... Hang on, just for me... You can't..." A lump in his throat choked his voice and his body was wracked with a hard sob. John held you to his chest and he doubled over you. He had been shot, stabbed, beaten, burned, blown up, and abandoned, but this pain... He couldn't take this kind of pain. Price wept bitterly as he felt your muscles go limp. "No, (Y/N), no, no... You can't go like this... I can't leave you here..." He rested his forehead on yours and let the tears fall to your cheeks. He felt frozen, unable to move, and unbearably cold. Aside from his sobs, the streets were silent until there was a distant wailing of a siren, which only broke his heart more as he held the one he loved most in his arms.
He wasn't sure how long he'd been there when he heard Nikolai over the com. "Package is secure. Inside the office inside the warehouse on Main St. Captain Price, where are you, over?"
Price lifted steely blue eyes in the direction of the warehouse, and a deep, cold growl rippled in his throat. "Copy. Man down, on my way. ETA five minutes. Don't start without me, and God have mercy on his soul..."
(Part 2 coming soon...)
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