C H A P T E R S 6
Margot's POV
That Saturday Jamie and I had the best yime at the dog convention; there were dogs everywhere, events and famous dogs (and their humans of course).
That night we decided to stay at my place and to order a pizza for dinner, while Peggy was enjoying her ham I gave her.
-Today we had a lot of fun, we should do it again!- Jamie said.
-Agree, except for the paparazzi you know- I said smiling.
-Yeah I understand- he said -They saw us together, do you think they will talk about us?-.
-I am 100% sure about that- I said -And if they stop you don't tell them anything please-.
-I won't, don't worry- Jamie said smiling.
Later we decided to watch a movie but there was nothing on tv so we ended watching cats videos.
Ugh change please, these cats videos are so stupid
-Shut up Harley- I whispered.
Jamie left for a second, since he needed the bathroom, so I decided to talk to Harley.
-Don't you dare to take control tonight- I said.
Why? Ooooh I understand now! First the date, then the food, the movie aaaaand-
-Harley!- I said -Shut up for once please! This is my life!-.
No, my dear, this is OUR life.
-Who is Harley?-.
Jamie's voice came from behind me and I froze: he heard me.
-Who? I don't know who you are talking about- I said.
-It isn't the first time that I hear you name 'Harley', who is she? A friend? Your sister?- he asked.
A friend, definitely.
In that moment I thought about what Amy told me: she suggested to tell everyone about Harley, because sooner or later everyone would have found out. She was right, but tell everyone was scaring, would have they judged me? Would have they looked at me the same way as before?
-Well... Harley is a... She is a friend- I said taking a deep breathe -But it is complicated-.
-What do you mean?- he asked.
-She... She lives... She lives in my head- I said.
Endless seconds passed, the longest seconds in my life; his face wasn't showimg anything, what was he thinking?
I'm so proud of you! You finally told him about me!
-Ok so...- he finally spoke -She is like a second personality?-.
-Yeah... I am the dominant one though, she takes control only when I allow her- I explained -Most of the times-.
-How do I know who I am talking with?- Jamie asked.
-You understand if it is me or Harley, trust me- I said smiling -Wait, aren't you angry? Or scared?-.
-No, I'm not. I just wish you told me before...- he said.
-I'm sorry, I was scared... No one knows about this, just you and another friend of mine- I explained.
-I understand...- he said -So... Is she here?-.
Yes! Here I am, always!
-Yes, she is- I said -You want to meet her?-.
-Yeah? I think so- he said.
I smiled, he was so cute when he was embarassed.
-Ok Harley, come here- I said -But just for a few minutes, not more-.
Okay Cap!
Harley's POV
Jamie was looking at me weirdly, like if he was expecting something to happen.
-Hey! I'm here, you see me?- I said moving my hands in front of him.
-So... Now I am talking with Harley right?- he said.
-Yes, the one and only! Nice to meet you!- I said shaking his hand -You're handsome wow, now I understand why Margot likes you!-.
Jamie's cheecks became red and I heard Margot's voice in my head.
-Oh... Well thank you, I guess?- he said super embarassed.
-Seriously, I would totally kiss you right now but Margot would hate me If I do that- I said.
Enough Harley! Come back here!
-You're so boring Margot!- i said sighing -I am having fun!-.
Come. Back. Here!
-Ok fine!- I said and then looked at Jamie -See you!-.
Margot's POV
I came back and Jamie's face was priceless: he was shocked and embarassed, but he was still cute.
-So.... What do you think?- I asked.
-Well... You and Harley are two completely different people!- he said -Is it true what she said about me? That you like me?-.
I blushed, my cheeck became red in a few seconds.
-Yeah...- I said.
Before I knew it, his lips were on mine and we were kissing.
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