C H A P T E R 9
Margot's POV
Ok so: we are in the future and they kept you alive with machines and you are still young and this future is a kind of sci-fi movie?
-Yeah Harley, it looks so...- I said sighing.
It had been a week since when I woke up and it was almost time for me to leave.
They bought me a house and told me a couple of directors who would have loved to have me in their movies.
Speaking of that, I was 100% sure that they wanted me for my fame and not my talent, I was one of the survivors of the experiment.
-How are you today?- Selene asked.
Selene was the woman who told me what happened and who took care of me. She was a nurse but to me she was a friend.
-I'm good, but this still look so weird to me- I said.
-Yeah I understand- she said -I would like to introduce you someone later, she woke up last year and she lives next to your house, this is why she will drive you home-.
-Yeah sure- I said -Should I tell her about Harley?-.
-She already knows, I told her so she wouldn't have surprises- Selene explained -She won't judge you, don't worry-.
I smiled and Selene finished to check of I was ok, you know my vitals and all those things.
A few hours later I was ready to leave, they gave me some new clothes and I was happy to know that fashion didn't change that much.
Are you ready to go to the new world?
-I don't know- I said -This is kind of exciting but also scary-.
I will always be here with you. This happened because I couldn't leave and-
-Don't you dare to say that it is your fault Harley, because it is not- I said -If I didn't want you or like you I would have make you disappear years ago-.
I'm crying... This was so sweet
-Are you ready?- Selene said.
I took a deep breathe and then nodded.
She smiled and led me through endless hallways, I got lost very quickly.
Finally we reached an elevator and when the doors opened I opened my mouth: New York was like I remembered it but it was different, it was... darker.
-It isn't like you remembered it, right?- Selene said.
-Yeah... What happened?- I asked.
-Wars, fights, all important people left- Selene explained -But if you don't go to the bad areas it is still good, our security systems are improved and you don't risk anything, just avoid to walk alone at night-.
New York looks creepy. And scary. I like it
-Harley how can you like it?- I asked.
A little adventure finally! Admit it Margot, your life was pretty boring.
-I mean, you're not wrong...- I admitted sighing.
I followed Selene until we reached a car, where a girl was standing, waiting probably for us.
-Hey Scarlett!- Selene said and the girl looked at us.
Scarlett was tall, blonde long hair, very beautiful.
She smiled at us and put her phone away.
-Scarlett, this are Margot and Harley- Selene said.
-Nice to meet you!- she said.
She looks nice!
-Nice to meet you too! Harley says hi too- I said.
-So, is everything ready?- she asked.
-Yes, Taylor should be here soon too- Selene said.
-Who is Taylor?- I asked.
-She woke up a couple of months ago but she needed a lot of time to recover- Selene said -She will leave next to both of you too-.
I wonder what happened to Scarlett and Taylor... I had a car accident buy it may have been worse for them.
Soon another blonde girl approached: she was tall, blonde long hair but she looked very thin.
-Hi, I'm Taylor- she said -They told me that we will live close-.
-That is correct! I'm Scarlett and this is Margot- Scarlett said.
-Nice to meet you all! Harley too- Taylor said.
-How...?- I asked confused.
-Selene told me- Taylor said -You can trust me don't worry-.
-So, if everything is ready you can go!- Selene said -I'm always here if you need anything-.
We all said thank you and went in the car.
Scarlett started driving and I smiled: I was ready.
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