C H A P T E R 14
Margot's POV
-Tom!- I said running -Let me explain!-.
We were outside the club, I was trying to explain Tom what happened and of coursw I would have lied, I could never tell him the truth.
-Explain what?!- he asked -You were kissing him, you were hugging him like a koala! Do you even know who he is?!-.
-I know- I said -This is why I have to do what he wants-.
Tom's face changee expression, it went from anger to concern.
-What do you mean?- he asked.
-Remember when we had to escape from those men? Well he found me and he won't kill me if I am his mate for some nights- I lied -Our deal is for one year-.
Tom sighed, he knew very well that we couldn't go to the police because we would have been in even more danger.
-If he hurts you...- he said -I should have stayed, I should have protected you!-.
-You did the best you could do, it is not your fault!- I said -Only a few months, then I will be free-.
-Margot! I'm tired of waiting- James' voice came from the club entrance.
-Please, don't tell Scarlett and Taylor anything about this- I said.
Tom nodded and I smiled, leaving him outside.
James and I went back to our table and he smiled: -You lie very well-.
-How much did you hear?- I asked.
-Everything- he said -What are you going to do after a year passes?-.
-I'll think about it- I said -Now I just want to have fun-.
The next day I was having breakfast when Taylor knocked at my door.
-I need your help- she said.
-Sure- I said -What do I have to do?-.
-Well... Yesterday Nicholas came at my home, he wanted to say hi- she started telling -We started singing some of my songs and then we kissed-.
-That is amazing! He definitely likes you, you know it- I said.
-I know but... What should I do? I like him but all men run away when they see the real me- Taylor said.
-I am sure he won't leave, he likes you- I said.
Taylor smiled and we hugged.
-I can't believe that destiny gave us a second chance- she said -What did we do to deserve this?-.
-I don't know- I said -What if I call Scarlett and we spend a girl day?-.
-I say that I love it!- she said smiling.
Author's note: short chapter I'm sorry! I hope you like it anyway!
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