3 buying
Very mean character in this chapter. I'll put the (,) as trigger warnings in case someone wants a warning. 🤍
Very few buyers came by after my thirteenth, but the only buyer I ever truly remembered came a few weeks after. I know our master never tells us the paper laws that Neko's must follow he lets the buyers teach us so were scared to break them ever again. I've only been taught them because of other Neko's but obviously it wasn't enough for this one particular buyer.
Master bangged on all of our cages yelling at us to get up and strip immediately. Some of the older Neko's that where also born here did as they were told but some of the strays that where just picked up or brought here hesitant but finally lessened. I didn't like to strip even if my body wasn't developed but I hated that danm shock collar too.
"Lesson this is master Chan he will look at you all through your cages and decide who he wants to take a closer look at, then you will do as your told from there. Understood!"
He never waited for a response on that but we all knew the meaning behind it. The man was strange but to me they always are. He looked into our cages and actually poked one boy through the bars just to see what he would do. He picked the boy he poked a woman that had lost her mate to a brutal punishment and one more small girl. He looked into my cage and poked me as well. I just looked at him what the hell are you supposed to do when you get poked.
"This one too"
We all stood there naked arms by our side waiting for instructions. He walked all around us before starting at the front of the line inspecting ears, tails, and just our dirty body's in general. Once he got to me he poked the back of my head and told me to turn around. I did and at thirteen years old I made the biggest mistake of my life.
"This one's shoulders are....off. What's wrong with it."
"She was born with that one defect, her shoulders dislocate on there own and jam and all sorts of painful problems for her."
He just hummed and looked at me again. He looked me up and down and told me to turn around again. He held my wrist and moved my arm behind my back not even in a painful manner for most. It was painful for me but not to bad, he took my other arm and did the same thing witch was still okay. Then he took both my arms and twisted them slightly making them dislocate I started to cry quietly so not to break law one: never make a sound unless told to. And yet I'm the only mute neko anyone's ever met. My tail twitching was enough for him to know I was in pain, but not care. He kept twisting a turning and hurting me. I kept quiet but with my ears pinned backs and tail twitching he knew I was in pain.
"Turn back around facing me."
((I did just to be met with a slap, making me cry out. The only sound anyone has ever heard from me was because of pain. I couldn't catch myself because my arms where still out of place. I lied there waiting to be told to get up or something.
"You broke the law. No moving unless told, no sound unless told, your nothing unless told. And none would tell a runtty little defect otherwise. Now get up."))
I popped one of my arms in place and did so to the other. Dealing with this problem on my own for years I have to learn how to deal with it, that doesn't make it any less painful. Finally getting up I stared at the man in front of me with no emotion what so ever on my face, I was not going to give him the pleasure of seeing me in pain.
"What is the name your master gave you"
Our master actually let's the mom's pick the name but that's one more thing I have that tells me I matter.
"I said what's your Name!"
He slapped me after yelling at me an question I couldn't answer.
"She's a mute."
"Mute. She can't talk."
"What else is wrong with it, can it not turn into a cat either!"
"No shes just a little broken."
((The buyer looked at me and spit.
"You really are disgusting and useless, the only thing you'll ever be bought for is the fact that you'll never scream. And hell who would want to get off to nothing?"
He grabbed the mateless woman and claimed her.
"Least this one can't get knocked up"
That poor woman. That's all you can say, that's all that I'll ever say. ))
Once the buyer left we where all told to get back in our cloths and cages. After I got into my cloths I wiped off the spit thinking horrible things I would do to that man. Master went around locking us back up. He paused at my cage and told me to come to him.
"Turn around."
I did, I was tired and my arms hurt, I couldn't feel one of them. I just wanted whatever beating was coming for breaking a law and to get to sleep. That's all I'm good for anyways.
"I'm going to reset your arm. As you know it's gonna hurt like a bitch."
He did and I just silently cried again.
"Get back in your cage. I'll bring you an ice pack later"
He never did bring that ice pack but I was grateful for not getting a beating. I don't know why I was always targeted when it came to really bad homes just to be sent back and told I wasn't good enough. Then even with this one buyer I wasn't enough. It's not my fault I'm small, it's not my fault my shoulders are wrong, and my hairs frizzy, and I'm dirty and .....I'm just a little nothing. It's not my fault, so why do I always suffer.
I cried in my tiny little cage, most of the Neko's told me to shut up. Master even kicked my cage a little when he came to check on us. But one of the mother cats that didn't have a litter at that moment stick her fingers out of her cage door to tell me to pay attention to her.
"I know your sad. I know you feel like it's not fair and it's not. But when it all comes down to it you have three options and whatever you choose will always be one of the few things in your life you can control"
I sniffled and stuck my fingers out my bars to tell her I was lessoning.
"You can hate the world and just let that be the only thing keeping you going, or you can hope for a good master just to be most likely let down with any attitude you want. Or you can be a good person in all ways, and maybe you'll get a good master. Maybe you won't but your attitude towards others and yourself will always be up to you. Personally I choose to love my baby's and my mate. And everything else. It's the hardest choice but it's the best."
I went to sleep thinking of that. I woke up already knowing my answer, maybe I was a little nothing but I'm sure as hell gonna love it and everything else.
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