TEDDY WAS CURLED UP in a ball as her knees touched her chest. Her head rested on her knees and she let out choked sobs. She couldn't believe her own father would even say those words to her, his owm daughter.
She was in the corner of the rooftop the gang and her were on earlier than night. It was the first place she thought of when she apparted and honestly she just needed the fresh air. To add to that, she needed a moment to herself.
So much as happened in the last forty-eight hours. Teddy's bracelet was stolen by a Niffler, she met a cute British man, she got hit by her father and nearly died until her magic came back. She pulled her coat closer to her body and wiped her face.
She's cried so much as well and the wall around her was breaking, practically falling apart. The wall she's worked so hard to build over the years, it was finally crumbling.
At this point Teddy couldn't care less because she was just done. Done with her father, done with her feelings, done with the pain.
Teddy raised her head from her knees as and then took out her wand. She was in no condition to do magic, but at the moment all she needed was a fucking hug.
She disapparted from the rooftop and into the Goldstein resident. She searched all the rooms until she found Newt's case and quickly went down the ladder into the large room of creatures, to where she assumed everyone was.
Tina approached Teddy swiftly and sighed. "Thank Merlin you're okay, I was worried sick-"
Teddy cut her off by wrapping her arms around Tina's neck, hiding her head into her friends shoulder as she tried to muffle her cries. "H-He said he didn't love me."
"Who?" Tina questioned quietly, wrapping her arms around Teddy's waist and held her obviously broken friend close.
"Dad." Teddy whispered.
"Oh hun." Tina held her friend closer, rubbing her back softly as everyone began to gather around.
Teddy broke down in soft sobs, trying to hide away from the world by moving closer to Tina. Her body shook as she felt her knees wobble, clinging onto Tina for dear life.
Newt came over briskly and picked Teddy up. One hand under her legs as the other was carefully placed on her lower back.
He brought her over to the same room she was in hours ago. He tried to lay her down until she tugged on his vest.
Newt held her close and sighed softly. He felt as his heart had daggers being thrown at it.
Teddy is a strong person, but this... this is the real Teddy to Newt. The one that was tired of hiding and just needed a simple sob and hug.
He tried to cox her by rubbing her back softly. Pickett even tried to help by playing in her hair, but Teddy kept shaking and crying.
Her tears stopped eventually, but her heart didn't feel the same. It was as if it was ripped out of her chest and there was just a gaping hole.
Newt stayed quiet and Teddy was silently thankful for that. His hand still went up and down her back in a soothing motion as she sniffled. Her head slowly removed itself from his chest.
"Thank you." She said hoarsely, wiping her eyes.
"You're very welcome." Newt nodded and softly rubbed her shoulder.
"And for the record, whatever he said is false. Anyone who is stupid enough not to love you anymore is a wanker." Newt tried to help boast her mood.
"Only if I could believe that." Teddy mumbled quietly and slowly got off of Newt's lap.
Newt took it as a sign to leave. He got up from the bed and look a glance at Teddy before exiting the room.
Teddy watched him leave and rubbed her face angrily. She couldn't believe she let herself crack like that. She was beyond ashamed of herself.
"Hey Newt," Teddy heard Queenie's soft voice from the other side of the door. "Who is she?"
"Ah... that's no one," Newt answered dismissively. Teddy slowly got up from the bed and leaned on the doorway to listen in.
"Leta Lestrange?" Queenie questions, Teddy furrowed her eyebrows in confusion at the girls name. "I've heard of that family. Aren't they kinda, you know..."
"Please don't read my mind." Teddy slowly came out from her hiding spot and walked over to Queenie who was looking at a photo of a dark-skinned women. The girl in the photo moved, and Teddy assumed it was this Leta person.
"Sorry, I asked you not to," Newt spoke sharply. Teddy looked at Queenie carefully and walked over to Newt.
"I know," Queenie softly spoke. "I'm sorry, I can't help it. People are easiest to read when they're hurting."
"I'm not hurting." Teddy knew he was lying by his soft tone.
She slowly pulled him in a hug, her arms going around his torso trying to calm him down. She understood the pain, even though she didn't know what exactly happened. Pain is something that everyone has felt and Teddy hated how Newt was someone who did.
"Anyway, it was a long time ago." Newt slowly accepts the hug and wraps his arms around Teddy's waist, burying his face into her neck. Teddy felt her skin get goosebumps as his hot breath fanned out onto her cold skin.
"That was a real close friendship you had at school." Queenie carefully adds.
"She was a taker. You need a giver." Queenie glanced at Newt and then at Teddy with a soft grin. Anyone who was around the two could sense this connection they had when they were together.
A loud clap of thunder boomed, causing everyone to jump slightly. The sky above was dark with neon blue and purple lightening striking. Everyone but Newt. He carefully pulled back from Teddy to go over to Frank, his Thunderbird.
"Danger, he senses danger." Newt said calmly as everyone began to gather.
My poor baby Teddy :-(((
Another question: Who's your otp/brotp in this book so far?
Newt + Teddy #Neddy
Tina + Teddy #Tena
Queenie + Teddy #Teenie
Jacob + Teddy #Jaddy
or even Percival + Teddy?¿ #Perddy
Personally I love #Tena and #Neddy
And plz make new ship names for me I'm shit at them.
Oh and please check out my new fanfic "Winchesters" which is a Supernatural and Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them Crossover
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