NEWT JERKED HIS HEAD backwards gesturing to a door as Teddy glanced at it curiously. "Through the door."
"Seems tempting... but you go first. Don't want to risk loosing my bracelet again." Teddy grins.
"Alright then." Newt walked over to the door and left.
Teddy and Jacob exchanged looks before Jacob spoke, "Ladies first."
"Yeah, Jacob, ladies first." Teddy teased.
Jacob rolled his eyes before following after Newt with Teddy on his trail. Her light brown eyes widened at the sight in front of her. There were creatures that Teddy didn't know about right in front of her.
Everywhere she turned her eyes would land on a creature and she loved it. She slowly walked down the stairs and looked around, a small grin spreading on her lips. She was careful of where she stepped because she didn't know what she was getting herself into. Not to mention if these creatures were friendly or not.
"Amazing right?" Jacob looks at Teddy before walking over to Newt who made an umbrella with his wand.
A large bird flies down from the skies, the rain beginning to disperse. The umbrella is flickered away as Newt begins to walk forward to the bird, a grin spreading on his lips.
"He's the real reason I came to America." Newt looked back at Teddy and Jacob. They were watching in awe by the creature in front of them. Teddy swore she's seen the bird before, but it was as if her mind wouldn't let her remember.
"To bring Frank home."
"I was expecting something like Thelonious or extravagant. But Frank? Wow...." Teddy mumbled so only Jacob would be able to hear her, causing the two to snicker.
The two of them took a step forward, wanting to pet the bird-like creature named Frank. "Stay back. He's a bit sensitive to strangers." The magizoologist warned them. Teddy rose an eyebrow and took a step back.
"He was trafficked you see, I found him in Egypt all chained up. I couldn't leave him there I had to bring him back home," Newt explained and rhe paused, petting the bird and rested his head atop of its. "to the wilds of Arizona."
Teddy slowly inched closer, extending her hand out to the bird. Newt was about to protest until Frank slowly lowered his head to her. Teddy and Newt locked eyes for a moment, her brown ones glancing at his green ones.
Teddy allowed herself to grin softly as her fingers danced along Frank's beak. She weaved her fingers through his feathers and timidly pressed a kiss to the Thunderbird's head. She backed away as Frank let out a squawk and flew into the sky above, catching something Newt threw.
Both Jacob and Newt glanced at each other, wondering how Teddy was able to pet Frank without getting attacked.
Teddy ignored their stares, she practically felt them bore into the back of her head. She looked around the large expand of the suitcase and wandered away from the boys, to Newt's dismay. She wandered the grounds until she came across some creatures that she knew by heart. Occamys.
Teddy's mother, Dorothy, used to read her stories about Occamys when she was younger. Her mother used to travel a lot and write about creatures she would come across.
Even though her mother was a no-maj, she held a lot of knowledge about the Wizarding world. Teddy sighed softly and knelt forward near the Occamys.
She slowly reached forward to the snake-like creatures and carefully held one in her arms. She timidly held the Occamy closer, worried that it will attack her since her mother warned her about how defensive they were.
Teddy glanced down at the creature and then back up to find Newt and Jacob watching her. She cleared her throat and licked her lower lip.
"What?" She licked her lower lip and accidently brushed her fingers against the Occamy's feathers, getting a nip from them. She let out a small noise and looked at the two men.
Newt watched her curiously, his head tilting to the side unconsciously, which was quite adorable to Teddy. "Have you encountered these before?"
"My mother... she- uh-" Flashes of her mother's face popped into Teddy's mind.
Memories began to play, most of them were about her mother and some were about her mother, father and herself when she was younger. Suddenly flashes of her mother's lifeless body and bloody face flooded into Teddy's mind. She didn't notice that she was about to fall forward until Newt stood in front of her.
"Hey, don't fall on me now." Newt mumbled as his cold hands held her warm waist. He wanted to ask more questions, but Teddy was currently out of it, looking ahead of her blankly and tears began to pool into her dark eyes.
"I.... I'm sorry." Teddy stepped back from Newt's grip, the feeling of his hands burned against her. She shoved the Occamy into Newt's chest and began to take smaller steps backwards.
"I need to clear my head." She blinked rapidly, trying to get the tears to go away and turned around quickly, walking away.
Newt watched Teddy leave and bit his lip, looking at Jacob for help. The no-maj shrugged and gestured for Newt to follow after her. "If I know what a women needs when she's like that, is a shoulder to cry on. Now go."
Poor Teddy :-( Now go Newt! Console the girl!
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