TEDDY NEVER WENT HOME. Instead of listening to her father, she went to the Goldstein's household. Knowing that Tina would make Newt stay with her in order to keep an eye on him. Plus she hasn't seen Queenie in a long time, might as well drop by for a visit.
As she got into the building, she made sure to check behind her just in case someone happened to follow her. Teddy was slightly paranoid because she never made it home and she knew her father would do something drastic in order for her to listen.
She made her way up the stairs and didn't even bother knocking. Teddy pulled a bobby pin from her hair and began to pick the lock. She leaned against the door and kissed the floor when it opened.
Teddy groaned softly and turned on her back to find Newt staring down at her, with Queenie rushing over.
"Teddy! Sugar, what are you doing?" Queenie asks as she helps Teddy up from the floor.
"Why don't you ask your beloved sister, hm?" Teddy stood up and glared at Tina.
"Teens, you did not." Queenie gasps as she read Teddy's mind turning to her sister.
"Look- I'm sorry Teddy. But I seemed like a good idea at the time-" Tina tried to defend herself.
"Oh so you could get your position back as an Auror? I might be out of the loop of some things, but I'm not stupid. Tina, you know my father and how he is. He tried to fucking ground me." Teddy leaned against the wall as Newt glanced back and forth between to two.
"I'm sorry." Tina sighed and then looked towards Newt and Jacob, who Teddy forgot about. "Since you're here you'll be sharing with these two."
Teddy turned to Newt and grinned mischievously. "Hey, roomie."
After Newt and Jacob went into their room, Teddy looked at Queenie and sighed loudly. "I hate my life."
"No you don't, doll." Queenie offered Teddy a cup of hot chocolate, which she gratefully took.
"Well I do at the moment." Teddy took a sip of her cocoa as the chocolatey goodness soothed her throat.
"My father probably hates me right now. I don't blame him because I'm a little shit right now."
"Theodora Ana Laura Gwendolyn Graves." Queenie said firmly. "You are trying your hardest to make him happy and proud, if anything he should be feeling like an ass for what he's doing. I always see you doing anything in your power to follow him and are willing to do anything to make him happy. You are not a little shit, sugar, never say that about yourself again." Queenie softly placed her hand over Teddy's.
"Thank you, Queens." Teddy smiled slightly and then held her cup of cocoa up with both hands. "I'm going to go to bed now." She walked to the door and opened it slightly.
"Tina really didn't mean for you to get in trouble, you know." Queenie called out. Teddy stopped for a moment and nodded slightly before entering the room.
When Teddy entered the room she expected Newt and Jacob to be asleep, but no. Jacob was stuck getting inside of a suitcase and Newt was no where to be found. Jacob stared at Teddy pleadingly, causing her to sigh and place her cocoa down. She pushed the man inside the case and heard a loud thud.
Newt's head popped out from the case and looked at Teddy suspiciously. "Come on." He said and then went back inside of his case.
Teddy stood there bewildered as she looked down the case. "What the fuck-" She mumbled and held her cup of cocoa with her free hand as she slowly began to go inside the case.
When she got inside the top of the case closed firmly and a creature was flung to her direction, causing her to scream. Teddy dropped her cup on her feet causing the cup to break.
"You damn Brit!" Teddy groaned at looked at her shoes, beginning to pick up the broken pieces but they began to levitate and float away from her, as well as the cocoa on the ground.
"I'm terribly sorry about that." Newt passed her as he handed Jacob, who was behind Teddy, and gave the man some pills and water.
"Whoa, what happened to Mr. Kowalski?" Teddy glanced at the injured man and then Newt.
"One of my creatures bit him." Newt looked at her and then the floor, his shoulders hunched over.
Teddy walked over to him and placed a hand on his back and shoulder, making him stand straighter. "Now Mr. Scamander, that's some terrible posture you got there." She whispered into his ear.
"I uh- thanks." Newt flushed and looked at Jacob who just gave him a simple shrug.
"Now where are the rest of these magical creatures of yours?" Teddy grinned widely and looked around.
Happy Holidays guys! And man, this was shit I'm so sorry.
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