TWO LONG YEARS PASSED after beasts invaded New York along with a dangerous wizard. Theodora Ana Laura Gwendolyn Graves has been looking for her father in those two years, and finally found him underneath a floorboard all battered and bruised I'm the lower side of Wales.
From that day on all Teddy has been nursing her father back to health. Percival Graves was brutally tortured by Gellert Grindlewald after refusing to join his army and refusing to give out information about the MACUSA.
The Graves still lived in New York, the same apartment building as before but this time Teddy was the one protecting her father. He was still weak after being kept away and tortured for a year.
Teddy still talked with Tina and Queenie. Sometimes the Goldstein's would come over and help around the home by cleaning, folding laundry and even just hanging out with them.
But Teddy hasn't talked with someone in a long time, two years to be exact. Newton Artemis Fido Scamander. After their small kiss before he left she assumed that they would meet again somehow, like the universe would bring them together again.
But sadly they haven't since and Teddy has been broken hearted about it. She knows that he is working hard on his book though, even got a copy of it once it came out. She reads a chapter everyday and even brings out her mother's journals to compare or check if his words are correct.
"Teddy, darling, what are you reading?" Percival asks his daughter as she has been cooped up in her room the whole day.
"A book." Teddy grins slyly.
"Mhm, let's see." The book is ripped out of Teddy's grasp and levitates into her father's hands. Teddy shoots up and tries to take the book, which Percival is trying to read the cover.
"Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them by Newt Scamander. Hm, I've heard a lot about this Scamander. Wasn't he the one who-"
"Let his creatures out into New York by accident? Yeah. Now may I have my book?"
"Not with that tone you won't." Percival grins.
"I hate you." Teddy whined and tried to grab the book again.
"I know. The price that comes with being a father." He sighed dramatically before flipping through the pages.
After being found Percival quite being an Auror so he could rekindle his relationship with his daughter. As sad as it sounded, they were never really- close before that. It was always awkward between them with Teddy wanting to impress the hell out of her father, and Percival putting work first so he wasn't reminded of his wife.
Yes it was a shitty thing to do, but Teddy reminded him so much of Dorothy. How kind she was, how determined and stubborn she was. They even looked alike which didn't help Percival. But now, they grew back into place with a new father and daughter relationship.
"You like him don't you?" Percival smirked slightly.
"What- no- give me back my book!" Teddy's face flushed with her father's words. Never in her life would she think he'd ask her that.
"So you do."
"I know that look anywhere Teddy, you can't fool me."
"I can try."
Teddy finally got ahold of her book and kept it close. For some reason she was attached to it. She didn't have anything of Newt's and this was the closest thing she has to something of his.
"Go find him."
"You heard me." Percival walked over to his daughter and looked down at her.
"I can't just go find him, I can't just leave." Teddy held her ground.
"And why's that?"
"Because you'd be alone."
A silence fell over them. Teddy was scared to leave. The thought of not being able to find Newt scared her. Plus, what if he didn't want her the way she would like him? But Percival just grinned, he knew what he was doing and he knew his plan would work.
Percival pursed his lips and softly placed his hands on Teddy's shoulders. "Theodora, we both know I'm capable of handling myself. You've spent enough time here with me. I know what you want, I felt like that before a long time ago, when I first met your mother."
"But-" A knock on the door interrupted Teddy's words.
Teddy looked up at her father in confusion as he just held a firm look. She slowly went over to the door and when she opened it, she felt the air from her lungs leave.
Percival chuckled at the sight and then pushed his daughter towards Newt. Teddy stumbled into Newt's arms, Newt's arms wrapped themselves around her waist.
"Now go." Percival urged them.
"Dad-" Teddy tore her gaze away from Newt's and looked at her father.
"Go." Percival grinned and then shut the door.
Teddy looked up at Newt, who was already looking at her, and chuckled quietly. "It's been a while Scamander."
"It has, Graves." He smiled as his arms tightened around her waist.
Not the perfect ending, but that was the end. I'm so sorry but that was such crap ugghhhh.
I'm glad that this ended the way it did though. You get to guess on what happened next and such. Plus Percival was being a sneaky shit by planning this all out.
Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read this bundle of crap and have a lovely day ♡
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