[22] Project Cupid
Tim's room was crowded as the whole family minus Bruce and Alfred had decided to gather in there, much to his unease. And despite the fact that his room was messy, they had simply settled down as if it was a very routinely situation for them.
Richard was perched up on his computer desk, assuring him every now and then that he didn't weigh enough to break it. Jason had spread out on the couch after kicking Damian to the floor. Barbara and Steph had claimed the bed while Dami had resorted to taking up the carpet but he hadn't stopped giving multiple threats of burning Jay alive.
That left Tim standing in the middle, his arms crossed and eyes flickering from one face to another as if to guess what was the reason behind the emergency gathering.
"Well... I'm honored to have you in my little nest but may I ask why did you all decide to grace me with your presence?" He asked at last when none of them spoke first to clarify the situation.
"We're here for some family talk," Barbara replied, her features set into an encouraging smile, "just catching up with you and the others, right?"
"Hundred percent," Dick backed her up immediately, "we want to spend some time with our lovely little brother."
Damian raided an eyebrow skeptically, "that's not what Todd told me. I am not here for any catching up nor those stupid family bonding activities and if that's the case then I'm leaving."
Tim smiled sarcastically pointing at the door, "please do."
"Now now boys, settle down," Barbara spoke up sensing that a fight could break out if the two weren't interrupted, "and yes, Damian, it's more than just catching up but you have to be patient. We're all family, we stick together for one another. So you are definitely not stepping a foot out of this room."
She had given him the characteristic BatMom look which meant that he would be in trouble if he did not oblige with her so he gave up and sat back down. Though he did grumble something inaudible which apparently only Jay had heard as he burst out laughing but didn't tell on him when Dick asked about it.
"Alright so what's this catching up scenario then?" Tim asked as he sat down cross legged on the floor, making sure to stay away from the carpet because he was well aware that Damian would go into gremlin mode any minute.
"In simple words, our lovely Spoiler spoiled your secret," Jay remarked, eyes twinkling in mischief, "fair warning, get ready to be bulldozed by this emergency Project Cupid."
"Hey, Project Cupid actually is a very nice title for this," Richard spoke up with a smile playing upon his lips.
Tim's eyes widened and his features had contracted in alarm as he realized exactly why the emergency gathering had been called. Steph had let the cat out of the bag and now the whole family wanted to join in on the opportunity of flustering him.
Or in other words, they had gathered to give him some unwanted dating advice.
He glared at Steph, "so that's why you've been so quiet this whole time...?"
Steph looked up and shook her head in denial, "wait no Tim, that's not..."
He cut her short, "you told them? How could you? I trusted you and you crumpled it up in a paper ball and threw it in the garbage... Stephanie, I have never felt so betrayed my whole life!"
Jay sneakily took out his phone and pressed the Record button as he leaned back to get a clearer view. But that earned him a cushion thrown by Barbara right on his chest such that his phone tumbled out of his hands and fell in the middle of the couch seat, keeping him occupied for a few minutes as he searched for it.
"I bet you forgot that one time Cassie had thrown you off Gotham Tower because I'm pretty sure that was betrayal at it's finest," Steph stated.
"She had only done that because she knew Dick was down there and he would have caught me anyway. That's a totally different situation! But you have gone and stabbed me in the back... Something which I definitely did not expect from you."
She rolled her eyes at him, "stop being such a drama queen."
"Stop being such a lousy friend," he snapped back.
Green eyes widened threateningly as she spoke, "Timothy Jackson Drake, you did not just say that!"
"Stephanie forgot your middle name Brown you've brought this upon yourself!"
"Now who's being the lousy friend? I do not have a middle name and you should have known that."
He sighed, choosing not to answer to her remark as he spoke up instead, "could you not just keep it to yourself for a few more days at least? You had promised not to tell anyone..."
Jay straightened when he had finally found his phone and as he seemed to have gotten bored with the useless banter, he threw the cushion right on Tim's face, "stop whining, kid. Let the elders talk."
Damian managed to disguise a small smile that had threatened to break out on his face while Richard decided to take the conversation forward.
"As Jay so eloquently remarked, let us talk first then you can complain all you want."
Tim huffed hugging the cushion closer to himself out of habit for he was feeling rather defensive at the moment, "fine. Just get it over with as soon as possible."
"So now that we all know you like Dora... We wanted to help you out with wooing her," Barbara took the lead, "think of this like a little support group because all of us want the very best for you."
"Alright..." He was still not convinced by their motives as his face was set in a small frown and his eyes were constantly sweeping from one person to another as if checking for signs of deception.
"We know she's a very nice girl because Steph and I have met her personally," Richard added, "in fact the only reason I went to the coffee shop was to see what Dora was like and let's just say I approve, Timmy. You have my blessing."
Tim seemed to have given up on arguing with them as he just nodded and allowed them to resume, knowing full well that there was no escape from them all.
Jay remarked once again for he simply couldn't remain silent for five minutes even, "long story short, we're here to give you dating advice because we know you would suck otherwise and any girl would dump you first chance she got."
"Jason," Richard rebuked him at which he merely shrugged and rolled his eyes.
"I agree with Todd. That's the first time he's totally correct."
"Let them be," Tim spoke up at last, "and resume with whatever you guys are up to. No matter how absolutely unnecessary..."
However, Richard interrupted him that once, "even the smallest of things can make or break your life. So pay close attention."
Dami nodded, smiling slightly, "yes Drake, pay attention or else you will be no good than that King Aethulwulf you had once mentioned."
"Surprising that you still remember that."
Steph spoke up next, "look, you're angry that I told all of them so I'll clarify. I told Barbara but Dick overheard us. So it's not my fault if the whole clan knows. I bet he even told Cass and Duke."
Tim's gaze averted to Richard who had a rather sheepish expression on his face, "well... I got excited?"
"What are you, a teenage fangirl?"
"No Jay, I am a responsible elder brother who wants Timmy to get the girl," Richard snapped back at Jason, "unlike you who's simply here for the drama."
"Don't look at me like that," Jay shrugged, "I'm not the only one. Dami had insisted bringing popcorns."
Damian shook his head, "I had not."
"Don't lie, gremlin, you totally had."
"Shut up," Barbara had to silence them, "the only drama here is you people squabbling like preschoolers."
"Hear hear," Steph raised a hand as well.
Tim sighed wearily as he glanced at the clock noting that a considerable amount of time had been wasted already, "when are you going to leave?"
"When we are sure that you will ask her out tomorrow," Richard replied nonchalantly.
Tim looked at him in utter disbelief, "what?"
"Yes. Ask her out. Tomorrow."
Tim let out an exhausted sigh as he dropped his head on his hands, "Why... Do... You... Always... Torture... Me?"
"This is not torture kid," Dick added, "you torture yourself by not sleeping for weeks. This is nothing compared to that."
"I beg to differ..."
"Honestly Tim just stop acting like a baby and for once act like an adult," Steph muttered, "God, its so hard to believe that you're eighteen."
He shook his head in disappointment, "you guys don't understand. I get it that you all are concerned for me and just want to help me out, trust me I appreciate that. But none of your suggestions would work. Dora probably just considers me as a friend and I don't want to risk that."
"She likes you too," Steph replied offhandedly, "and no she hasn't told me yet but I'm sure you two would do great together."
He looked up but was still slightly dubious, "isn't it a little too soon?"
"You've known her for a month now!"
"But I can't ask her out," he reasoned, "she helps Al with the coffee shop and probably wouldn't want to burden her brother just to go out with me."
Barbara gave him an understanding look, "we know, that's why we have even sorted that out."
Surprise flickered on his features, "what's that supposed to mean?"
"Since I am definitely not a lousy friend," Steph spoke up giving him a pointed glare which he returned with the same hostility, "I will help Alex tomorrow and Dora will be free to go out with you. As for convincing them both, I will do that too. You won't have to worry about it because unlike your dumb accusation, I am a very good friend."
"Now that's a whole new level of generous," Jay remarked.
Barbara added, "Steph had told me that Dora's new to Gotham and didn't get the time to go out for sightseeing. So why don't you show her around? She'll like that."
"Take her to the amusement park," Richard quipped, "perfect for a first date."
"No the pizzeria, that's perfect for a first date."
"Go drop in a manhole," Damian muttered, "perfect for any of your dates."
"Damian, behave!"
"Or you could always go to the movies."
"Or to Gotham Square, she will find it interesting."
Tim was barely even listening to any of them since his mind had gone on a different track of what could happen if she refused. But he dared not voice it out because that would prolong their stay in his room which he definitely did not want.
At last Jay got up, stretching his limbs as he ran a hand though his hair, pulling up the white streak that contrasted with his otherwise jet black head, "well this has been a very lovely family bonding time but I've gotta leave now."
Steph looked at him suspiciously, "where are you going?"
He shrugged, "my bike has run out of gas, it needs a refill."
"Are you sure?"
"Why, you want to help me in dragging it to the pump?"
As expected she refused, "no thanks, go by yourself."
"That's exactly what I had said earlier," he then turned to face Tim, "oh and don't worry, Replacement. Everything is going to turn out just fine. And if it doesn't, then we'll know for certain that you're cursed with misfortune."
"Shut up Jay," Tim mumbled though he could already sense a thousand little things that could go wrong and he knew well that misfortune had a persistent hobby of following him.
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