day 11 with jaehyung
we went to the theme park that was by the beach, and the rides were something that jaehyung enjoyed, though it kinda tired him out and now he's munching off to his meal. it was hard to not watch him hungrily shoving seven pieces of fries into his mouth all at once, it made me chuckle a bit.
though i didn't really eat too much, i'm contented with jaehyung eating his heart out, it made me feel full although all i had was just a soft drink.
i pulled my gaze off to somewhere else, until my eyes lands on the ferris wheel. the ride wasn't too far, in fact, it's literally just behind us.
turning back to jaehyung, i see him silently munching on fries and taking loud sips of his soda. i scoffed as the corner of my lip tugs upward a little, then, i turn back to the ferris wheel.
should i ride it with him?
no, that's so gay.
suddenly, "i want.." jaehyung spoke, pointing at the ferris wheel. i furrow my brows, his question almost made me think that he's somewhat a mind reader.
"you wanna ride it?"
he nods quickly, "l-let's.. ride it." he stands up excitedly, and i smile at his actions. though his excitedness falls a little when his eyes landed on his dirty hands, his lips form into a pout.
"come, let's get your hands cleaned up first." it was my turn to stand up, grabbing our belongings before i held his wrist gently.
the walk to the restroom wasn't too far, and we wouldn't miss the ride, so i walked at a pace where jaehyung could easily keep up. although he has long legs, he usually stutters inbetween his steps, which causes him to lag behind.
as we walked, the wind slightly breezes through my face, along with my hair. it's not cold whatsoever, but the feeling was refreshing. and i found myself dazed at the boy under my grip, his hair also flowing through the wind as his eyes blinks a few times to avoid the dust, despite having glasses on.
somehow, the pressure i had earlier was gone by a second. the one time i spare a glance at him, i didn't feel obligated to do anything for him at all; he just looked free. he also felt like a friend i've had for a long time now, someone who i could confide in, while he'd feel the same towards me.
if he was never abducted, would we have met and become best friends? i don't know. wait no, i'm not a good person, he'd hate me.
i shake my thoughts away, it's pointless to be so sad about it. after all, this is just temporary. he's gonna go back, forget all about this and most importantly, live a better life than mine.
there's a slight tinge of envy in me.. maybe i should serve time in jail and get my life together.
finally, we reach the restroom which was, thankfully, empty. i didn't want to deal with anyone watching me wash jaehyung's hands, since the last time he tried to, he wet himself all over.
still having his wrist on my hand, i lead him to the sink to roll his sleeves up. i lather up his hands with the pump of soap i took, and i could feel his stare on me.
"we can't have you all wet, so i'm washing your hands myself." without sparing a glance, i continued to wash his fingers where i realized how long and bony they were. "your hands are huge."
"great choice of words." i snickered.
as i was drying up his hands with a bunch of tissues, three kids came from the door that just violently swung, and though i ignored it, i caught a glimpse of jaehyung flinching.
concern washes over me as soon as my eyes landed on his, and i could see them shaking in fear while he tries to maintain his stance. i don't exactly understand how he's feeling right now, but something in me is telling me to hold him tight, so i did. i firmly held his hand and gave the most reassuring smile i could manage to give.
and it was only a split second, but his eyes starts to light up a little.
"let's go." i say, and he nods.
though we spent quite some time in the bathroom, we somehow made it in time, at least i hope so. it was a few more steps until we reach the ferris wheel, and although it wasn't far from the restroom, it feels like we're going on a damn hike.
when we got to the stairs, there was just a short line of couples and some group of friends. finally, it's our turn to join a cubicle, but the operator moves the ride.
"hold it, couples get one cubicle all for themselves." the operator said nonchalantly, and my eyes widens a little as the emptied cubicle lands slowly. "enjoy the ride, weirdos." he rolled his eyes before opening the door.
the shock subsided and replaced with irritation, whether jaehyung is my boyfriend or not, the term 'weirdos' just puts me off. what the hell was that about?
i couldn't sit back and let the asshole be, so i grip the latter's hand, and before we got into the ride, i glare at the operator.
"we're not a couple but we probably get more physical action than a virgin like you would." i stated, my tone seeming to come off aggressive based on the look the operator had, but i kept my glare on him until the cubicle shuts and moves.
sighing, i let my grip loose from the boy's hand. i was so close to losing my anger, but i realized i shouldn't let it overcome me, especially since jaehyung's here.
the space in the cubicle is kinda small, but it was just enough space for two people. except that jaehyung has some long ass legs, and well, his legs are inbetween my knees. i couldn't move my legs aside as i'm stuck in this position.
it's not going so bad though, of course it isn't. seeing jaehyung's bright smile as he stares out the small window makes it better. at least he's happy.
since i had nothing to do, – and well, curiousity strikes again – my hand reaches out for his, just so i could place it on top of mine to compare sizes. the results weren't surprising, his fingers were overlapping mine, while my palms were wider than his.
suddenly, a small chuckle comes out from him. "so small." he mumbles.
unfortunately, it was loud enough for me to hear.
"so small, huh?" i scoff, "i just missed a growth spurt. if i were as tall as you are, you'd be weeping 'cause your ass would be whooped."
"wow, scary."
the sarcastic remark just left me at loss of words, but there's no silence since he ended up snickering at himself.
his laugh slowly grows into a fit, and somehow, i ended up laughing too. it was stupid. there was nothing to laugh at, but in this moment, there was no need for a reason.
and for once, the air finally felt lighter with him.
sorry jot proofread so this is rly bad writing Haha OOP
ALSO WTF thanks for reading this fic?? it reached #3 in #jaehyungparkian im gonna shed tears omg
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