day 10 with jaehyung
something odd is happening.
jaehyung won't stop bitching, and i have no idea why. for instance, he goes over to the body-sized mirror by the bathroom, and he comes back with tears in his eyes. when i ask him what's wrong, he doesn't respond, or he just shakes his head and brushes it off.
this has been going on since yesterday, i also can't help but notice that he's eating less than usual. however, he'd do things to get my food, such as staring at me until i defeatedly hand my plate over. i don't really work up an appetite, but whenever jaehyung does, it happens to be when i'm really hungry.
now, i'm locked up in my room, snacking on the box of cereals that he occasionally ran to the kitchen for. i can't be assed to deal with his bullshit, but it's mostly because i'm hungry and i need to eat without him snatching my food away.
although, realization started to hit me. this is my own house and i get to do what i want, so why am i hiding in my room?
"what the hell am I doing?" i sighed, running a hand through my face and tossing the cereal box away. am i really being terrorized in my own home?
i stood up, and the little cereal crumbs that was seated on my shirt falls off to my feet. i brush it off and opened the door, only to fall back after jaehyung tripped a little in front of me. "what the hell, jae—"
his head falls straight on my shoulder, his body falling weak into my arms but i caught him as quick as i could. "jae?" i call, lifting his head up to only see the skin around his mouth inflamed and his cheeks were puffed up.
there were sweat beads sitting atop his forehead, under his bouncy hair that now laid dense due to being damp. i wipe the sweat with the back of my hand, and though he's drenched in his sweat, his body is freezing cold. my stomach drops at the sight.
shit, shit, what the fuck happened?
"jaehyung, are you okay?" my heart is racing, and my mind went blank. i didn't wait for him to respond, instead, i hastily carried him to my bed. when i laid him onto the mattress, his chest grows and falls dramatically, and his brows were furrowed with pain.
the lump in my throat starts to build up, as the sound of his heaved breaths sends me into a cold sweat. "what the hell did you eat?" i gulp the lump in my throat, oh god, he's gonna die.
he struggles to speak, ", s-straw.. strawbe– strawberry."
and it clicked.
he's allergic to strawberries.
"oh my god, you fucking idiot." i try to think of a way to keep Jaehyung alive, but i couldn't think of anything but making a run to the pharmacy. it's just a block away, and i could probably make it in time but if i leave him here alone, who knows what would happen?
but if i don't do anything, he might die.
i'd go mental if anything happens to him.
"hold on, i'll get you some water." i say, and he nods. i didn't spare any time and quickly ran to the kitchen, pouring a glass of water that was warm enough for him to drink.
a few spills of water was bound to happen as my dash back to my room was hasty, but there was enough water in the cup for jaehyung to drink. when i came back, i see his breathing calming down a little, but it seems that he's still struggling to catch his breath.
setting the cup on the nightstand beside the bed, i sit the frail boy up. "drink up." i hand the cup and he gulps the entire cup in a second.
after a few minutes, he finally catches his breath. his breathing isn't at its best yet, but at least he was able to calm down. he puts the cup away, before looking at me with his swollen eyes. "sorry.." he says.
"don't be sorry." i responded, and he nods.
his cheeks were still swole, and his body was falling weak, seeing that he laid back down from sitting. draping the blankets over his freezing body, i started to feel guilty. "jeez, you should've told me, you idiot." resisting the urge to flick his forehead, i could only sigh.
but deep down, i knew it was my fault. he was already showing signs, from the mirror issue, to his hunger for food. i thought that he was just sad at the sight of himself, but it turns out that he was whining due to the rashes on his skin that i just noticed.
there were a bunch of it on his neck, falling to his collarbone and there were more on his forearms. oh god, you really took it out on him.
he turns to face me with a pitiful look on his face. i couldn't look at him in his eyes, as the guilt and anxiety starts to build up even more in my stomach.
yet, his hand reaches my cheeks. "i.. i'm," he stammers, "i'm okay."
no, you're not, you idiot.
i couldn't speak, his reassuring smile was enough to keep my mouth shut.
he doesn't say anything, but he pulls his gaze away, along with his hand. the silence starts to build up, his heaved breaths were slowly calming down and so were mine. we stayed like this for a few minutes, until i decided to break the silence.
"get some rest, i'll buy your medicine." i pat his shoulder.
is he.. you know.. finally warming up to jae
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