Episode 4: The First Mission
Alison, Nuada, and Xavier then gear up with some Homeland Security agents and they head out to downtown Washington, to find and apprehend a member of the mercenary terrorist group they are tracking, "Shadow of Death." Hobbs begins to give the mission briefing.
"Okay everyone listen up, our mission is to apprehend a man named simply 'Watcher'. He is supposedly the lead hacker of the terrorist group we are after. Our mission is simple, we go in and bag and tag. Focus at all times, search every checkpoint and every corner. Do not stop until you find him!" says Hobbs.
The driver then knocks on the window and tells the the team that he found the location of "Watcher" on his GPS system.
"Okay team. Gear up and get ready to move out!" says Lionel. The team follows the GPS trail into the building of a former citywide mall. Once they were in, they searched the premises for the hacker named "Watcher".
Moments later Alison spotted a mysterious man in a black hoodie, with black jeans and black workman like boots. The mysterious figure then sees Alison and begins to run through the building.
"I have the target, I need back up ASAP!" exclaimed Alison, as she chased Watcher into the streets of downtown Washington.
"Lawson, what is your location?" Asks Hobbs.
"I am on 64th street near the Museum of American History!" Hobbs tells Mary to go after her, but Nuada and Xavier manage to steal motorcycles from two bikers and they race to help Alison catch "Watcher".
Meanwhile, Alison manages to catch up with "Watcher", but Watcher shoots her in her shoulder, knocking her down in the process. Watcher tries to finish off Alison, attempting to shoot her in the head, but Nuada shoots the gun out of the hackers hand and Xavier jumps from his bike, tackling "Watcher" to the ground.
Watcher kicks Xavier in the face and tries to escape again, but Xavier stops Watcher by shooting him in the left kneecap.
"Arrrghhh!!! Damn son of a bitch! I'll make you pay for-" Xavier cuts him off by punching him in the jaw.
"Watcher is down for the count Hobbs. Alison is hurt, but we have him," Xavier says into his earpiece. Hobbs places Watcher in some handcuffs and takes him into the convoy truck.
"Good job you guys. You gonna be okay Ms. Lawson?" asks Lionel.
"Yeah... It's just a flesh wound, I have had plenty of those before," Replies Alison.
"Yeah these kevlar vests are slowing us down and we have a higher chance of getting critically injured or killed," says Xavier.
"Indeed, since they have armor piercing rounds, we could have been killed on this mission. We need to be ready next time Lionel," Nuada points out.
"You are most certainly right, agent. I will have 'Zero' get you all ready for future missions, let's go home team," says Hobbs.
4 days before the state of the union address... The next morning, Nuada talks to Johnny and he shows her the device that he is working on for the nuclear bomb.
"Booyah! What do you think huh?" asks Johnny. Nuada forms a confused look on her face upon seeing Johnny's invention.
"What the hell is it?" she asks.
"That right there, is a replica of the bombs core. Now if I switch the core around with this one, it will cause a malfunction in the system causing it to fall apart on itself," Johnny explains.
"Nice," replies Nuada.
"See, I told you guys I can do more than just hack computers," says Johnny.
"Did you get the order from Hobbs?" Nuada asks.
"About that, I asked Ron to take care of that after you guys left yesterday. He actually went snooping and surveyed the damage on Hobbs' vest from the attack on his team, three days ago," says Johnny.
Nuada goes into the lab room, where Ronald is stationed, along with Viviano. "Oh Nuada, glad you can join us today. I have some things to show the both of you," says Ronald.
"Now Xavier said that we needed better gear, well I did that and more my fair ladies," Ronald pulls out a briefcase and he reveals a mysterious suit of armor.
"Hardened Kevlar plates with extensive tri-weave fibers for flexibility. The Kevlar metal also has fragments of the substance known as promethium laced on it. Meaning that Shotguns, Automatics and handguns won't leave a dent in us. Somebody pulls out a Rocket Launcher or a grenade however, well kiss your ass goodbye," says Ronald.
Ronald grabs a remote and he clicks a button that makes a tray come down from the ceiling, showing an enigmatic looking weapon.
"This bad boy right here, is the dragons tooth handgun. Coated with the same material as our suits and has four modes of shooting. Silent, Burst, Magnum and Automatic," says Ronald. Viviano and Nuada both have impressed expressions on their faces.
"Now Viviano..." Viviano interrupted Ronald before he could get his sentence out.
"Please, call me Viv'," she says.
"Okay Viv', this is for you," Ronald pulls out another case that is bigger than the last one he had.
"Now Viv', remember when you said, during our initiation, that your old sniper rifle was getting rusty? Well I took it apart and I gave it a major overhaul. Now it is stronger, better and more efficient," Ronald opens the case and shows Viviano the new sniper weapon.
"Like our handguns, it is composed of the same material as our suits, but this hellion is not your ordinary sniper rifle," Ronald let's out a sly smile, and he further explains the mechanics of the weapon.
"It has a grappling hook, made out Damascus steel, coated in mercury and acid with fragments of diamonds. Heat seeking sniper bullets, they allow you not miss a target. Stun bullets, they knock a person out upon impact. And of course, your regular hollow point sniper bullets," explains Ronald.
"Mini Grenade Launcher, you know how this baby works. It can launch any grenade weather it's incindary, explosive or even acid, this baby will pop 'em out. And of course, the launcher is detachable. Infrared scope, can detect and scan enimies in the most impossible places. It also has a night vision function too. I call this rifle the SK-900," Viviano carefully takes the weapon and she inspects it.
"Hmmmmm.... It's light, elegant and deadly. I think I just found my soulmate," she says.
"Oh, I almost forgot, your rifle Viv', has a security mechanism that can ward off thieves. That means no one can hold it but you," explains Ronald.
Meanwhile, Hobbs and Lionel are interrogating "Watcher" for information on the location of the nuclear bomb.
"Now I am going to make this short and sweet, see I have done all kinds of interrogations, but for you... I'm gonna cut to the chase and skip the bullshit. Tell me where the Nuclear bomb is," demands Hobbs. "Watcher" replies, by spitting at their feet.
"We don't have time for this," says Lionel. Lionel then takes out a .45 caliber pistol and he points it at "Watchers" head.
"You tell us where the bomb is or I will make your little organization smaller by putting a bullet into a head!" exclaims Lionel.
"I will die before I talk!" Watcher fearlessly yells in Arabic before shouting profane slurs in the same language to further push Lionel into shooting him. Hobbs stops him and he suggests a different plan.
"We need someone who can speak Arabic, someone that he does not mind sharing these things with," Lionel figures out what Hobbs is really saying.
"You mean you want to have one of the new recruits try to get the information out of this piece of trash?" asks Lionel.
"Yes, but not any new recruit, bring me Viviano, she is the person I need right now," says Hobbs. Moments later, Lionel grabs Viviano and tells her to help him and Hobbs get the information of the bomb out of "Watcher".
"All brawn, but no mind I see. Mr. Lionel, you should know that he is very loyal to his organization and he will not give the information up with threats, you need a more delicate approach to these interrogations. Watch and learn my friends," says Viviano.
Viviano then goes into the interrogation room and confronts "Watcher", with Hobbs and Lionel looking on in the glass window in the background. Viviano speaks to "Watcher" in Arabic.
"I am deeply sorry about my superior Officer, he is a bit short on manners. I, on the other hand, have not forgotten my manners," she says.
"Who are you? You seem mysterious..." Watcher Says in the same language. Viviano pulls out a file on "Watcher" and the terrorist group he works for.
"'Shadow of Death', responsible for the deaths of two Chinese officers, a French ambassador, The Pope of the Vatican and their latest atrocity, the murder of a South African Governor. So I must ask, why are you working for them?" asks Viviano.
"I prefer that you receive the information from me in English," replies "Watcher".
"Okay, so why are you planning to destroy America? What do you gain from this?" asks Viviano, switching to English.
"We come here not as Terrorists, but as messengers. We are here to reform America, we will turn this country into a stronger nation and it will be led by us," says "Watcher".
"So you are planning to take over the country by threatening to destroy it?" Viviano questions.
"Yes, it will instil fear into the hearts of every last man, woman and child of this godforsaken country," answers "Watcher".
"But, we had to take out a few obstacles along the way. First was the Pope of the Vatican. The old fool was aiding in the fight against us, as soon as we disposed of him, the rest of our targets fell into our laps, like paper that was cut by a knife. One by bloody one we picked them off," says "Watcher".
"And now, we have arrived here in America, With the bomb that we have taken from your military forces. Once we have detonated it, this country will enter a new era, the likes of which it has never seen before! And there will be nothing you can do to stop us from making that vision, a reality," "Watcher" boasts.
"Thank You for your cooperation, you are free to go," says Viviano, with a smirk on her face. A surprised Watcher hobbles his way out of the interrogation room.
"What the hell is she doing?" asks Lionel.
"I don't know, but I have a feeling that she has something up her sleeve," says Hobbs. After "Watcher" is let go, Lionel and Hobbs then question Viviano on the interrogation.
"Now, explain to me, what in the devils name have you done?" asks Lionel.
"Just have a look at this, you can thank me later," Hobbs and Lionel then look at a device that has a location marker on "Watcher".
"You placed a tracking device on him?" Viviano cuts Lionel off and says, "Are we going to talk about how I did this, or are we going to find the bomb?"
Hobbs quickly tells the other recruits to gear up and get ready to head out to the location of the bomb, so that they can stop Shadow of Death's plan.
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