Tuesday, May 17th. 12:00am.
On board the Jet, the C.H.A.O.S. team, along with the two new recruits and they are seen receiving a message from Michelle Kaliso.
"Okay talk to us Michelle, what have we got?" asks Ronald.
"Team, your mission is to infiltrate a base off the coast of Washington, we got word that there were black ops soldiers holding multiple Secret Service agents captive. They are hiding out on this military boat, with the hostages being trapped in the main deck," says Michelle.
"It looks like there are multiple agents on each section of the boat, I suggest we split up into two teams and secure the areas of the boat," says Xavier.
"Hey you two, this is your first mission with us. This won't be like the training program!" Ronald says to Ian and Christy, as the jet doors open up.
"Don't worry, we can both handle pressure in any situation," says Ian.
"What, like that time you needed my help to rescue you from a squad of Raccoons while we were camping out?" asks Christy.
"I thought we agreed to never mention that," says Ian.
"What? It was funny, you were so lucky I didn't bring my camera, you could have been famous," Christy says, trying to tease Ian.
"You're evil," says Ian.
"You still have my back," says Christy.
"All right guys, grab your chutes! We have arrived at the destination!" says Ronald. The jet hovers over the sea, making the water form ripples in the current. The team then activates their oxygen masks as they prepare to exit the jet.
"All right ladies, let's rock!" says Alexandria.
The team jumps out of the jet in unison and into the sea, swimming towards the black ops cargo boat in complete silence. The team splits up in teams of two, in a better effort to cover the boat. Xavier and Johnny sneak around to the main deck and they shoot two Black Ops Soldiers in the chest. They then dump their bodies in the ocean, leaving not a single trace behind.
"Main deck secure!" whispers Johnny. At the back deck, Christy and Ian are seen placing small blocks of C4 on the walls. Ian looks at the holographic projector on his wrist and he sees several hostiles approaching their location from the left and right side.
"Chris, we got company coming, 12 and 1 o'clock," says Ian.
"Copy that, let's shut em down!" Christy and Ian jump of the side of the boat and they lie in wait, hanging off of the outer walls. Two Black Ops thugs get to the back deck, but they see no one there.
"On my mark Ian... three, two, one... now!" Christy and Ian quickly jump back onto the boat, startling the Black Ops thugs. One of the thugs tries to punch Christy, but she blocks it and she shoots him in the abdomen, placing three shots in the stomach.
The second Black Ops thug tries to stab Ian with a knife, but Ian blocks the attempt, grabs the knife and he stabs the thug in the left kneecap. As the thug screams in pain, Ian finishes him off with a gunshot to the head.
"Damn, nice shot!" says Christy.
"Thanks, not too bad yourself," says Ian. Elsewhere, in the steaming boiler room area, three thugs search the area for any hostiles, but they don't find anyone or anything, amongst the rusty pipes and overflowing steam.
"Hey sailor..." says Alison. One of the thugs looks to his right and he sees Alison, standing next to him with a pipe in her hand. Alison hits the thug in jaw with the pipe and she breaks his neck by wrapping her left leg around it. The other two thugs try to attack Alison from behind, but Nuada shoots them both in the kneecaps and kicks them over a ledge.
"Set the charges," says Nuada. Alison and Nuada set the C4 charges on each pipe that is in front of them, Nuada instinctively shoots a Black Ops thug in the skull, as he tries to approach her with a knife.
"Boiler room secure," says Alison.
"Great job guys, we'll see you at the extraction point," says Ronald, over Alison's wrist communicator. Ronald and Alexandria arrive at the upper deck, standing face to face with four Black Ops thugs.
"You take the two on the left, I got the two on the right, " says Ronald.
"Easy amigo, like taking a stroll in the park," says a confident Alexandria. The four thugs charge at Ronald and Alexandria, attempting to attack them both at once. Ronald throws a knife at one of the thugs shoulder and he trades punches with another.
Ronald rapidly blocks the thugs attacks, chops his neck, and he hits him with a snapmare into a Single Leg Boston Crab. Ronald then breaks the thugs leg and stabs him in the back of the skull with a knife.
Alexandria takes out her gun and she begins to twirl it in her right hand. The Black Ops thugs charge at her, but she shoots them in the kneecaps and shoulders. Alexandria then shoots both of the thugs in the heart, ending their lives quickly. Ronald then looks on the virtual interface and he sees that the secret service agents are being held at gunpoint by a Black Ops operative.
"Viviano, what's your status?" Ronald asks into his wrist communicator.
"Perched on the main deck, I've got eyes on the target," says Viviano.
"On my mark... three, two, one," says Ronald. Viviano takes the shot with her sniper rifle, shooting the operative in the skull.
"Nice job Viv' we got the hostages, I'll see you at the extraction point," says Ronald.
As Viviano rises to her feet, the leader of the Black Ops unit attacks her. Viviano manages to defend against The Leaders flurry of attacks and she pushes him back with a front kick to the abdomen. The Leader then throws a flurry of kicks at Viviano, but she blocks them and she kills him by stabbing him in the chest and skull, with a hidden blade that was in her left wrist.
Viviano meets up with the others at the bottom deck. The jet smoothly comes around to them and they get the hostages onto the aircraft.
"Let's blow it guys," says Ronald. As the team gets on the jet along with the Hostages, Christy presses the button on the C4 charges and the boat explodes in a cloud of fire that vibrates the entire sea.
"Holy shit!" says Christy.
"Nice work guys. And you two, excellent work!" says Ronald.
"Well, thanks..." says Christy.
"Well, for our first mission, this turned out well," says Ian. Five hours later, back at the Homeland Security base, Viviano is seen on a personal laptop of hers, surfing the Internet.
"I never thought that you were a techie," says Ronald, walking into the base.
"There are a lot of things that you don't know about me, my friend," says Viviano.
"Really, like what?" asks Ronald.
"My favorite food is pink salmon, seasoned with lemon pepper, greens tossed with balsamic and some red wine, aged 12 years," says Viviano.
"You have good taste... I can do you one better," says Ronald.
"Really? Try me!" says Viviano while chuckling.
"All right. A nice big steak, seared at just the right temperature, seasoned with herbs and sauce. Ceaser Salad tossed with Thousand Island dressing. And for the drink, White Wine, aged 12 years and chilled," says Ronald.
"Oh nice, I would have to steal that one from you," says Viviano.
"You have been distant from everyone, everything okay?" asks Ronald.
"Yes, everything is fine, just working on something," says Viviano.
"Can I see what it is?" asks Ronald.
"No, it's nothing. Just something I have been really working on," says Viviano.
"Viv' you have been acting very strange as of late. All you do is complete missions that we go on and you don't talk to anyone. You simply just avoid contact with all of us," says Ronald.
"Well, I guess I just want to be alone," says Viviano.
"You know, back when we were in the military, you were very open to me. You didn't hide anything from me. What's changed?" asks Ronald.
"Some secrets are just not worth talking over I guess," says Viviano.
"There is one secret that you shared with me... your style of fighting." Says Ronald.
"I remembered when we spared together, it seems like only yesterday," says Viviano.
"Why don't you spar with me now? Just for old times sake?" asks Ronald.
"As you wish Ron, but I'm not going to go easy on you though," says Viviano.
"I don't expect you to. Meet me in the training room in five minutes," says Ronald.
"I'll be there, just don't be surprised if I kick your ass again," says Viviano. Moments later, Viviano meets Ronald in the training area ready to spar with him. Ronald takes off his jacket, while Viviano does the same.
"You have the first move Ron..." Viviano accomadates Ronald. Ronald attacks Viviano with a flurry of punches and kicks, but she blocks them all in succession. Ronald then tries to hit Viviano with a roundhouse kick, but Viviano ducks underneath and she tries to hit Ronald with a spinning backfist, but Ronald ducks under the attack.
"You have gotten better since the last time. I am impressed," Viviano says while chuckling.
"You changed up your style a little, the last time we fought, you were just as aggressive as me," says Ronald.
"As I got older Ron, my style of fighting changed along with my outlook on life. That's what happens when you are injected with a serum that enhances you," says Viviano.
"You never told me that. You had a drug injected into your body?" asks Ronald.
"It was forced on me, during my time with the KGB. The drug slows my aging to a crawl, making me still appear young," says Viviano.
"So, it's no wonder you still look like you are in your early twenty's," Ronald says, while standing ready to defend.
"I'm actually close to 50. I was born in 1965," says Viviano. Ronald tries to punch Viviano, but she catches his fist and flips him over on his back. Ronald then suddenly trips Viviano and traps her in a leg bar.
"For a woman who can see things coming, you certainly missed that," says Ronald. Viviano kicks Ronald in side of the face and she handsprings to her feet.
"I'm still human, I can get caught off guard. It just doesn't happen often for me," says Viviano, as she lossens up her arms. Ronald tries a low spin kick, but Viviano lifts up her foot dodging the attack. Ronald attempts another roundhouse kick on Viviano, but she ducks below and chops Ronald's leg.
Ronald then begins to center his level of gravity, acting as if he is freeing himself from chains. Viviano tries to attack him, but Ronald evades her every attack by moving like he was dancing.
"Ah, Caporiea. Very unique style, did not know you had a background in that," says Viviano.
"I took it up ever since my sister passed away, you know that story already," says Ronald.
"Yes, your sister passed away due to cancer, orphaning her baby boy," says Viviano.
"Yeah, it was hard back then," says Ronald.
"How is she, your niece?" asks Viviano.
"She's fine, she's with another family in Miami. Going to school, staying out of trouble. She's doing well," says Ronald.
"That's great, knowing that a family member is doing well," says Viviano.
"You have any family besides your parents?" asks Ronald.
"No, I have been alone my whole life. There was never room for me to have a family," says Viviano. Ronald moves around on his hands trying to throw Viviano off guard. As Ronald tries to hit Viviano with a spinning kick, Viviano catches his leg and she throws him to her right side. Ronald manages to land on his feet, breaking his fall.
Viviano then switches her stance into a style of defense. She opens her hands, relieving tension in her body. Ronald attempts to hit her with a punch, but Viviano catches his arm and wrestles him to the ground. Viviano then gets into the top Mount position and she begins to rapidly punch Ronald, who puts his hands up to block the hits.
Ronald then grabs Viviano's left hand and he flips her over, getting into a dominant postion. Ronald then gets Viviano to her knees and he traps her in a hammerlock.
"Wing Chun, an impressive style," says Ronald.
"You're not the only one who knows several fighting styles," says Viviano. Ronald releases Viviano and helps her up to her feet.
"Great sparring session Ronald," says Viviano.
"Yeah, you let me win. Why?" asks Ronald.
"Well, you never beat me. I'd figure I lend a hand there," says Viviano.
"Well thanks a lot Viv', I really appreciate that," Ronald says sarcastically as Viviano walks away.
"Sometimes I can never understand that woman..." he says to himself, fixing his gloves. Meanwhile, in the lounge area of the hub, Christy and Ian are seen playing Uno with each other.
"So, this team has it's benefits," says Ian as he puts down a blue number two card.
"Yeah, beats being in the CIA. Better equipment, greater pay," says Christy, as she changes the color with a red number two card.
"But, the thrill of helping people is better than just risking your life for a country. If we can't help the people of this country, what good is saving it?" asks Ian, as he puts down a red number seven.
"You make a good point, the CIA cared more about the secrets they were protecting, not saying that Homeland doesn't have secrets either," says Christy, as she puts down a draw four card, changing the color to green.
"I always wondered why they recruited us? Turns out they needed us to increase the ranks," says Ian, as he draws four cards from the deck.
"It's a nice change of pace, working with this organization. Although, I'm really suspicious about something..." says Christy, as she puts down a green number six card.
"What's that?" asks Ian.
"I barely even know these people that I am with, they seem suspicious," says Christy.
"A lot of people have baggage with them, it's nothing new," says Ian.
"Yeah, but these guys have very shady pasts. Ronald and Alexandria used to be mercenaries, Alison and Xavier pretty much are clean, Johnny was discharged from the Air Force for disobeying direct orders from above and Nuada retired because of corruption in her unit," says Christy.
"Well it's like I said, we all have baggage. Some of us more so than others," says Ian.
"Well, Viviano is a mystery. No one really knows about her, except her reputation," says Christy.
"Well, I guess we had better be prepared for anything," says Ian.
"Yeah, I'm with you on that. Uno!" shouts Christy as she throws down a green number six card.
"I got you right where I want you... Wild Card! Color is yellow!" says Ian.
"Oh sweetie... you just made a big mistake. Draw two and Uno out!" says Christy.
"Well Damn, good game," says Ian.
"Best 7 out of 10?" asks Christy.
"Sure, why not?" says Ian. Back in the hub, Viviano is seen looking at a mysterious photo, while eating a small carrot. She puts the photo away and she stares at her golden locket necklace.
"I'm sorry..." Viviano says to herself. Viviano then walks out of the hub and on her motorcycle, driving away from the Homeland base.
Hey guys, I am recently editing this book with some more dialogue scenes and chapters. I decided to make this book six acts longer so you can get behind some of the characters.
Anyway guys, how did you like this chapter? Comment and let me know.
Thank you for reading and I will see you soon!
Peace and Love
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