00 | The Greatest Knight
A series of cracks between two wooden swords pulsated across the chamber, conjoined with the hushed murmurs of those present. All gazes followed after the two boys in front of them; one attacked while struggling to catch his breaths, the other parried with a large smile spreading through his face.
And it went without saying that Aspen Whitlock was the latter.
Albert was practically begging for air, but never once did he spare a minute to rest. Instead, he kept on lunging forward with both hands gripped on the hilt, aiming his blade for Aspen's chest. As much as he wanted his classmate to hit him at least once, his instincts refused, forcing him to either sidestep or ward off the blow.
He did not seem like he was giving up anytime soon, but this was just going to go in circles. Also, he was getting way too tired. Sorry, Albert, but I really have to end this.
Aspen spun on his heel and delivered a blow his opponent did not even have the chance to register. Not even a second passed, his wobbling body tumbled into the floor as his sword accompanied his fall. And just like that, Albert could only grip his jaw and clench the dirt in his empty fists, while Aspen grasped the victory in his hands.
Wiping the sticky sweat trickling down his forehead, he jumped at the eruption of cheers and applause from his class.
"You're so cool!" One of the boys, Caleb, exclaimed as he approached him with the biggest grin on his face. "But I'm not surprised; you're Lord Lloyd's son after all!"
"Yeah!" Another boy barged in. "Your movements are so perfect, I can't even predict them myself. You would have beaten me in the first few seconds!"
"I think that's too much... I'm not that strong," said Aspen as he couldn't help but nervously chuckle and scratch the back of his head. They always said the same thing; that he could have instantly taken them out-which was not always the case-and that Father was involved. Funnily enough, he has always refused to wield a sword.
"Stop pretending to be so humble. It's annoying." Albert snorted, glaring straight at Aspen as he marched towards them. "Don't forget I am a Mind Reader and I can see through your crap."
Should have used his Possession to prove how wrong he was...
"You really can't handle losing, hmm? Perhaps you should just accept that Aspen's stronger than you," Caleb snorted as he stepped in between them, and Albert looked like he was about to rip him to shreds. Did they not learn their lesson from their last fight?
"Are you okay, Albert? Sorry if I was too rough there," he interrupted before anything got worse. "It was a great spar though, you did so well this time!" he proclaimed as he reached out his hand, but in a heartbeat, Albert smacked it off his way, like it was the most disgusting thing he had ever seen.
"Don't act like you're worried, you freak," he barked, forcefully bumping into both Caleb and Aspen before stomping back to the group. While the professor and the others protested his actions, he threw a sigh. Honestly, he expected that kind of reaction, no matter how many times Aspen tried talking to him.
But freak... that's a new one.
Professor Dandridge abruptly clapped his hands, cutting off all the grumbles of the class. "Alright, who is volunteering to be Aspen's next..."
When a very familiar boy rose to his feet, all heads instantly snapped toward his direction-even the professor, whose voice trailed into the air. He was never bothered by the attention; he simply brushed his messy brown forelocks with a smirk. Walking into the ring, Aspen came face to face with a pair of olive-green eyes, filled with nothing but mischief.
"Rey," he mouthed.
"Aspen, I'm curious at how much you've grown since our last spar." responded the one and only Reynard Rodamar, whose sword was pointed toward him. "Hope you don't mind if I'm your next opponent. Perhaps you can defeat me this time."
Aspen swallowed his breath and gripped the hilt of his weapon. Out of all the people he had sparred with, Rey was the only person who never gave Aspen any chance to deliver or land a single blow. He had knocked everyone's swords out of their hands with ease-even Aspen's. His skills are awesome, but...
"He acts like he's from a royal family."
"He's lucky he got promoted because he ranked the highest in his school."
"I know right? So arrogant!"
"Didn't his mother work at the palace?"
"She's only a maid!"
Only a maid.
They seriously weren't trying to hide it. It was as though they wanted Reynard to hear them as well.
Those foul rumors always made Aspen want to scream at all of them. So what? So what if this school was mostly attended by the noble kids; so it had to be attended specifically for them only? And so what if Rey's mother was a maid? Does she have to be someone in the royal court?
I just don't get it.
Rey was never bothered though; he was focused on Aspen and him only. He kept his playful smile, even as without the professor's prompt, he lunged towards him with his sword. Thankfully, Aspen drew on time and it made contact with Rey's blade, its loud clash flinching everyone.
"Never get distracted during a battle," said Rey, their swords shook as he used all of his strength to press his sword against Aspen's, dragging his feet across the ground. He's still way too strong!
Clenching his teeth, Aspen quickly stepped back causing Rey to stagger, but that did not stop him from suddenly swinging his sword. Once more, it met with Aspen's, resulting in another clash that had the rest of the kids watching with awe.
Rey turned around and continued shoving his sword, never letting Aspen do anything else but either parrying or dodging them. However, his movements grew feeble for each attack, and Aspen quickly delivered a riposte with all of his might, throwing his friend off guard. Nice one. I just need to attend-
Before Aspen could breathe in relief, an upward thrust from Rey forcefully clashed against his sword. Everything happened so fast he could not even gasp; it was as though his heart stopped beating. Before he knew it, he was already on the ground, his eyes wide in circles and his lips dangling open. He could not even feel his legs anymore, and his sword... was no longer in his hands.
That was when the other kids yelped as they scrambled to the side, giving way for Aspen's sword to hit the floor with multiple thuds. Then, his heavy breaths were the only noises filling in the silence; not even the kids, let alone the professor, dared to say anything.
"Feint. I see that is still your biggest weakness," Rey announced, dropping his sword as he lent his hand towards him. "You've gotten better, but you still have so much to learn."
Aspen nodded, letting out a huge breath, before he grabbed his hand and let Rey pull him up.
He was right; even if he managed to land an attack, he still could not defeat his friend. There's still a long way to go... before I can officially be a knight.
As soon as Rey fluttered his eyes open to signal his return, he flashed a grin as he was about to burst into laughter, but Aspen immediately hushed him down.
They were supposed to be in their court lessons right now, not sneaking into the amphitheater and manipulating the minds of some poor guards. If anyone from the palace managed to catch them... they would be left at the mercy of Father.
Peeking from behind the corner, the boys watched as the guards yelled at one another; yelling on who performed the most ridiculous gestures and saying absurdities.
"Dude, you badmouthed the king. You called him a myriad of names, do you know how much trouble you're going to be in?!"
"Yeah, last time you were dancing like a drunkard in front of the little princes. You would be dead meat if the king was there!"
Leave it to Rey if these guards lose their jobs... or even their lives.
"Uh... I don't think this is what I meant when I said to distract the guards," Aspen whispered.
"Why not? We have been doing this for months; it always works like a charm. We don't need to clean up the mess and let them sort themselves out." Snapping his fingers, Rey rested his arms on his hips, huffed his chest and held his head up high. Surely he took so much pride in his sole renèi Possession-Mind Manipulator of Mind Possessors-even at the cost of his energy and the many nights he had spent practicing.
Sighing once more, Aspen nudged him. "Let's go before they notice us."
The guards were so engrossed in discussing how the king was going to punish them and how their lives were at stake, they never once saw two small figures slipping past them and ducking through the entrance.
"I can't believe you called the king an old geezer," Aspen said as they tiptoed up the stairs, scanning around the vicinity firstly for any wandering guards.
"He is an old geezer. Just look at those wrinkles on his face. He looks like he could be my grandfather," Rey snorted, glancing over his shoulder. "A prickly one, that's for sure."
Aspen could only laugh helplessly, shaking his head. "If he hears that, he's going to call it a treason and execute you," he joked.
"Treason my foot." Rey snorted. "It's the truth whether he likes it or not."
Aspen lost count on how many times he had to sigh today.
After several steps ahead, the boys decided to take their spots right below where the king and his family would normally reside. This was where all the members of the council-like Father and Mother-would gather themselves, and then they would watch all kinds of tournaments that had Aspen's heart roaring with admiration and had him begging for more.
The palace knights were there, fully dressed in their armor and spread out in the field. Swords clanked against one another as they sparred for practice, while the others swung and swerved theirs, cutting the air around them. Rather than sitting through those lessons that made him yawn every single time, Aspen would rather watch this all day.
When would he finally be able to receive a real sword instead of the wooden one?
"Once you've gotten much stronger and gone through the official trials, that will be you someday." Rey elbowed him. "You'll be anointed by the king, be given your armor and weapons, and you will go out there, maintaining justice and defending our kingdom."
Stars sparkled in Aspen's earthy eyes; he could not stop himself from smiling so widely. He could finally be like that knight he had seen in the marketplace while he was with Father, fighting off bad people who wreaked havoc and protecting the innocents. He could be like those knights at the palace, carrying out and helping those in need. All types of adventures were all right there, waiting for him to seize those chances.
"I wish I could just grow up already," Aspen commented. "Being an adult is way more fun."
Rey was quiet as he gazed up into the vast blue skies, before he placed his arms behind his head and slumped to his seat. "Meh, I'd rather stay as a child. We get lots of free time, don't have to worry about some stupid responsibilities, and you can get away with almost everything."
"That's just you wanting to use your renèi and making a fool out of the maids and guards," Aspen mumbled, giving him a side glance.
"Hey, hey..." Rey abruptly leaned forward. "Let's not slander the very person who tirelessly helped you tend your Red Wing and Memory Writer possessions."
"Tirelessly? I was the one tired from using all of my powers," Aspen retorted.
"And I enlisted myself to be your test subject so you can practice infiltrating my memories, mm-hmm," he hummed, then he folded his arms across his chest and shivered dramatically. "I have never felt so naked."
Aspen left no comment, watching as the knights fervently continued their duels. Honestly, the fact that Rey volunteered himself had him wondering what kind of godly force had struck his best friend. He thought he was going to manipulate some maid to come to them and use her for experimental purposes. Yeah, I don't think he's that cruel.
"I mean... you did help out with that." Scratching his head, he found himself smiling. "Don't worry, I'll try my best to forget those private memories. I don't want to know them either."
"What do you mean? We've been together since what, toddlers? We know everything about each other." He chuckled, ruffling Aspen's short blond hair, earning him a dirty look. "I, for once, know how you soiled your pants when you were 4 and you were crying to your mo-"
"Yeah, yeah, I get it, no need to mention that!" Aspen cried out as he forcefully shoved his bestest friend ever. While he felt the heat rising to his cheeks, this stupid boy had the gall to double over and pull on his nerves. Why did he still remember about it?!
In the meantime, the knights removed their helmets off their heads, as sweat completely drenched their hair and skin. They snatched the jugs of water in the corner of the field left by the servants, gulping everything at once. The armor does look cool... but with all the metal, they must have been so heavy.
"Say Aspen," Rey called out.
"What are you going to do with your father?" Rey blinked as he turned towards him. "He always wanted you to be in the royal court and succeeded him. Doesn't look like he will change his mind."
Right, Father. Aside from refusing to wield his sword, Father... never looked happy whenever Aspen boasted his dreams. He would tightly press his lips together like he was trying his best not to show his frown. He would sigh heavily and look away... or back to the court papers he was working with.
For what reason? He did not know, and probably with Father withholding his explanation... he would never know.
"I don't care what my father says." Aspen huffed and rolled his eyes, straightening his back. "I'm going to be the greatest knight, and that's that. I'll make sure to learn and train up for it until I'm old enough to join the trials, and he's not going to stop me."
Rey blinked and cocked his head, and when he was about to open his mouth...
"Well, my son, a future knight would not be skipping his lessons and sneaking in places where they should not be."
That one deep voice Aspen wanted to hear last on his list right now, had both of the boys gasping, jolted off their chairs and froze in their spots. As he shuffled back with his heart suddenly pounding like crazy, he swallowed the lump forming in his throat. With a very forced grin and grasping the hem of his shirt with his suddenly cold hands, he dared himself to peer up.
There by their side, stood a man in his early thirties, sharing the same light blond hair as his son, with his side bangs falling over to only the right side of his face. Just like during his council work, he wore his patterned black vest engulfed underneath scarlet robes that reached his boots. Those are heavy shoes... How come did I not hear his footsteps?
How did he move so silently?
"F-Father..." Aspen stuttered, his gaze darting everywhere but at Father's furrowed blue eyes, which were shooting daggers straight at his cowering son.
A/N: And that's the first chapter of By the Sword!
What do you think of Aspen and Rey so far? I really have fun writing them, especially their interactions XD
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please do leave your thoughts and your expectations ^^ Thank you so much for reading this book and for your continued support <3
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