MR. CROUCH looked as though he had been traveling for days. The knees of his robes were ripped and bloody, his face scratched, and he was unshaven and gray with exhaustion. His usually neat hair and mustache needed a wash and a trim.
His strange appearance was nothing compared to the way he was behaving. Muttering and gesticulating, Mr. Crouch appeared to be talking to someone that he alone could see.
"Wasn't he a judge?" Viktor asked, staring at Mr. Crouch. "Isn't he with your Ministry?"
"The British one, yeah," Laura nodded. She slowly walked towards Mr. Crouch, who did not look at her but continued to talk to a nearby tree.
"...And when you've done that, Weatherby, send an owl to Dumbledore confirming the number of Durmstrang students attending the tournament. Karkaroff has just sent word there will be twelve..."
"Mr. Crouch?" Laura said cautiously, walking over slightly.
"...and then send another owl to Madame Maxime... She might want to up the number of students she's bringing. Now Karkaroff's made it a round dozen... do that, Weatherby, will you? Will you? Will..."
Mr. Crouch's eyes were bulging. He stood staring at the tree, muttering soundlessly at it. He then staggered sideways and fell to his knees.
"Mr. Crouch?" Laura said loudly. "Are you alright?"
Crouch's eyes were rolling in his head. Laura turned to look at Viktor, who had followed her into the trees and looked down at Crouch in alam.
"What is wrong with him?"
"I have no idea," Laura muttered. "Listen, we need to go get someone-"
"Dumbledore!" Mr. Crouch gasped. He reached out and seized a handful of Laura's robes, dragging her closer, though his eyes were staring over Laura's head. "I need... see... Dumbledore..."
"Okay," Laura said calmly. However, her eyes were wide, "if you get up, Mr. Crouch, we can go up to the—"
"I've done... stupid... thing..." Mr. Crouch breathed. He looked utterly mad. His eyes were rolling and bulging, and a trickle of spittle slid down his chin. Every word he spoke seemed to cost him a tremendous effort. "Must... Tell... Dumbledore..."
"Get up, Mr. Crouch," Laura said clearly. "Get up, and we'll get you to Dumbledore."
Mr. Crouch's eyes rolled forward onto Laura.
"Who... you?" he whispered.
"I'm a student at the school," Laura said, glancing back to try and get some help from Viktor, but Viktor was hanging back, looking extremely nervous.
"You're not... his?" Crouch whispered, his mouth sagging.
"No," Laura had no idea what Crouch was going on about.
"That's right."
Crouch was pulling her closer; Laura tried to loosen his grip on her robes, but his grip was too tight.
"Warn... Dumbledore..."
"I'll go get him if you let go of me," Laura said, giving Viktor a warning look as she was unsure what to do.
"Thank you, Weatherby. When you have done that, I would like a cup of tea. My wife and son will arrive shortly; we are attending a concert tonight with Mr. and Mrs. Fudge."
Crouch was once again talking to a tree. He seemed unaware that Laura and Viktor were there, which surprised Laura so much that she didn't notice that Crouch had released her.
"Yes, my son has recently gained twelve O.W.L.s, most satisfactory. Yes, thank you. Yes, very proud indeed. Now, if you could bring me that memo..."
"You stay here with him," Laura said to Viktor. "I'll go get Dumbledore, I'll be quicker, I know where his office is-"
"He is mad," Viktor said doubtfully, staring down at Crouch, who was still gabbling to the tree, apparently convinced it was who knows who.
"Just stay with him," Laura said hotly, getting up. However, her movement seemed to trigger another abrupt change in Mr. Crouch, who seized her hard around the knees and pulled Laura back to the ground.
"Don't... leave... me!" he whispered, his eyes bulging again. "I... escaped... must warn... must tell... see Dumbledore... my fault... all my fault... Bertha... dead... all my fault... my son... my fault... tell Dumbledore... Harry Potter... the Dark Lord... stronger... Harry Potter... Laura Potter..."
"I'll get Dumbledore if you let me go, Mr. Crouch!" Laura said. She was mad now, looking around furiously at Viktor. "You idiot, help me, please!"
Looking extremely apprehensive, Viktor moved forward and squatted down next to Mr. Crouch as Laura pulled herself free from Mr. Crouch's grasp.
"Just keep him here, I'll be back with Dumbledore."
"Hurry, won't you," Viktor called after her as Laura sprinted away from the forest and up through the dark grounds.
They were deserted; Bagman, Cedric, and Fleur had all disappeared. Laura ran as fast as she could up to the second floor. She then hurtled towards a stone gargoyle standing halfway through an empty corridor.
"Cho- chocolate frogs!" she panted at it.
This was the password to the hidden staircase to Dumbledore's office- or at least that's what she remembered. However, the password had evidently changed, as the stone gargoyle did not spring to life and jump aside. Instead, it stood frozen, glaring at Laura malevolently.
"Move!" Laura shouted at it. "Come on! I don't have time for this!"
Laura was now looking around, panicked. She looked over to the stairs; her mind was racing.
"The Staff Room," she thought. Laura tore off to the stairs.
Laura skidded to a halt and looked around. Snape had just emerged from the hidden staircase behind the stone gargoyle. The wall was sliding shut behind him even as he beckoned Laura towards him. Laura felt so much relief seeing her godfather.
"Oh my Merlin, you can help me," she said exasperatedly, running back over.
"What are you doing here, Laura?"
"I need to see Professor Dumbledore!" Laura said exasperatedly. "It's about Mr. Crouch... he's in the forest-"
"What is this rubbish?" Snape said, his black eyes glittering. "What are you talking about?"
"Mr. Crouch!" Laura said loudly. It dawned on her that she should have apologized earlier... "From the Ministry! He's ill or something- he's in the forest, he wants to see Dumbledore! Just give me the password up to—"
"The headmaster is busy, Laura," Snape said, his thin mouth curling into an unpleasant smile.
"I've got to tell Dumbledore!" Laura yelled.
"Didn't you hear me, Potter?"
Laura could tell Snape was thoroughly enjoying himself.
"Look," Laura said angrily, "I know you're still mad about earlier, but he's like dying right now! Do you want to have that on your conscience? I know you care about me, Sev, just- Merlin- help me!"
The stone wall behind Snape slid open. Dumbledore stood there, wearing long green robes and a mildly curious expression.
"Is there a problem?" he asked, looking between Laura and Snape.
"Professor!" Laura exclaimed, sidestepping Snape before he could speak, "Mr. Crouch is here- He's like dying in the forest."
Laura didn't expect much. However, he didn't ask any questions, instead extending his arm.
"Lead the way," he said promptly, and he swept off along the corridor behind Laura, leaving Snape standing there.
"Laura, What did Mr. Crouch say?" Dumbledore asked as they walked swiftly down the marble staircase.
"He said he wants to warn you... something about him doing something terrible... he mentioned something about his son, Bertha Jorkins, and... and Voldemort- something about Voldemort getting stronger... and then Harry and I."
"Indeed," Dumbledore said. He quickened his pace as they hurried out into the darkness.
"He's basically lost his marbles," Laura said, "I may have also left him with Viktor- only because he was the only person I was with."
"You did?" Dumbledore said sharply as he began to take longer strides. Laura was basically running to keep up.
"Do you know if anyone else saw Mr. Crouch?"
"No," Laura said. "Viktor had to ask me a few questions, and he wanted it to be private, so we went over to the forest."
"Where are they?" Dumbledore asked as the Beauxbatons carriage emerged from the darkness.
"Over here, I think," Laura moved in front of Dumbledore, leading the way through the trees. She couldn't hear Crouch's voice anymore, but she knew where she was going; she was sure they were close to the area they were in now.
"Viktor?" Laura shouted.
No one answered.
"I swear they were over here," Laura muttered.
"Lumos," Dumbledore said, lighting his wand and holding it up.
Its narrow beam traveled from black trunk to black truck, illuminating the ground. Then, it fell upon a pair of feet.
Laura and Dumbledore hurried forward. Viktor was sprawled on the forest floor. He seemed to be unconscious. Laura ran over to him, looking around to see no sign of Mr. Crouch. Dumbledore bent over Viktor and gently lifted one of his eyelids.
"Stunned," he said softly. His half-moon glasses glittered in his wandlight as he peered around at the surrounding trees.
"Should I go and get someone?" Laura said. She usually could stay calm and collected, but her fear and stress were seeping into her voice. "Madam Pomfrey?"
"No," Dumbledore said swiftly. "Stay here."
He raised his wand into the air again, pointing towards Hagrid's cabin. Laura watched as something silvery darted out of it and streaked away through the trees like a ghostly bird. Then Dumbledore bent over Viktor again, pointed his wand at him, and muttered, "Enervate."
Viktor opened his eyes. He looked dazed, looking around. When he saw Dumbledore, he tried to sit up, but Dumbledore put a hand on his shoulder and made him lie still.
"He attacked me!" Viktor muttered, putting a hand up to his head. He looked at Laura with disbelief. "The old madman attacked me! I looked around for where Pickering had gone, and he attacked from behind!"
"Lie still for a moment," Dumbledore said.
The sound of thunderous footfalls reached them, and Hagrid came panting into sight with a large black dog at his heels. He was carrying his crossbow.
"Professor Dumbledore!" he said, his eyes widening. "Laura- what the—"
"Hagrid, I need you to fetch Professor Karkaroff," Dumbledore said calmly. "His student has been attacked. When you've done that, kindly alert Professor Moody-"
"No need, Dumbledore," said a wheezy growl. "I'm here."
Laura slowly turned to see Moody limping towards them, leaning on his staff, his wand lit.
Laura hid a look of concern, her eyes widening slightly at the sight of Moody. How did he know that they were there?
"Damn leg," he said furiously. "Would've been here quicker... What happened? Snape said something about Crouch-"
"Crouch?" Hagrid said blankly.
"Karkaroff, please, Hagrid!" Dumbledore said sharply.
"Oh yea... right y'are, Professor... Come on, Fang," Hagrid said, and he turned and disappeared into the dark trees, Fang trotting after him.
"I don't know where Barty Crouch is," Dumbledore told Moody, "but we must find him."
"I'm onto it," Moody growled, limping into the forest.
Laura was still very skeptical of Moody. The pieces fell into place just too conveniently. Laura's mind wandered as she and Dumbledore stood in silence. That was until they heard the unmistakable sounds of Hagrid and Fang returning.
Karkaroff was hurrying along behind them. He was wearing his sleek silver furs. He looked pale and agitated. But when did he not?
"What is this?" Karkaroff cried out when he saw Viktor on the ground and Dumbledore and Laura beside him. "What's going on?"
"I was attacked!" Viktor said, sitting up now, still rubbing his head. "Mr. Crouch or whatever his name-"
"Crouch attacked you? The Triwizard judge?"
"Igor," Dumbledore began, but Karkaroff had drawn himself up, clutching his furs around him, looking livid.
"Treachery!" he bellowed, pointing at Dumbledore. "This is a plot! This is not an equal competition! You and your Ministry of Magic have lured me here under false pretenses! First, you sneak Potter into the tournament, though she is underage! Now one of your ministry-"
Laura opened her mouth to say something. Her anger had been slowly building the entire night. It was finally at its breaking point. However, Dumbledore sent her a sharp look. It seemed both were close to saying a few choice words.
"-friends attempt to put my champion out of action! I smell double-dealing and corruption in this whole affair, and you, Dumbledore, with your talk of closer international wizarding links, of rebuilding old ties, of forgetting old differences- here's what I think of you!"
Karkaroff spat onto the ground at Dumbledore's feet. In one swift movement, Hagrid seized the front of Karkaroff's furs, lifted him into the air, and slammed him against a nearby tree.
It seemed as though Harid was on the same path as Dumbledore and Laura. He acted on his thoughts. Laura respected it.
Though watching the whole debacle, her eyes widened.
"Apologize!" Hagrid snarled as Karkaroff gasped for breath, Hagrid's massive fist at his throat, his feet dangling in midair.
"Oh my Merlin-" Laura breathed.
"Hagrid, no!" Dumbledore shouted, his eyes flashing.
Hagrid removed the hand-pinned Karkaroff from the tree. Karkaroff slid down the trunk and slumped in a huddle at its roots; a few twigs and leaves showered down upon his head.
"Kindly escort Laura back up to the castle, Hagrid," Dumbledore said sharply.
Breathing heavily, Hagrid gave Karkaroff a glowering look.
"Maybe I'd better stay here, Headmaster..."
"You will take Laura back to school, Hagrid," Dumbledore repeated firmly. "Take her right to the Slytherin Dungeons. And Laura- I want you to stay there. Anything you might want to do- any owls you might want to send- they can wait until morning, do you understand me?"
"It's fine, Professor," Laura said, trying to keep her annoyance out of her voice. "I can manage my own way back to the—"
"Laura, please go with Hagrid," Dumbledore said. Laura quickly closed her mouth and nodded.
"I'll leave Fang with yeh, Headmaster," Hagrid said, staring menacingly at Karkaroff, who was still sprawled at the foot of the tree, tangled in furs and tree roots. "Stay, Fang. C'mon, Laura."
They marched in silence past the Beauxbaton carriage and up toward the castle. Laura was unsure what to do, but they kept walking.
"How dare he," Hagrid growled as they strode past the lake, ending the silence. "How dare he accuse Dumbledore..."
Laura could tell Hagrid was very protective of Dumbledore's image, and for good reason. Laura just nodded until the attention was turned to her.
"An' you!" Hagrid said angrily to her. Laura looked up at him, taken aback. "What were yeh doin', wanderin' off with ruddy Krum? He's from Durmstrang, Laura! Coulda jinxed yeh right there, couldn' he? Hasn' Moody taught yeh nothin'? 'Magine lettin' him lure yeh off on yer own-"
"Viktor's all right!" Laura said in defense. "I trust him. He just had some questions about my cousin. Plus, Moody is a nut."
"I'll be havin' a few words with him, an' all," Hagrid said grimly. "The less you lot 'ave ter do with these foreigners, the happier yeh'll be. Yeh can't trust any of 'em."
"Hagrid- I'm a foreigner!" Laura loudly said, causing Hagrid to look over at her. "Are you saying I'm untrustworthy?"
"Yer differen' Laura," Hagrid reasoned. "A Hogwarts studen', not some bloody Hungarian."
They finally arrived at the Slytherin Dungeons, giving Laura a quick out.
"Well, I hope your opinions will change, but goodnight, Hagrid," Laura said briskly. "Thank you again for walking me back."
Laura then turned, said the password, and walked into the common room.
bee's corner
so... life is wild (college is crazy) so i'll be trying to update as regularly as possible but please know i am just a girl who is trying her best and sometimes i forget :)
but i love you so much! thank you for reading <3
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