Chapter 24
Long chapter, heads up.
The next couple of days, Poppy laid in bed, mostly scrapbooked and hummed to herself. Branch came in to check on her every once in a while. Sometimes they would cuddle together and read a scrapbook. They especially liked the one about the adventure when they saved everyone from the Bergens. Like Dr. Blossom said, Poppy occasionally had little headaches. They would always go away after a while though.
After a few days, Branch brought Poppy to where they always watch the sunset. This time, though, the sky displayed all the beautiful stars. "Whoa," Poppy breathed. She had never seen the stars this gorgeous. Isn't it pretty?" Branch asked. Poppy said, "Yeah." They laid down, stargazing.
Some time passed, and when it got a little quiet, Branch said, "Hey, Poppy? I'm really sorry about the other day." He still hadn't forgotten about their little argument that they had. "I wasn't myself. I had a nightmare, and it felt too real. I should have helped you, I know you were stressed."
Poppy was upset to hear that Branch was still troubled over this. She let her lips brush his, giving him a sweet kiss, then pulled back and said, "I don't know why you want to apologize. I completely forgot about that. I absolutely forgive you. My love is like these stars in the sky, and don't you ever forget that."
Branch smirked warmly at her. He was glad to hear that. He also liked seeing the poetic side if Poppy. She had it deep inside her. They snuggled together, and soon, Poppy started yawning. She rested her head on Branch's shoulder and closed her eyes. Branch let her lay there for a while, but eventually he said, "C'mon, Sleeping Beauty. We don't want to fall asleep here."
Poppy opened her eyes and yawned. Branch found it cute when she yawned. "Alright," she said sleepily. Branch gave her a goodnight kiss on the forehead and headed towards his bunker. Poppy headed back to her pod, changed into some PJ's, and fell asleep.
~ The next morning ~
Poppy woke up to the smell of cupcakes. Still half in dreamy-land, she reached out, as if the cupcakes were right beside her. She reached over too far, though, and fell off her bed, blanket falling on top of her. She was wide awake now. Poppy opened her eyes, giggling as she removed the blanket off of her. When she looked up, she saw all of her friends, including the tribe leaders, standing in front of her.
"SURPRISE!" they shouted. Poppy said, "What-" Then she remembered: It's my quarter birthday! She happily took a cupcake and ate it in two bites. All of a sudden, she was being tickled. She saw that Branch had snuck up behind her and started a tickle fight. She laughed as she tries to tickle him back, but he was just too good.
He eventually stopped to let her take a breath. Poppy said, "I completely forgot it was my quarter birthday!" Guy Diamond said, "The surprise party was all Branch's idea." Branch put an arm around her. "They all helped, though," he said. Poppy smiled. She said, "Thank you all." Branch kissed her cheek.
They went outside, and Poppy found a stack of presents at her door. She gasped, excited. Essence said, "These are from the village and us. Go ahead and open them!" Poppy eagerly grabbed a present and started unwrapping it. In it was a pair of headphones from Trollex. "Now you can listen to music anywhere!" he said.
Poppy opened all of her presents except for one. Branch pulled out a small present from behind her pod. Poppy opened it, and in it was a pink and blue bracelet. Branch then held up his wrist to show that he had a matching one. Poppy put on the bracelet and hugged Branch. She said, "Thank you all! These are wonderful gifts!"
They all hung out at the park to celebrate for the rest of the day. Everybody was happy, living in harmony. Everybody was in their homes, living their daily lives. Somebody was even celebrating their quarter birthday. And most of all, nobody was forgetting the power of music and love.
~ The End ~
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