🦋 The non fancy date
Wow guys, what a day today!
Harry's announcement of his new album coming soon.
Louis' pictures + the start of the European leg of his tour!
Honestly my heart is beating so so fast with excitement. It's unbelievable what these guys do to me.
I truly believe in what Harry explains in these chapter, and I'm also sure that real life H and L know these stuff too.
I believe they are true twin flames in real life.
Mag 🦋
The non fancy date.
Harry was a special person.
He was not the type to just take out to a fancy dinner.
No. With him I had to put an effort, with him I had to do this right.
To make it memorable.
But also, I didn't want to use my money for it. I didn't want to pay for expensive things to surprise him.
I really, really wanted to plan it myself, to make it worth it, to handle things with my own hands.
And the truth is that I wasn't very used to doing that.
So I took it as a personal challenge.
I had around five hours to get the whole thing done, so I took my laptop and started googling special places to take Harry at night.
An hour into searching, I found a great place that I knew Harry would appreciate, and luckily, they were open tonight.
Then, I moved to think about the food and to put everything into motion.
Three hours later I had bought everything I needed, I had cooked, and now everything was on track and I finally was starting to get ready myself.
A nice shirt but with some jeans below so it didn't look like an expensive outfit.
Even though it was.
Harry had texted me his address when he got to his house after work and then just fifteen minutes ago he texted that he was ready and waiting for me.
I took a deep breath and nodded to myself.
I could do this. It was simple yet adequate.
So I took the keys to my red truck and headed out, placing all the items that we would need on the box-trunk and started my way to Harry's.
Once I got there, I didn't have to step out of the car since Harry was already waiting for me outside his building.
When he saw me, he ran towards the truck, smiling fondly at me.
"I can't believe you're driving this." - He laughed, getting inside and locking his belt.
"Yeah, me neither."
"It's just not your style." - He joked.
"Oh, and what is my style then?" - I smirked, turning the engine in and hitting the road.
"I don't know, a Ferrari maybe." - He joked.
I took a glance at him and saw he was amused, so I chose not to answer that I indeed owned a Ferrari back home, and smiled back at him instead.
"You look amazing, Harry." - I said, finally stopping to admire his outfit.
He was wearing a nice blue floral button down and jeans just like me.
The buttons were open in his chest, letting me see some of his tattoos underneath.
He noticed I was staring and chuckled.
"Keep your eyes on the road, Lou."
I hummed and turned my head back in front.
"You look astonishing too." - He said, softly resting his hand on my leg and squeezing over my knee.
I smiled to myself and kept my eyes ahead, silently enjoying Harry's hand in my knee and his soft humming along the radio.
"You haven't asked where I am taking you yet." - I said after a few minutes of driving in silence.
"Because I don't really mind." - He shrugged. - "I mean, anywhere is fine by me. I trust your criteria."
"Hope I don't let you down, then."
"You won't."
I lifted his hand and kissed his knuckles before returning my hand to the wheel.
I knew I had to hurry a bit if I wanted us to have a moment to eat before the movie started, so I made sure to be the first to arrive at the drive-in cinema and park the truck backwards but somewhat close and centered in front of the screen.
As planned, we were completely alone since the movie was due to start forty minutes later.
"Woo, movies. I love it." - Harry wriggled on his seat, looking behind us through the glass at the screen.
"Yeah, let's get in the back, shall we?" - I asked, taking the keys out and turning around the truck to open the back box.
I climbed up and accommodated the blankets and pillows I had brought with me, settling them comfortably around the walls and floors of the box to make it as fluffy as possible for us to lay there during the dinner and movie.
I heard Harry get out of the truck and walk around as he found me.
"Oh Lou. This is amazing."
"Wait. Let me finish." - I said, focusing on getting the twenty pillows right and then pulling out two sets of fairy lights that worked with batteries.
I placed them on the corners of the box and then up to the ceiling of the truck behind me, turning them on and illuminating the whole thing warmly.
Harry cooed and climbed up with me, crawling to where I was fighting with the cooler and the trays of food I had also brought.
"Let me help you with that." - He said softly. Taking the cooler from me and getting the drinks and the cups out.
"I know it's not very fancy, it's just plastic cups and a few mmmm... pizzas, but yeah." - I shrugged. - "I made the pizzas myself."
"Really? They look really good."
"Yeah? Hope they don't taste like crap." - I said and he laughed.
"So, what are we watching?"
"Uhm... it was the only movie available today, so Sunset Boulevard."
"That's... unusual. But okay." - He smiled.
"You don't like it?"
"Of course I like it, it's a classic."
"We can go somewhere else."
"No, Lou. I want to be here, okay? With you. It's fine."
"Okay... the movie doesn't start until eight thirty, so I thought we could eat and talk, you know, in the meantime."
"Yeah. I'm starving."
He moved to sit down resting back in the many pillows and grabbed one of the blankets to cover his - now - bare feet.
Harry lifted the blanket and motioned me to sit next to him, underneath it.
Once I did, he unwrapped the first pizza and took one of the already cut slices.
He wiggled his eyebrows at me before taking the first bite and I laughed nervously, silently praying he would like it.
I distracted myself from his reaction by taking the cups and pouring the juice on them.
I heard Harry hummed in approval and I sighed in relief.
"This is good, Lou."
"Thank God." - I laughed, now looking at him and handing him a cup. - "I really wanted this to be memorable in a good way. Not in food poisoning kind of way."
Harry laughed out loud and shook his head.
"So far it's a great first date. I'm already looking forward the second one."
"Is there going to be a second one, then?" - I smirked, taking my own slice of pizza and shoving it into my mouth.
"Yep, I'm already planning it." - He shrugged, playfully.
"Wow, that's fast. Next thing I know you'll be proposing to me."
"Maybe I already have the ring in my pocket."
"Oh my god! Yes, I do!" - I screamed, while laughing.
Harry burst into laughter and I bumped my shoulder against his, both of us recovering our breath from the recent laughter.
I sighed and looked up at the clear night sky. All the stars in place, shining above us and making the night even more enjoyable.
"Thanks for planning this. It's beautiful." - Harry said, also looking up.
My hand found his' over the blanket and I intertwined our fingers together.
"I wanted to do something special. Because you're so special, my sweet. I'm glad you like it so far."
He turned to look at me with a soft blush on his pretty cheeks.
"You're such a sap."
"I'm not actually. It's just... with you. It's different with you."
"Yeah? Different how?"
"I don't know. I feel different. Nothing I can compare it with."
"I know. I feel that way too."
"Yeah. And... since the day I crossed paths with you, I have felt like something ignited inside me."
"Something like what?"
"I uhm... you're going to think I'm so weird." - He laughed nervously.
"I already think you're weird, darling." - I joked and he laughed for real this time.
"Glad to know." - He giggled.
"C'mon, tell me."
"I... I'm a believer, you know? I believe in things. I know I'm not supposed to, since I work with nature and science, but I do believe in certain things."
"Like soulmates?" - He said softly, doubting himself.
"You know, the red thread legend, twin flames, that stuff." - He shrugged.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"You don't?"
"Nope. Care to explain?"
"It's... embarrassing, I mean we only met last week. I can't just throw this information at you."
"Oh, please. C'mon. We're on a date, it's necessary to share information you know? That's how these things work." - I said jokingly.
"I don't want you to freak out. It's something I really believe in, and I did a test the other day and..." - He sighed and looked down. - "A lot of people believe that we have a soulmate for each of our lives. And they are some people that also believe in reincarnation. I'm one of them. And they believe that if you're lucky, you and your soulmate travel together through different lives, finding each other each time, meeting again over and over until they are finally happy."
"When I saw you, Lou. I felt something. I felt like I knew you, like we were meeting again after long lost time. So I googled a twin flames test." - He laughed. - "I know it sounds really stupid. And you probably don't believe in any of this. And it's okay."
"Wait. No, it's not stupid. I mean I don't totally get it yet. But if you believe in it, it's not stupid. Let me understand it, okay? So, you took a test to see if I was your soulmate?"
"My twin flame. They are different things." - He said shyly.
"How?" - I said, now more intrigued than before.
"Soulmates are with us in only one of our lives. They show up to teach us something. A twin flame is a soulmate that sticks with us in more than one life, they are two souls that chose one another even after life."
"And you think I'm yours? What did the test say?"
"That's more than likely. I mean, there are a few questions that I couldn't really answer because we've not been together that long, but... I don't know, it's still a Google test, it could be wrong."
"Can I do it?"
"The test? Can I do it?"
"Uhm... sure." - He said, looking weirdly at me and taking out his phone. - "You aren't doing this just to make fun of me, right?"
"What? No, Harry. I told you. I feel different with you, I feel pulled towards you, and if this is making sense to you, then I want to try it too."
Harry sweetly smiled at me and typed on his google browser.
He bit his lip as he found the web he was looking for, taking one last look at the screen, he found my eyes again, insecurity showing behind his eyelashes.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, sweet."
Harry blushed slightly and looked down again.
"Okay, you have to answer yes, no or not sure. It's just a couple of questions."
"Cool, let's do this twin souls thing."
"Twin flames." - He giggled.
"Fine. First question. Did you feel intensely drawn to this person when you met them?"
"Yes." - I said and Harry smiled cutely.
"You can't lie."
"I'm not lying." - I laughed. - "Keep going."
"Did you have the feeling of knowing this person previously, a déjà vu or just the knowing that this person was at ease with you like old friends?"
"Uhmm... maybe? Wasn't paying that much attention. I was startled by your clumsiness."
Harry laughed.
"Don't be mean."
"I'm being honest." - I shrugged and he shook his head, amused.
"I'll go with not sure then." - He said, touching the screen to set the answer. - "Next one. Has this person opened a new way of thinking and feeling for you?"
Harry smiled wider and leaned backwards to me. Resting his back on my chest and taking his legs up to his chest under the blanket.
He placed the phone over his legs and I could see the screen from above his shoulder.
"Being with this person feels like you've come 'home'?"
Harry looked up at me and pecked the side of my jaw, I hummed in content and one of my hands made its way to rest just below Harry's ribs.
"Do you find that in the areas in which you are not similar your differences complement each other? Do you have what your partner lacks and vice versa?"
"They make you try harder to be a better person?"
"I'm... not sure. It's not been that long to notice, I think."
"Okay, I'll just go with not sure. You're already a good person so, maybe I don't have to change that in you." - He shrugged.
"What? Are you supposed to change me?"
"We are supposed to help each other be better. To teach one another."
"Sorry to let you down, but I'm already perfect you know?" - I joked.
"Sure you are, England." - He rolled his eyes and looked back at his phone. - "Do you dream with this person often?"
"Yes?" - He asked back, looking at me again and I nodded. - "What did you dream about?"
"Uhm... just us. I don't know, being in the greenhouse, kissing, laughing, that stuff."
"Cute." - He grinned, leaning up and pecking my lips. - "Okay, next one. Is there an element of separation in your connection? Such as living on the other side of the planet or one of you was unattainable in some way?"
"Well, obviously. Distance."
"Yeah." - He whispered. Harry pressed the yes button on his screen and the next question popped up. - "Is one of you more soulfully mature than the other?"
"Yes. Definitely." - I laughed.
"You're the immature one." - He laughed too.
"I am. Proudly." - I smirked, and then kissed his cheek.
"Is the relationship intense?"
"Are we in a relationship already? This escalated really quickly." - I joked and he laughed.
"You're not taking this seriously." - He pouted.
"Yes I am!" - I gasped, faking offence. - "Yes, we are really intense, Harry. Continue." - I said and he laughed, pressing the yes button and finding the new question.
"After you met this person, things progressed and opened up really quickly, almost as if it was beyond your control and happening out of its own volition?"
"Fuck, yes." - I said incredulously. - "What's wrong with this test? Is it reading my mind or something?"
Harry laughed and shifted closer to me, nuzzling his nose on the side of my throat for a second.
"I know." - He said and turned back to his phone with a sigh and the next question showed up on the screen. - "Does it feel like you've been waiting for this person your whole life?"
Harry ended the question in almost a whisper and looked up at me expectantly.
"Wow... uhm..." - I trailed. - "These questions are insane really."
"Yeah..." - He sighed. - "You don't have to answer. I can just go with not sure."
"No, wait. You're not mad, right? I just... I don't know."
"It's okay." - He smiled, pecking my lips gently.
"Maybe with time."
Harry nodded and pressed the not sure button.
I finally looked around us to see that many people had already parked by our sides and were waiting for the movie.
I checked the time on Harry's screen and indeed there were only ten minutes left for the movie to start.
"Last one. Is there a level of openness in your connection that you don't have with anyone else?"
"I'd like to believe so. I mean, I think we trusted each other real quickly, compared to others. Right?"
"Right." - He nodded, pressing the last button and the web loaded the results of it.
"So, what is it?"
"Mmm... okay. This says that there's a high chance of having met your twin flame." - He turned to me with a big toothy smile. - "Do you believe in this now?"
"The fact that I'm your twin flame and that we were somehow together in past lives?" - I said with a bit of irony in my tone.
"You think it's stupid." - He said, his smile disappearing slowly.
"No, I don't, love." - I said, softly caressing his face. - "I'll have to search for more information about this. I mean, I told you I feel something really special when it comes to you. That must mean something. If you believe this is why, then I'm fine with it."
"You're not freaking out?" - He smiled softly.
"Nope. Besides the test pretty much explains itself, I didn't have a no answer at all. I think this twin flame thing is pretty cool, isn't it?"
"Yes, Lou."
"I just have to get used to it, I guess."
"I know, this can be really overwhelming."
His green eyes were shining like stars at that moment. He seemed happy, accomplished.
He looked at ease.
Like some pieces of a puzzle had fit together at last.
We were both feeling it, transiting it.
And all of a sudden, I had some kind of epiphany, where I just knew we belonged to each other. We belonged like this.
"Can I kiss you?" - I asked, suddenly feeling pulled to him.
I tightened my grip around him, pulling him up a little to have better access to his lips.
We kissed slowly and carefully.
Our lips caressing and pampering one another.
We took it slow, feeling every wave of heartworm, every butterfly in my stomach and every tingle in my skin where Harry was touching me.
"That was extremely soothing." - He whispered, his hands still cupping my cheeks and his nose pressed against mine.
"That was one of the best kisses I've ever had."
"One of? Damn, I have to step up my game." - He joked and I giggled.
"Okay, fine. It was the best. Happy?"
"Very." - He said, turning to cuddle closer against my side and bringing the blanket up to cover both of us. - "Now shut up, the movie is already starting."
I laughed and kissed the top of his head.
"And I'm the immature one."
Once the movie finished, there was no pizza left and I had dropped one of the juice cups on the white blanket, Harry and I decided that it was late enough to return home.
I gently separated from him with a short kiss on his lips and started to take down the lights and fold the blankets before going back to the seats at front.
We were one of the last to leave the drive-in. But we didn't care.
We took our time to do everything at our pace. Doing things neatly and stealing some sweet kisses from time to time.
Because even if we both now knew that our connection was way deeper than I thought at first, we were still keeping things light.
Taking it slow as Harry asked me.
And it was fine.
We were just really enjoying each other, and we weren't on a rush to speed anything.
So I drove him home and I got out of the truck to walk him to the entrance of his house.
Harry stood in front of me for a while, not saying anything but we were both hugging and his face was hiding in my neck.
I felt his lips brush against my skin and I relaxed completely under his embrace.
No need for words.
We knew this was right and that it was a ephemeral moment to enjoy.
Together, breathing the same air, sharing the same time and space, and feeling the other's touch and company.
"Lou... I know I said I wanted to take things slow. But I don't think I can." - He whispered.
"Because you want me so much?" - I teased him and he rolled his eyes, separating his face from me.
"Because I'm sure that I want to try things with you, to see where we can go. I know we're not together yet, and that we're just starting to know each other. But don't you feel it too? It's like someone is in my head telling me to go all in. That I somehow need this."
"You're better at putting your feelings into words than me. But yes. I feel like I wouldn't be able to take things slow even if I wanted to."
He sighed in relief and nodded.
"Do you want to come up?"
"Are you sure?"
"The only thing I'm sure, is that I don't want to say goodbye to you tonight. So, do you want to stay the night?"
"Nothing would make me happier."
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