🦋 The edge of the cliff
Sorry for taking this long!
I'll probably post another chapter in between today and tomorrow to make it up to you.
I love you all so damn much.
You don't have a clue how much this whole Wattpad community, and of course my magnets, mean to me.
You all give me a safe place to be, and that's something unexplainable.
Thank you.
Mag 🦋
The edge of the cliff.
"Not the time, Liam." - I said as soon as I picked up the phone, trying to keep Harry out of hearing range.
"I need to talk to you."
"Can't it wait until I'm alone?" - I whispered.
"Why? Is your new boyfriend around?" - Liam sounded amused.
"Yes. I can't speak with you when I'm with him here."
"It'll only be a second, promise. It's about Rangnick. He's worried about you."
"Liam, I can't speak about this now."
"I know, but wait!"
"I'm hanging up on you in three…"
"Louis, don't be a child, this is your job we are talking about."
"England, who are you talking to?" - Harry said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me with him to the couch, tugging on my arm until I fell on his lap.
"Uhm… Liam."
"Yeah?" - Harry smiled, taking my phone and putting it on speaker. - "Hey there Liam, I've heard a lot from you."
"What? Louis, is that Harry?"
"Yes Liam. This is him." - I said, cursing internally.
"Oh! Nice to finally meet you. Louis speaks a lot of you too."
Harry laughed.
"I bet he does." - He poked on my waist. - "So, I want to know if everything he told me about you is true or if he's lying." - He said, stucking his tongue out at me and I rolled my eyes.
"Louis is a great liar." - Liam said and I growled.
Harry took it as a joke and laughed, kissing my shoulder and assuring me it was okay.
"Then I believe you and I will have a great talk sometime in the future, you can tell me all Louis' embarrassing secrets."
"God no." - I mumbled while Liam laughed on the other side of the line.
"It'll be my pleasure. This is the first time that Louis has someone that is really important to him, so I'll make sure you don't miss any details, Harry."
"Great." - Harry laughed.
"Okay, I'll leave you guys, have something to take care of. Tommo, I'll talk to you later."
"Sure. Bye, Li." - I said, quickly hanging up.
"He seems fun." - Harry smiled, wrapping both of his arms around my back and pulling me closer to his chest.
I shifted to find a better position, straddling him and hooking my arms around his neck.
"He's the devil. Don't listen to him."
Harry laughed and bumped his nose with mine.
"You're mean. Poor guy has been tolerating you for the past twenty years."
"Don't take his side, you're my boyfriend!" - I said, playfully hitting his chest.
Then, the door of my flat opened, revealing certain Irish.
"Ni, I just met Louis' best friend over the phone. We're even now." - Harry grinned at him.
"That's nice. Both of you know the best friends, so now you guys can move to meet the families." - Niall joked.
"Funny." - I said, sarcastically.
"That's actually not a terrible idea." - Harry said.
"I'm going over to my mother's house on Sunday. You could come with me and meet them there?"
From behind Harry, I saw Niall's eyes widening and he started shaking his head no at me in panic.
"Wha- shit. No Harry, I don't think so."
"You don't want to meet them? Why?" - Harry frowned, looking hurt all of a sudden.
"Because…" - I looked up at Niall to get some help.
"C'mon, H. Don't pressure your boyfriend like this. It's only been what? Three days?"
"Am I pressuring you?" - He looked even sadder. - "I'm sorry, babe. I thought… My mom is so excited to meet you since I told her, and my dad… he is a huge soccer fan. You'd really get on well with him."
I opened my eyes in realization and mentally thanked Niall.
I had completely forgot about Harry's father.
"Yeah, you told me." - I bit my lip. - "But it's a little bit rushed, love."
"Okay, sure. I'll… let it go. You're not ready, so. It's alright. We have time." - He smiled, but I could see he was still a little hurt and I felt my heart breaking.
"So… you're both probably wondering why I am here." - Niall smiled wickedly, changing the subject and making me frown in suspicion.
"Not really, no." - Harry said.
"Well… I'm here to tell you guys to dress up, we have a party to attend!" - Niall exclaimed, doing some awful dance moves.
"Whose party?" - Harry asked.
"A girl I met at the beach today." - He shrugged.
"I can't go to a party." - I said, staring intensely at Niall so he could get the message.
"Why not, love?" - Harry asked.
"I don't… have clothes." - I mumbled, standing up from Harry's lap and moving as far as possible from him.
"You can go with anything really. People here aren't judging. Besides, It's probably a beach party, right Niall?"
"Uhmm… yeah." - Niall said, now sounding doubtful and staring apologetically at me.
"Yeah?" - I asked him, trying to figure out if he knew people would recognize me or not.
"You'll be alright with whatever you wear."
"Yes, love. It's not a big deal. We'll have fun." - Harry smiled.
I sighed.
"Okay, fine. Guess we're going out."
By eleven at night, I had already mixed a couple of drinks and was pretty much drunk.
And that wasn't good.
At all.
Because a drunk Niall plus a drunk Louis and a sober Harry in a beach party wasn't the best combination.
First, because Niall was supposed to be the one looking after me and helping me not be recognized by others.
Second, because Harry was the designated driver for the night and that meant that he had the keys of my truck.
Third, because I was really out of my senses and all over my boyfriend in front of plenty of people.
Because I think that I was a clingy drunk person type.
Or maybe being this drunk made me more whipped when it came to Harry.
So, I was pretty much screwed.
Kissing Harry, hugging Harry, dancing with Harry, all in front of many, many people, wasn't the smartest idea I had had in my life, but still, that wasn't the problem, because somehow everyone was even more drunk than I was and gave no shit about me.
The problem came later, when in my drunken state, I didn't realize that Harry was taking pictures of me, or that he even was asking me for permission to take a selfie of us while kissing, or the fact that I was so wasted that I practically begged him to take even more pictures of us during the rest of the night.
Doesn't matter the reason. The point is that I was kissing Harry and confessing my love to him in front of many people, while he laughed at my state and took pictures, and a few videos, to show me in the morning.
His words.
So, when Niall found us again, now being a little less drunk than the last time we saw him, he fell into realization of what Harry was doing.
And he quickly took Harry's phone from his hands and slapped me on the head.
"He's posting these pictures of you, dumbass." - He whispered to me.
"Harry was posting videos and pictures of you, so go and fucking talk to him. I'll erase the posts."
"Fuck." - I mumbled under my breath, going back to where Harry was now talking with a group of people.
I grabbed his wrist and pulled him away, walking hurriedly to a place where the music wasn't as loud.
"What's wrong, Lou? You wanna leave?" - Harry asked, still following me on toe.
I stopped and took a deep breath, hoping it'll sober me up, and turned to face him.
"Harry, babe, I told you I didn't like photos, I told you. And you went and published them on your social media?"
"But… tonight you asked me to do that." - He frowned.
"But I was drunk! I'm still drunk." - I sighed.
"So, what am I supposed to do? Not post anything? You're my boyfriend, I should be allowed to post at least a photo with you."
"You should… but it's difficult, Harry. You should be allowed, but you can't. At least not… not yet."
"Don't post anything about me yet."
"It's my fucking social media, I can post whatever the hell I want. You can't tell me not to."
"I can when you're posting my face!"
"I don't understand you, Louis! First you don't want to meet my parents, now you don't want me to post a picture saying you're my boyfriend. Are you fucking embarrassed of me?"
"What?! No, absolutely no."
"Then what is it?!" - He shouted, tears starting to form on his eyes.
"This is the kind of talk I've been wanting to have with you, damn! But now it's not the time. You are constantly saying that 'we have time' bullshit and of course you pick the worst moment ever to bring it up! I won't have this conversation while drunk Harry. Not now."
"So this is about you leaving me, then? You don't want to be seen with me because you're returning to England and leaving me behind?" - He cried.
"No, it's not that. But I won't have this conversation now."
"Why the fuck not?"
"Because I'm angry and drunk! And this is a talk that we need to have differently!"
"Fine." - He stated, turning around and walking back to the party, disappearing moments later.
I shook my head, containing my own tears as I moved back to the party to find Niall.
I couldn't actually find him in between all the people that were still there, but then, I saw his silhouette sitting on the sand by the side of the sea.
Grabbing one last beer from the bucket with ice, I got rid of my shoes and walked to where Niall was sitting.
"He left." - I mumbled, collapsing on the sand next to him.
"I know. He came asking for his phone. Is he mad?"
"He took your truck so…"
"So we'll have to walk back?"
"Yeah. Did you tell him all of it?"
"No, actually he got mad because I didn't tell him."
"You didn't?"
"Because this wasn't the time or place to do it."
"But you've had so many chances before and you didn't either." - He snorted. - "And now he's fucking mad."
"I couldn't tell him before either, Niall."
"Why? What are you so scared of?"
"It's not that I'm scared to tell him, I've tried so many times! But he's avoiding it, he's in denial or something, and he just won't listen to me when I try to speak! But now he was just…" - I sighed. - "To tell him, I need both of us to be calm and willing to have a civilized conversation, not whatever that shouting mess was."
"Well… yeah. You've a point."
"I know." - I gulped on my beer. - "I'll tell him tomorrow."
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