Part 4
You felt one of the dolls grab your hand, it's porcelain fingers sharp and jagged, digging into the skin underneath your jeans. Shrieking, you kicked your leg, sending it flying into the other dolls, tumbling like bowling pins.
"Sam, what are we going to do?" You called out, pressing your back against the wall as Sam tried to open the door. But it wouldn't budge. Sam hurled a doll across the room, both of you gleefully watching as it shattered in hundreds of pieces. "They keep coming!"
Before he could answer, there was a loud bang and the door exploded, sending slivers flying through the air. Sam hovered over you, trying to block you from the worst of the slivers, grunting as some hit his back.
"Damn dolls!" Dean exclaimed as he started swinging with an ax, easily smashing the dolls as they continued to move forward. "Let's get the hell out of here!"
Sam stood up, taking the ax from Dean to continue hacking at the dolls. Dean pulled you towards the door, pushing you through it. "Sam, now!" Dean yelled, stepping back as Sam came rushing through.
You were in another hallway, with a door on each end. "Dean, how the hell did you do that?" You asked, breathing heavily.
"I can't be the only one that carries around a spare grenade," Dean chuckled before the dolls started climbing through the broken door.
With no idea which way to go, but knowing that you wanted away from the dolls, you turned to the left, running as fast as you could. Sam and Dean were right on your heels, Sam double-checking to make sure the dolls weren't too close.
Opening the door, you stumbled inside, Dean grabbing you and pulling you to the side just as a giant blade swung down from the ceiling, slicing the air where you had just stood. "What the...," you muttered, clinging tight to Dean's chest as he pressed tight against the wall. "What new hell are we in?"
Sam had joined you by then, Dean quickly warning him to stay back. The blade in front of you continued to swing softly back and forth as candles lit up the rest of the room. It was a long, narrow room with black and maroon wallpaper. Candles were placed high in sconces along the wall, illuminating the black and white below.
"Do you think it's just the one?" Dean asked, rubbing his hand comfortingly along your shoulder, staring down the long room to the exit sign brightly lit in the back. "Do you think we've finally found the end of her wicked little game?"
A cackling laugh, much like a witch echoed throughout the narrow room. "Do you think I would make the final room easy?"
She stood in front of the door, opening it to show you the light outside. You were so close to freedom you could almost taste it, but you also knew you couldn't act with haste.
"Damn you, Ruby, you've had your fun. Now finish this before I...," Sam growled, but Ruby just laughed again.
"Oh, I'm giving you the chance to finish this. You just have to figure out my last game," she bragged before vanishing from the room.
"Why do I feel like we're in an Indian Jones movie?" Dean muttered, letting go of you to step close to the blade. Peering up at the ceiling, he grabbed the long, lethal looking blade by the handle, dropping it to the ground. "As much as I like those movies, I don't think I'm in the mood to deal with this shit."
"We need to be smart," Sam spoke up, already researching the walls and the ceiling, looking for clues as to what you are dealing with. "There has to be some sort of pattern to this."
You could see markings on the tile, symbols. Each tile was different, but you quickly noticed a pattern. The blade that had almost cut you clean in half had fallen above a tile with a symbol that looked like an upside-down A. No other tile had it except the third one on the right. "Dean, look!" You exclaimed, pointing out what you had noticed. "Do you think it's that?"
"It could be. It's simple, but I can't think of anything else."
"So, we don't step on the ones with the weird A thingy," you muttered, hoping that you were right. Because you did not want a blade sweeping down and taking you out. "We do that, and we should be able to make it out of here."
"Well, if you're wrong, it's just our lives at stake," Sam muttered, taking the first step forward. Carefully stepping past the first tile, he landed on the black tile with a symbol that almost looked like an anti possession tattoo, only with the letter S in the middle. Closing his eyes, Sam placed his foot down, all three of you waiting for something to happen. But nothing did, and you breathed a sigh of relief.
"What next?" Dean asked. "We can't all fit on one tile."
"I'll continue to move forward," Sam suggested. "I'll find a safe tile, you'll follow my footsteps."
"Kind of like a deadly follow the leader," Dean muttered.
While Sam glanced around him, trying to find another safe tile, you heard a rumbling sound behind you. Curious, you turned around to find the wall much closer to you than before. It was moving fast, pushing you into Dean who almost fell onto the floor. "Y/N!" Dean chastised, continuing to watch his brother.
"Dean, the walls moving!"
Dean turned around, his eyes widening as the wall pushed the two of you back. "Damn it," he muttered. "Sam, hurry up!"
"Don't rush me," Sam argued, his foot hovering in the air over a tile.
"Sam!" Both you and Dean shouted at the same time. "The wall is moving!"
Sam froze, muttering under his breath before moving to the next tile. He breathed a sigh of relief as it stayed put, no blade coming to slice him in half. "Y/N, jump on my shoulders," Dean insisted. "That way we have one less tile to deal with."
With the wall crunching you, Dean crouched down, letting you hop onto his back. Holding tight, you held your breath as Dean took the first step. Sam was already deciding which one would be next, moving closer to the wall with his next step. The tile underneath him rumbled before crumbling away and Sam quickly jumped back before he was swallowed into the hole.
"Damn it!" He yelled. "I thought that had the A symbol!"
"Sam, hurry up," Dean warned as the wall crunched the tiles behind you, releasing the blades. One swung dangerously close to your back, the breeze it created cringe-worthy.
Mumbling under his breath, Sam moved to the second to last one on the right, smiling victoriously when nothing happened. It gave Dean a chance to move, which happened to be perfect timing, as a long knife slid down from the ceiling to the side of where you had been.
Sam studied the tiles as fast as he could, moving to the next one with ease. You held on tight to Dean, your cheek pressed against his shoulder.
Sam hopped to the next tile, Dean started to move when the rumbling of the wall made him lose his footing. "Ahh," Dean screamed, his arms swinging in the air, your extra weight making it hard for him to regain his balance.
Both of you were going to go down, and you peered over your shoulder to see a pitch-black hole forming behind you. If Dean lost his footing, both of you would end up in there. Your mind worked quickly, forming plan after plan, but nothing worked. As Dean tried to reach for Sam's hand, you did the only thing you could think of doing. You let go, tumbling back into the hole, giving yourself up so Dean could fight his way out.
"Y/N!" Dean cried, Sam catching him from following you into the unknown depths. You fell backward, weightless, no idea where you were going to land. But you knew you had done the right thing. Smiling bravely, you were soon enclosed in complete darkness, both Sam and Dean no longer in your vision.
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