Is there a possibility of a blooming romance between @DreamWasTaken and @KeresHexxOff ?
[an image of Dream and Keres hugging goodbye. Dream's eyes are closed and his eyebrows are lightly furrowed]
[Keres blushing and gesturing as she asks Dream something. Dream is smiling teasingly]
34.1k retweets 53.7k likes
She's not me but at least she not George 😌
Don't let Ophelia see this
Don't let George see this
I think he already has
19.9k retweets 22.4k likes
George trusts Clay. With his heart, with his life, with his everything. George trusts Clay. But that doesn't mean it didn't hurt.
They looked good together. She fit well in his arms, George could see that. Anyone could see that. He'd like to say she didn't fit quite as well as he did but he wasn't all that sure any more.
But just because they looked good together doesn't mean they would be good together. Doesn't mean they'd be better than George and Clay. Doesn't mean Clay would be happier with her. Doesn't mean Clay would chose her over George.
Clay would have a reason. He'd text or call George at some point, as soon as he's free, and he'd explain his reason and assure George that he loves him. And George would understand. Clay would tell George he loves him and George would understand. George just had to wait until Clay was free.
George heard his phone buzz and he scrabbled to grab it, scaring Mew away in the process. He knew Clay would have a reason. George felt his heart flutter as he picked up his phone and turned it on to see the notification.
Then his heart dropped back.
You good?
Why wouldn't I be?
No reason
Just thought I'd check in on my best bud
Sounds fake
Thank you
Couldn't just be nice, could you?
George felt slightly guilty at the dark shroud of disappointment that swallowed his chest upon the realisation that it was Nick and not Clay who had messaged. But it was fine. Clay would message at some point. He was just busy. Clay was busy, so George would be busy until Clay was free again.
First, George busied himself with making dinner. It was an easy, practiced ordeal that he'd done a hundred times and then a hundred times more. George didn't think about making muffins with Clay at all.
Then, George busied himself with eating dinner. For once, he let Mew sit up on the table beside him, if only for some company. George kept his phone face down on the table so he wouldn't be tempted to check it and ate in silence. It didn't feel like there was something missing.
Next, George busied himself editing. Editing always took a lot of time and a lot of effort, which George had never been more thankful for than in that very moment. He plugged his phone in on the bedside table and left it there, promising himself that worrying at it every five minutes would only make time pass slower. And waiting this long had been more than enough.
Every hour that passed without a word from Clay, George felt his faith wavering. He told himself that he was just being clingy. That Clay was busy. That Clay was always this distant because he was busy. That this didn't mean Clay had already found someone better in Keres. That the comments weren't - couldn't be - right because Clay had told him they were wrong. He'd said they were wrong.
George wasn't sure when this rift first formed between them. They had been great, a little sour at the aching distance but still deep in their honeymoon phase, for a long while after Clay had to return to Florida. They had spent almost every free moment on call together, if only to have the others presence nearby, and even introduced Patches and Bartholomew on one particularly soft call. Vincent could vouch that they were the clingiest, most in love couple he'd ever met - and he had to deal with Zak and Darryl.
George wondered what went wrong. What he did wrong. When he had started to lose Clay. How he didn't see the signs.
He realised then that he was simply being melodramatic. Just because they didn't talk all the time doesn't mean Clay doesn't love him. Just because the media thinks he'd be better off with someone else doesn't mean they're right. Doesn't mean Clay thinks that.
George was spiralling, that was it, he just needed to get himself under control and he'd see that everything was fine between him and Clay. He'd see that speculation was speculation.
George damn near threw himself when he heard his phone go off again.
Hi George
Just wanted to check in and make sure you're alright
Vinnie said that Clay's been antsy and upset lately
They had another argument so Vinnie's staying here for a while
And it doesn't take a genius to see that you've been quiet, especially on stream
If I'm just being nosy and intruding then tell me and I'll stop
But I wanted to make sure anyways
Are you okay?
George :D
Oh muffin
What's wrong?
George :D
I just
It's stupid
If it's gotten you this down then it's worth talking about
George :D
Can I call you?
Of course
George :D
Thank you
Darryl's voice was soft and warm as he greeted George and George found it hard to reply around the painful lump in his throat.
"Talk to me, muffin." Darryl eventually requested quietly, waiting patiently for George to find his words.
"It's stupid, I shouldn't be this upset," George pushed through gritted teeth and screwed-shut eyes. He slouched further into his desk chair, having moved back to it and thrown off Clay's hoodie.
"Would it help if I told you some silly little things that have upset me before?" Darryl asked kindly. George paused before voicing his affirmative.
"The other day, I cried because we'd run out of muffins. I cried again when I remembered where I'd hidden some away for when we ran out." George giggled hoarsely. "You remember when you and Clay taught us all to play minecraft? I avoided Zak for almost a week because he killed mister squeegy." George remembered that.
Clay had insisted on teaching Vincent, Darryl and Zak how to play minecraft as he became a more frequent staple in George's streams. They had all gone over to Clay and Vincent's and taken turns on Clay's laptop. It was hilarious to watch them try and collaborate to build a stable home.
Darryl continued for a moment before falling quiet in order to let George speak. The stories had helped and George sucked in a breath, composing himself.
"There's... a lot," George warned weakly as his last line of defence. He was sure he could hear Darryl's comforting smile.
"We have time." He responded kindly and George nodded to himself. Darryl wouldn't judge him. Darryl was kind and understanding and cared too much for his own good. Darryl wouldn't judge him.
"Well, first of all... I can't help but feel like a financial burden on Nick and Clay. I know Clay doesn't think that I'm just here for the money but I rely on him and Nick so much to get by... I'm working on that though, I'll be off their hands soon." George was glad he hadn't chosen to video call, he could almost feel the pity radiating from Darryl.
"Then... I shouldn't let it get to me, Clay told me they were wrong..." George mumbled, feeling his eyes grow glassy and the lump in his throat go taught.
"Who, George?" Darryl prompted gently. He could hear the strain in George's voice.
"The fans... After Clay's tweet it got better but it didn't stop. It... it hurts to have all these people that mean so much to you guys and to Clay... want me gone," George felt the first of many tears slip down his cheek. "To have them say with such confidence that Clay would be better without me... would be better with someone else... he told me they're wrong but it doesn't make it hurt any less." George hiccuped "And I don't want to tell Clay because he's already trying so hard to keep me safe and happy and he cares so much about his fans... I don't want to upset him because I can't handle a few people looking for attention." George scrubbed at his face with his fists, struggling to breath through stuttered gasps.
"And... I can't help but feel like I've done something wrong? I know that Clay's busy and management are on his back all the time... but we rarely ever talk more than check ins now... sometimes he'll video call me and it's great, it's like nothing ever happened and I feel like I'm just overreacting and things are fine," George remembered falling asleep on call to Clay's whispered affections.
"but then I'll get nothing from him for ages... and I'll see all these photos... and I trust him, I do, so much. I trust him with my heart, with my life, with everything. But I'm scared, Darryl. I'm so scared that he'll realise that there are better people out there. Darryl, he could have anyone he wants..." George coughed, scrabbling for air and Darryl shushed him gently.
"Breathe for me, muffin. Deep breaths. I'm going to ask Vincent to message Nick. I know it's early morning for you two but you shouldn't be alone right now and Nick always responds to Vin. Is that okay?" George nodded before realising Darryl couldn't see him. He let out a broken hum and heard Darryl call out for Vincent. George focussed on his breathing.
"Can you stay?" He managed to squeeze out pitifully. Darryl was quick to shush him back into focussing on his breathing.
"Of course I'll stay. I'll stay as long as you need me. Would you like to switch to video call?" George didn't think about the way he looked before humming an affirmative. Darryl hadn't judged him yet, it's unlikely he would now.
Being able to see that Darryl was there helped. Darryl joined in on the breathing exercises, allowing George to copy his pattern until he'd calmed down to soft hiccups and sniffs. He felt exhausted, drained and raw from it all.
"Nick will be there soon." Vincent assured, joining Darryl in the frame. They were sat in Darryl and Zak's living room, illuminated warmly by a single lamp. George nodded slowly, ready to wait a little for Nick.
Clay still hadn't messaged.
1.9k words
Wonder what Clay's so busy with. Wonder what Vincent and Clay fought over.
Sorry the update is so late, I spent the day at the beach with my family and left my phone at home
Yours, Dandelion
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