"Ophie, can I talk to you?" Keres murmured nervously, shifting from foot to foot.
After a terribly chaotic day of shenanigans and lighthearted fun that was desperately needed, everyone had decided to turn in for the night, scattering to their respective rooms. Precisely no one at all missed the way Clay practically skipped into what had previously been just George's room, face the epitome of smugness and pride. A few also noticed the way Geo practically sprinted to his new room with his things, attempting to type with one hand.
"Always, bubs, what's up?" Ophelia asked, pulling her shirt up and over her head and working on finding a vest for the night. Keres was silent for a moment, unsure of what to say. Part of her was stuck on how to approach the subject, the rest was staring at the mesmerising design trailing up Ophelia's spine.
"You're um... you're gay right?" She finally got out - the way she said the word was nervous, as though she had sworn or blasphemed in some way, but not hateful -, deciding to distract herself by searching for the oversized pink Minnie Mouse tee shirt that Ophelia had insisted on buying for her. Ophelia froze for a second but quickly brushed it off, picking up a vest.
"Yeah, some would say that." She replied cryptically and Keres nodded, awkwardly swapping her shirt for the tee she had found, removing her bra beneath it. She wiggled from her skirt and peeled off her socks before continuing.
"I just... i was wondering whether you'd talk to me a bit about... about being gay." She asked carefully, looking every bit as small as she was, and climbed her way onto their bed. "The church, they always... they told us being gay was bad and then just... never said anything else. Being gay was bad because God said so and that... that was it. I've never questioned God's word before but... well, it doesn't make sense." Ophelia had pulled on her vest, removed her bra and changed into a pair of red bed shorts, now sat at Keres' side.
She gently tapped Keres' shoulder until Keres turned her back to her, Ophelia carefully gathering her hair into her hands. She had told Keres their first night about this trick for soft, natural waves - sleeping with plaits in, who knew? - and had plaited her hair for her. Keres had asked her to do it again the next night and, from there, it had become routine.
"I just... I always imagined that there would be something... something wrong with gay people and that would explain why God didn't like them. But... but there's nothing wrong with any of you. You're all so... so kind and nice and forgiving and understanding and you... you all care. So much. Even when I didn't deserve it." She continued as Ophelia delicately brushed through her hair.
"And Darryl... Darryl follows and loves and trusts in God even though he's gay... I just- I don't get it." Keres picked at the duvet beneath her before wrapping her arms around her waist. Ophelia tied off the first braid, listening intently.
"I'm... I'm so confused... what's so wrong with loving someone? I thought that that was what God wanted, for his children to love and to cherish one another?" Ophelia carefully tied off the second braid, sweeping them both over Keres' shoulders. Before she had the chance to stop herself, Ophelia pressed a soft kiss to the base of Keres' neck.
She shuffled up to the headboard, encouraging Keres to do the same. Keres followed, cheeks a pretty pink, and worked on tucking herself beneath the covers. After a moment of shuffling and worming, Ophelia lifted the covers with a giggle to let them both under.
They settled easily, Keres slotting herself down Ophelia's side and resting her head on Ophelia's arm. Keres wasn't certain that this closeness she had with Ophelia was entirely platonic but she couldn't find it in herself to mind. After being alone for so long, it felt nice to be held. Keres thought that Ophelia's arms fit quite nicely around her.
"I think that you should talk to Darryl about this one, Girlie. He's a lovely guy, he'll be more than happy to talk to you about it." Ophelia reassured softly, bringing the hand of the arm Keres was pillowed in up in order to gently smooth Keres' hair.
"For me, it never mattered who somebody fell in love with because it was never their choice. I never chose to be gay. If I had been given the choice between being seen as 'normal' and being who I am now, I would have picked being normal in a heartbeat." Keres gently extended an arm to wrap around Ophelia's waist.
"No one would ever choose to be discriminated against, to be hated and bashed and harmed for falling in love. We're just born the way that we are, we have no say in the matter." Ophelia turned from where she had been speaking to the ceiling in order to look into Keres' sleepy blue eyes. "But that's okay. Because we're not alone. Ker, for people like you and Darryl, you've got your faith and you've got your God as well. For people like me, we have our families. I have you, Geo, Clark, Jethro, Nick, George, Clay, Vincent, Zak, Darryl, my parents... I have you all."
"Ker-bear, you have every right to question it when they're giving no reason to believe, you don't have to be afraid to ask for answers. We're here. Never let someone else's beliefs blind you from finding your own." Ophelia murmured before pressing her lips to Keres' hairline. Keres simply curled closer, allowing herself to slip into thoughts of a boy she had long since left behind.
Ophelia was soft where he had been hard; warm where he had been frigid; bright where he had been blistering; supportive where he had been controlling; wise where he had been deceitful; and, most of all, loving where he had been lustful. As she began to drift, eyes closed and breathing evening, she decided that maybe she wouldn't mind falling again if Ophelia was there to catch her.
You couldn't just say "I support you" like normal people do, could you? @GeorgeNotFound
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Just computer nerd boyfriend tings 😌✨
No ❤️
I have r e a w o k e n
Dream, he's asking for a kiss in disaster gay, you should go give him one
I don't have any :( I'll go buy some for him
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"You're such an idiot." Clay laughed out, freshly showered and ready for bed, waiting for George to join him. George just grinned, having changed into his bed shorts and a white shirt.
He had padded his way to their wardrobe and begun sifting through to find Clay's hoodies. He picked up a light gray one he was sure he'd seen Clay wearing recently and lifted it to his nose. Feeling the way Clay watched him, George made a show of grimacing before closing the closet and walking over to the bed with it in hand.
He pulled the fabric on over his head, leaving the hood up and shadowing his face, as he plopped onto the bed beside his boyfriend. His boyfriend. What a lovely phrase.
As soon as George was within reach, Clay fisted a hand in his hoodie and tugged him closer incessantly. "Can we cuddle?" He asked sleepily and George purposefully ignored the flush that crawled up his neck as he nodded. To be fair to him, Clay's freckled face was pink as well.
George shuffled down under the covers, allowing Clay to manhandle him into place against his chest. Once it was clear that Clay was settled, George slowly snaked his arms around him to rest his hands flat against Clay's back. Clay hummed happily, looking down at George through half lidded eyes. "Can I play with your hair?" He requested and George giggled before agreeing.
Clay brought the arm wrapped around George up until his could thread his fingers through his hair. George watched with a sleep addled smile as Clay slowly studied his face.
Clay couldn't believe his luck, and he wasn't about to take this chance for granted. He let himself first watch the way his fingers disappeared and reappeared in George's soft, dark hair, before slowly dragging his eyes down. He took in George's near closed eyes, pupils wide behind thick lashes; the soft slope of George's nose; the round of his pink cheeks; all the way down to the curve of George's lips. They were soft and slightly open and ever so close. So close that Clay could feel George's breath fan over him softly. "Can I-"
"For God's sake, just kiss me." George instructed hoarsely and Clay certainly didn't need to be told twice.
He tipped his head and easily pressed his lips to George's, damn near sobbing at how much he had missed the feeling. George let out a relieved sigh, tilting ever so slightly to press in closer and Clay was sure that that was him that had just whined.
Clay pulled George impossibly closer, hand tightening in George's hair and lips moving familiarly with George's. Eventually, George had to pat Clay's shoulder blade a few times before Clay pulled back, searching George's flushed face. "I can't breathe." George wheezed with a grin and Clay loosened his arms, chuckling out a sorry.
George ignored the apology in favour of surging forward to kiss him again, knocking Clay onto his back and hovering above him as Clay laughed against his lips before reciprocating.
1.6k words
Kith kith fall in love
I got a care package in the mail today with some chocolate buttons, a make your own plant pot and some grow your own lavender!! :)
Also!!! We're nearing forty chapters again (the point at which I planned to end the book) but I still have a lot I'd like to work through so I'm leaving it up to you guys! I can either end this book at forty chapter like I had originally planned and then open my next project (a DNF oneshot book and the skephalo side to Like Normal People Do, focussing more on the origins of the band.) or I can postpone my next project and open a third book in this series.
It wouldn't be as angsty as this, I assure you. I just don't want it to seem like I am bleeding this idea dry. I love writing this storyline and don't look forward to seeing it end but I also don't want to continue dragging it out past its time. So, it's up to you guys :)
A third book in this series or end it at forty and move on?
Feedback is welcome and appreciated!!
Yours, Dandelion
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