After waking up still on call with George, George humming quietly to himself and looking adorably sleep soft, Clay was sure nothing could ruin his day.
He was wrong. So very, absolutely and completely wrong.
"I can't just date a girl because it will get us media coverage, are you insane?" Clay shouted, incredulous. He shouldn't speak to management like that, even over the phone, but Clay didn't care. Vincent watched as Clay paced the length of their kitchen, one hand holding his phone to his ear and the other was up to his mouth, nails between his teeth. He felt vaguely like he was intruding but didn't have the energy to go someplace else. Clay was yelling loud enough that Vin would probably hear him no matter which room he moved to.
"Celebrities do it all the time, Clayton, stop overreacting." The gruff voice down the line responded and, though Clay couldn't see them, he could feel the eye roll that accompanied the words. Clay's skin crawled with the words and the name.
"Are you forgetting that she is a human being too?" Anger was bubbling hotly under Clay's skin and Vincent briefly wondered whether he should leave for his own safety rather than for fear of eavesdropping.
"They're called contracted relationships, she would be aware that none of it is real." Management shot back, disinterestedly. Almost all of Clay's being wanted to yell down the phone that he had a boyfriend that he was very happy with, thank you and then hang up. The only thing that was stopping him was the possibility of management attempting to use their relationship for publicity and risking hurting George. He'd talk to George first before mentioning anything.
"Telling her won't make it any better! So, what, we're just going to lie to our fans? To earn a bit more money? To get clout? There's other ways!" Clay removed his nails from between his teeth and settled into scratching at his forearm instead. Vincent watched the change astutely, concerned. It had been a while since the last time Clay had scratched to relieve his building emotions.
"It's not lying, Clayton. Think about the benefit to the band and to Miss Hexx's career here, you're being selfish and infantile and I won't deal with it." Clay could hear the annoyance growing in the voice. If they called him Clayton one more time, he may snap.
"I'm not- it's not selfish to not want to lie to our fans!" Vincent saw the way Clay's fingernails dug into his forearm and he reached forward to catch him, circling his fingers around Clay's wrist. Clay's eyes soften as he looked between the half-crescent dents in his arm and Vincent's stern but concerned face. He took a deep breath and then nodded once and Vincent let go. Clay tucked the hand into his pocket instead.
"As I said, if you had been listening, it wouldn't be lying. For the duration of the contract, the two of you would be in a relationship. Anything the fans assume from that relationship is simply speculation. Really, you're acting like a child, I thought you were better than that." Clay decided he had had enough of this bullshit and made a quick decision which, in hindsight, he really shouldn't have made while angry.
"Okay, fine. I'm not going to fake a relationship but... I'm not going to do anything to deny one if people speculate. That's all you're getting." And, with that, Clay hung up. He ran his fingers over his face and into his hair, tugging it harshly before leaving his fingers there, clenched around the dirty blond strands.
He knew he'd receive some strong words for having back talked and hung up like that but, frankly, he couldn't care less. If he was on that phone for even a moment more, he'd risk doing something stupid.
With an achingly heavy heart and hot coals searing beneath his skin, Clay arranged a meet up he really would rather not have.
Hey, you free?
Keres Hexx
Hi!!! Of course, what's up?
You want to go get coffee?
Keres Hexx
I'd love to!!
The café you showed me yesterday, right? I think I know the way :)))
Yeah, that one
I'm free now if you are
Keres Hexx
I'm free!! :D
I'll see you there soon?
See you soon
Keres Hexx
The café wasn't nearly as homey and warm as the one George had taken him to was. It was nice, don't get him wrong. It had a relaxed atmosphere with dark oak furniture and a small array of well kept plants dotted around, large windows providing plenty of light and soft, jazz-like music playing from the overhead speakers. But it didn't feel anywheres as near as comfortable and familiar as George's café.
Dream spotted Keres easily upon walking in. She was curled into a booth that was tucked neatly off to the side of the room, hands - which were half covered by her sleeves - wrapped around a small mug.
She wore a cream jumper with a small pocky print on, tucked into light blue, cuffed denim shorts and a pair of matching cream trainers. Her hair was tied into two messy, space buns. Dream would think she looked cute if he wasn't so entirely gone for George. He wondered briefly what George would look like in that outfit and quickly shoved it away into his 'things to think about later' folder in his mind.
Keres had waved upon spotting Dream approaching the booth and Dream returned the wave with a warm smile, figuring Keres shouldn't be the one he's angry with as she hadn't done anything wrong. He shrugged off his denim jacket - which he'd pulled on over his yellow jumper, black, ripped and cuffed skinny jeans and white Adidas - and placed it over the booth opposite Keres.
He made a quick comment about ordering for himself, which Keres nodded happily at, and excused himself to the counter. He ordered a caramel cortado, feeling melancholic and simply enjoying the drink George had once surprised him with, and sat opposite Keres with it clutched between his fingers.
It was slightly awkward at first, neither really knowing what to talk about, but eventually conversation came. And, with conversation came cameras trained on the two. Clay figured this would get him on managements good side again, if anything. Maybe he'll be able to nag about seeing George sooner after this.
Dream felt a sharp stab of guilt at the realisation that he hadn't consulted George at all during any of this. He shortly prayed that George wouldn't get the wrong idea before he had the chance to explain everything.
George was understanding, though. Dream knew that. George was one of the most understanding and trusting people he'd ever met. So Dream felt safe in the knowledge that George would trust him until he had time to explain himself. And, once Dream had explained himself, George would understand.
@DreamWasTaken and @KeresHexxOff spotted alone again at café
[an image of Dream and Keres sat opposite one another, chatting with smiles on their faces]
37.4k retweets 48.7k likes
Oh 😳
Say it with me: better 👏🏼 than 👏🏼 George 👏🏼
Why are they both so cute?
The king of adorable just called me cute 😳
36.7k retweets 52.2k likes
"What are you giggling at?" Dream asked, not unkindly. He'd been on his phone as well until only moments ago. Keres looked up from her phone, pink cheeked.
"Sorry, I'm still not used to people taking photos and complimenting me all that much." She fiddled for a moment with the end of her sleeve, smile wide. "Especially adorable people calling me cute," she added with a giggle.
"Well, you are cute." Dream responded casually with a shrug. The words tasted wrong, awkward and slightly sour despite Dream's intent to mean them in a strictly friendly way. Keres blushed a sweeter shade of pink and smiled.
"Thank you. You're cute too." She responded, voice small, and pulled her sleeves further over her hands. Something was off though, and Dream could tell. Keres wouldn't look at him, she suddenly seemed uncomfortable and withdrawn. Dream let it go, however, figuring it was simply because she wasn't used to receiving such freely given compliments.
W o w s h e i s v e r y c u t e 🥺 👉🏼 👈🏼 I t a k e b a c k t h e b o s s m u s i c , s h e i s t o o b a b y t o b e e v i l 💕
1.1k retweets 2.5k likes
Here we go again
IKR 🥺🥺🥺 <3
W H O M S T ' D ' V E ?
S H E ' D ' V E 🥺💕
[an image of Keres smiling something small
and sweet, cheeks a pretty pink, behind her
sweater paws.]
7.5k retweets 13.3k likes
Dream watched as Keres smiled down at her phone before switching it off. She gave him an apologetic smile and he waved it off kindly. They'd both long since finished their drinks and exhausted all conversation. Dream decided he'd been out long enough. If management wasn't satisfied then they'd just have to deal with it.
"I should probably get going, it was nice to see you though." Dream stated, pulling his denim jacket on. Keres grinned kindly and voiced her agreement, standing from the booth. Dream wrapped his arms around her in a brief and polite goodbye and Keres had to stand on her toes to return it.
Dream felt the way his whole chest throbbed with the pain of missing George. The memory of holding George in his arms, George on his toes, was so distant that Dream wasn't even sure he quite remembered it right.
"We should do this again some time." Keres said as she dropped back onto flat feet. Her eyes then widened. "If you want to." She stuttered out and Dream chuckled, nodding.
"I'd like that." Dream replied and Keres grinned.
"Okay, well, you, uh, you have my number so just.. whenever you're free." Keres moved her hands as if to motion texting. Dream chuckled and nodded, mirroring the hand motion. Keres blushed.
"Have a good day, Keres." Dream stated, splitting from Keres and beginning the walk home.
"You too!" He heard Keres call and he chuckled, stuffing his hands into his pockets. At least she wasn't full of herself, that would make this easier.
1.8k words
How could I hate her, she's such an angel
But then again, kinda wish she were dead
Someone guessed that this was going to happen on the first chapter and I had to pretend I did not see it when in reality I did 👀
Yours, Dandelion
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