After George's terrifying breakdown the night before, the three had made the unanimous decision that it was best that George was not on his phone for a while. In order to recover. Ophelia and Clark promised they would keep him updated on all that Nick told them before George handed over his phone. It was already powered off, having run out of charge shortly after George had sent Clay his final goodbye.
After nearing a year of bliss turned sour, George was alone again. This is why he didn't do this kind of thing, why he didn't do serious relationships. For the wretched, harrowing aftertaste once the glitter fades and once you part ways. He could barely breathe without thinking of Clay, of what had happened and how it had ended.
Padding into the kitchen and being greeted by Clark at the stove, dressed in a white shirt and gray joggers with his sandy blond hair messy from sleep, made George nearly break down again. He looked so much like Clay, the morning of their first date, that George had to screw his eyes shut.
Clark got changed into something less Clay looking - a pair of worn gray jeans, red vans and a cropped red hoodie - while Ophelia finished making breakfast.
Whilst George showered and got dressed into a pair of dark blue jeans, a white tee shirt, white trainers and a blue shirt, half buttoned and half tucked into the waistline of his jeans, Ophelia and Clark planned where they would spend the day. Wherever would best distract George.
Once George emerged from the bathroom, Ophelia disappeared to get dressed while Clark filled him in on their plans - George only half listening. Ophelia reappeared wearing a pair of shredded, dark blue jeans, black converse and a blue, orange, black, pink and white stripped, oversized, collared shirt, french tucked into her jeans. The shirt might as well have been a physical attack on people's eyes but Ophelia didn't seem to mind at all.
"You ready for the time of your life, Gogy?" Ophelia asked, handing her phone and purse to Clark, who tucked them into a black backpack he'd grabbed. Stupid fake jean pockets meant she had to entrust all her belongings to Clark for the day. George nodded slowly.
"I think so." He replied, voice small, and Clark gently bumped his shoulder before disappearing into the kitchen. He collected three water bottles from the fridge and stuffed them into the bag, walking back into the room and offering it out to George to put things in. George looked at Clark sceptically for a moment before shrugging and dropping his wallet and a tube of chapstick in, his phone still safely tucked in Ophelia's room somewhere.
Clark threw the bag on, cropped hoodie rising to show the base of his ribcage and a slim, lean stomach. George couldn't appreciate the view.
"Let's fucking go!" Clark cheered loudly, throwing an arm around George's shoulders and steering him towards the door. Ophelia followed behind, letting out loud whooping sounds, and locked the door behind her, throwing the keys to Clark after. George laughed softly, ignoring the way the sun stung his sore eyes.
"ThAt ThInG iS rIgGeD yOu WoNt WiN aNyThInG" okay Karen, say that to fucking BOOBIES, BITCH 😤
[an image of Ophelia, practically flattened under a massive, electric blue, teddy bear, face the epitome of smugness and elation. Clark is curled on the floor laughing, looking to be in tears. George must have taken the photo.]
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Is George with you? Please say he is
I was going to ask but, by this point, I'm not even surprised that you named it boobies. Poor bear
It was Clark's idea 😌✨
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Winning Boobies had probably been a bad idea so early on but none of the three could find it in themselves to regret it. As far as they were concerned, they had found a fourth addition to their party for George. And, for the barest moment, it had made George laugh, so it was more than just worth it in Ophelia and Clark's books.
They must have looked a state. George with his red rimmed eyes, highlighted by the bright pink butterflies on his cheeks, and tendency to zone out if not kept occupied; Ophelia with her probably life sized, bright blue, stuffed bear on her back and batman mask painted around her deep brown eyes; and Clark with his cropped hoodie displaying a smiley face that had been painted around his bellybutton - they payed the woman at the face painting stall double and she couldn't stop giggling, making the lines shaky. None of them cared how they looked though.
George was distracted - even enough to smile on rare occasions - and that's all that mattered.
Guess who forgot to tell us he didn't like rollercoasters. Guess who forgot to tell him that space mountain was a rollercoaster.
[an image of George from behind. He's on the floor, arms and legs wrapped around Boobies and face buried into the bear's chest. Ophelia is giggling into her hand as she rubs his back.]
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Never thought I'd see George's face buried in boobies (I M S O R R Y I H A D T O)
I can still hear his screams. My eardrums. I am now deaf.
Is George okay? Not just from the rollercoaster but from everything that's going on right now?
Not entirely but we're working on it 💕 He'll
be good as new in no time!
They had actually been out for a lot longer than they had expected, especially since they had decided against scarring George with more rollercoasters. The last time Nick had updated them was to inform that they were at the café, having posted about it as well, and were waiting to see whether anyone would turn up. It had been several hours since the messages but Ophelia, Clark and George all chalked it up to there being nothing significant to report on.
Clark had promised them both that morning that he would find some way to get them drunk out of their minds that evening, despite Disney World being a family friendly place. And, by some miracle, it seemed he was going to be able to fulfil his promise.
"Clark, how in the fresh fuck did you get all that?" Ophelia asked from her place, lounged in Boobies' lap on the couch. George could feel his eyes widen at the armful of assorted bottles Clark had clutched to his chest.
"I'm hot." He shrugged in reply, dumping the bottles down on the counter with a shrill clinking noise.
With Ophelia and Clark as influences, it came as no surprise that George became very inebriated very quickly. They had all migrated outside, Ophelia grabbing a small speaker, and were happy to stumble around on the grass to the raucous beat. There was a decent sized pool that George hadn't quite managed to notice yet and it only took one giggly miss-step before he was plunging into it.
Clark and Ophelia watched in panic as George fought to reorient himself under the water. He broke the surface with a spluttering cough before letting out slurred cheer and the other two laughed, Clark taking a running jump and sloppily flipping in over George's head - it was more like a glorified tumble than a flip but it looked cool to the other two none the less.
As Clark resurfaced, George was quick to push him back under and Ophelia laughed, toeing at her shoes. There was some loud scuffling and splashing as the two attempted to drown one another before they called a begrudging truce in order to catch their breath. Ophelia watched from the side of the pool in amusement, still bopping along to the music.
"Oi Lia! Get your fat ass in here!" Clark hollered and George couldn't hold back his laughs as Ophelia made a show of slapping her ass and winking. She wiggled her way out of her jeans and socks, no way was she about to swim in jeans and socks, before leaping in on top of Clark and George.
Ophelia threw her arms carelessly around Clark and George, bringing them both in tightly for a hug. With a few loud laughs, Clark and George wrapped their arms around Ophelia's waist and held her back twice as tight. Clark reach an arm to squeeze at George's shoulder too.
The three of them must of looked a state for the second time that day. George with the butterflies on his cheeks bleeding down his face and his tendency to giggle at everything in his state of inebriation; Ophelia with her smudged batman mask, swimming in her underwear and an oversized, severely tacky, shirt and Clark with a bottle permanently at the end of his fingers and his cropped hoodie pooling up under his arms. Once again, none of them cared.
George was distracted, George was smiling, George was laughing and, most of all, George was okay, if a little too drunk. George was okay, that's all that mattered to Ophelia and Clark. George was okay.
Until they burst through the back door.
1.6k words
Feedback is welcome and appreciated!!!
Yours, Dandelion
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