LightHeaded (crazyp01)
I peeked
From under the cover
Extremely hungover
"I got you some
coffee and muffins
but If you don't want it
I could whip up
My desert salad."
I grimaced,
He grinned.
"I am hungry
I could use a meal
Eggs, buttered toast
And some bacon
Take out sounds swell!"
"Hush! The only take out
You need is time
And if you're well enough
To stuff groceries
Then you're well enough
To get out of bed."
"My shirt!
My skirt!
My boots!
You ... you ... put me in ...
You owe me!"
In my haste
I sat up straight
forgot my state
realized it too late
I grabbed the covers
And tried my best
To stay undiscovered.
He grinned again.
"Get yourself together
And I 'll get you new boots
And by the way
You owe me a hug
For taking care of you in your -
For the way you were."
"I did the same for you
But I never got...
You want a hug?"
I gulped.
"Sure-wait a minute
Let me check my pockets
For muffins first.
Why didn't you say
You wanted one as well
Now that makes two."
He looked pleased
He was one ahead of me.
He wrapped his arms
Around me tight
Trapping my left arm
Which held the sheet
Behind my back.
I couldn't move.
His chocolate brownie eyes
A smile I'd never seen
Words not spoken
Feelings expressed.
Love turned to passion
Passion turned to desire.
Lips parted
Bodies tangled
Sheet on the floor.
The riverboat chugged
At a distance.
Sounding bellows
As it stopped to port.
Out of breath
Lips parted
Bodies untangled
Sheet still on the floor.
Eyes spoke words
Eyes heard them.
"CG! CG! Sheriff! Sheriff!
The boats come!"
Little Ron burst in
But found none.
The sheriff grunted,
then let go
Out the bedroom
In the office
Ron had brought
The latest gossip.
I took the chance
wore something decent
sipped my coffee
my meal completely eaten.
"Why don't you
Get out of that sack..."
He stopped in his tracks
When he got back.
"There's a riverboat circus
Come to town.
They'll need an official welcome"
He said with a frown.
"I'll have to go
The mayor's still honeymooning
I am the law,
The only one available.
You stay put
Don't go nosing around
I'll meet you later
At the saloon"
No sooner had
he stepped out
I gathered my things
and broke out.
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