I woke up in the middle ofthe night panting, crying and soaked in sweat to Matt shaking me.
"Are you okay? You were shouting, tossing and turning in your sleep." He asks. Of course I am not, dammit!
"Yeah." I lie. "You go back to sleep, I will go sit outside for a while."
"Don't lie. Nightmares, right?"
"It's nothing, really." I lie again.
"Yeah, and I am an elephant. Spill."
"I swear--"
"Just tell me what it was about so I can go back to sleep..." Matt yawns.
"Remember when I told you about my parents? How they died?"
"I- I don't want to lose anyone else... And I saw everyone I care about die; you, my uncle, the others. I- I know it seems like I am exaggerating, but--" I say, but Matt interrupts me.
"Come here..." He tells me and pulls me in a hug. I hadn't even noticed I was crying until that happened. "It's fine, it was just a dream."
"You know, you mask your soft side really well when a lot of people are around." I tell him wiping my tears.
"What do you mean by that?"
"You know exactly what I mean. You put on a big facade when around people other than your friends. These guys only see the Party House leader, not you."
"Isn't that the same thing?" He asks.
"No, you are you. Being the Party House leader is just an aspect of yourself."
"Whatever. Goodnight." He says and goes back to sleep.
"Goodnight." I say and do the same.
The night was long. I couldn't fall back to sleep because I was afraid of having the same nightmare and I think I would break down on the spot.
I wasn't lying about what I dreamed of. I lost my parents when I was a little kid, I was distant and alone for most of my life because of my fear of losing more people. I wouldn't bear of losing anyone else. And the way they all died... Everyone was falling from the cliffs, one by one, at the exact spot my parents had.
I waited for Matt to go back to sleep and went outside.
The two people sitting there were more shocked than I was.
Sylvia was out there with a twin.
"Aileen! Uh... Erm..." Sylvia starts.
"Let me guess, you are together?" I ask sleepily. She nods. "So which one are you?" I ask the twin.
"Jace." Wow, I wasn't expecting that.
"Eliza! Get over here!" Sylvia whisper shouts, but gets no reaction. "Dammit!" She mutters, goes to the tent and starts shaking it. "Come out you idiot!" Sylvia says again and Eliza comes out sleepily.
"What is it?" She asks yawning and Sylvia points at me with her head. "Dammit... Chase!" Eliza whisper shouts too. What the hell is going on and everyone needs to be present?
Chase is a light sleeper, so we didn't have to shake his tent.
"What happened?" He says sleepily too stumbling outside. Eliza points at me with her thumb.
"Can someone just explain to me what's going on?" I mutter.
"Long story short, I am in a secret relationship with Chase and Sylvia with Jace." It took me a moment to process that.
"And why didn't you tell us?"
"I am dating an idiot." Chase and Sylvia whisper at the same time, then laugh. Chase laughs harder when Eliza slaps his shoulder. Jace just fakes being offended.
"Does Matt know?" I ask them.
"No, but we will tell him in the morning now that you found out." Eliza says glaring at Chase, who is still laughing. "Okay, Chase, shut up now or you'll wake Matt up."
"What are you doing up anyway?" Jace questions.
"I just couldn't sleep." I lie. I will kill Matt if he tells them the truth.
"Now that that's sorted, can I go back to sleep?" Eliza asks yawning.
"Yeah..." Chase yawns too.
"We are all going to sleep and you should too." Jace adds.
"Yeah, I doubt I will be able to, but I will try." I say and they go to their tents. I go get my towel and sit by the fire. This is going to be a long night...
When the sun rose I was still up. I figured it would be unfair to wake the others since I didn't sleep, so I waited until someone else got up to do it.
Matt was the first to wake up. Well now that I think about it, it was expected, since he got the most sleep at night.
"How long have you been up?" He asks.
"Last night." I reply.
"You are a special kind of stupid."
"Thanks, now go wake the others."
"Why should I wake them? You were up all night!"
"It's not like I had a choice!"
"Well it's not my fault either!"
"Just wake them up, dammit!" I shout.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" He shouts back.
"Leave me alone!" I shout and walk away. As I do, I hear one of the tents unzip and Eliza says something, but I am already too far and too mad to make out anything.
I don't even know why I'm mad [a/n: no, it's not period]. I just am.
I sit down on the sand by the rocks at the end of the beach, lie my head on one of them and sigh. This is my fault, but why wouldn't Matt just wake the others up? I mean, dammit!
I don't know how long I was there, but the lack of sleep got the best of me, and in a while I was sleeping.
Yeah, I fell asleep with my head on a rock. Yeah, my back hurt later. Sorry, but I didn't sleep at night. Deal with it.
I woke up a while later because Sylvia was shaking me.
"Oh, come on! Don't make me get the twins!" She said.
"Uh, what? What happened?" I say waking up terrified, then yawn.
"Ladies and gentlemen she is up!" Sylvia claps and I roll my eyes.
"I just woke up, I am not ready for your sarcasm."
"Well I just woke up too, and I am ready to use sarcasm." She says. "Get up and tell me what the hell happened with you and Dollace boy back there."
"Nothing, I am just cranky." I say. "I didn't sleep at all at night... That must be it. Did you tell him?" I ask trying to change the subject.
"Yes we did and don't try to get away from it. Spill." Dammit.
"Bloody no." I reply. "It is nothing, really." I am a huge liar.
"Yeah, right. And I am the queen of England." Her sass is overwhelming. I know it doesn't seem so, but she isn't sassing you. Shush.
"Come on... I just woke up!" I say.
"You take living under a rock to a whole new level."
"Spill, because I have more."
"I had a nightmare." I sigh. "Please don't make a big deal out of it, it is absolutely natural and you know it."
"I am not Eliza to make big deals out of stuff." Sylvia says rolling her eyes. "Anyway, get up, we are going swimming." She says and I grunt.
"Fine, but help me up." I reply.
"Yeah, not gonna happen." She says and I grunt again, standing up on my own.
We go back to the others and I avoid eye contact with Matt. If he doesn't apologize I am not talking to him.
I know it is my fault too, but I am too pissed off to admit that.
Damn hormones.
We went a bit swimming, but the back of my neck had started aching, so I didn't stay in the water for long.
After I got out of the sea, I went to get some firewood so we could light a fire later.
When we ate it was late noon. We chose junk food over sandwiches because we weren't feeling like eating anything healthy.
One is for sure, when we go back I am going for pizza.
I was still ignoring Matt (and I am not going to repeat why), but it was impossible, since we shared a bloody tent, but whatever. It wouldn't be a problem until I faced it.
Speaking of problems, we were running out of water, so we would have to return soon. We had a day or two more, at most, and we were getting bored of sandwiches and junk food. Also, I don't think anyone of us would take any more days without showering.
Anyway, I went to sleep early, but I couldn't, so I just lied down on the tent. When I heard the zip, I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.
Matt came in and sat next to me.
"You do realize I know you're awake, right?" Dammit.
"It was worth a try." I say and sit up.
"And that I'm not going to apologize until you do."
"Well, then, we have a problem, because I am not apologizing either."
"I knew you were going to say that."
"Am I that predictable?" I chuckle.
"Yes, you are." He chuckles too.
"I'm sorry..." We say at the same time, then laugh.
"Do you trust me?"Matt asks.
"Of course." I reply.
"Well... You saved my life a few days back, but I trusted you before that. I don't know why."
"Good to know." He replies.
We sit in silence for a while.
"Follow me." Matt says.
"You said you trust me, now come on!"
"Fine." I grumble and we get out of the tent.
We walked across the beach towards the rocks I went to at the morning.
"So... Where are we going?" I ask him.
"You'll see." Matt replies.
"Matt, this is just a small beach. There is nothing that way but rocks."
"Just follow me."
We kept walking until we reached the end. It wasn't a long walk, though. The beach wasn't going on for long.
"See? I told you so." I say, but he starts climbing on the rocks that go into the sea. You know, like a dock with ships and stuff.
"Shut up and follow me."
"I am wearing my pajamas! What happens if I stumble and fa--"
"I'm here. Do you think I would let you fall?" He cuts me off and I blush for no reason. Must be an allergic reaction to cheesiness.
"Are you coming or what?" He asks.
"I feel like we came here so you can drown me."
"The others are here and they will know who killed you. I have witnesses, so I will go to jail and you won't be there to bail me out."
"Whatever." I say and follow him.
We reached the end and sat down on a big rock.
"So what are we doing here?" I ask him after a few minutes of silence.
"We can talk, or we can just sit. Whatever you like."
"I find silence awkward, so... let's just talk."
"What do you want to talk about?" He asks.
"I don't know..."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Well, we are supposed to talk, so you might as well do so." I reply.
"Do you want to move in the Party House?" Well, that was unexpected. "I mean, you live next door but you spend most of your time with us anyway and--"
"Look, Matt, I- I need to think about that. It is kind of a big decision. And then there's my uncle and--" I don't know why I said that. I wanted to scream 'yes' and hug him, but I didn't. Why didn't I? And why did I want to say 'yes' so much? What is wrong with me?
"It's okay. I get it. The offer remains, though. You can move in whenever you like." He smiles.
"Great, thanks!" I say and smile back. "I have one question too, though."
"Yeah, what?"
"I told you why I trust you. I need to know... Do you trust me?"
"Of course I trust you!" He replies.
"Now that I think about it, I don't know. I just do."
"Great... Good to know."
We talked a bit more after that, and on the way back Matt tried to push me into the sea, which ended up with both of us dripping with water. The wind didn't make it any easier. Our teeth were chattering and we were both shaking.
"If we catch a cold, dummy--" I start but he bloody interrupts me.
"We won't!"
"And how do you know that? Do you know how much I complain when I'm sick? I can't even imagine how much you will complain."
"Stop acting like my mom..."
"I will take that as a compliment."
"Shut up..." He mutters.
"I think that you're acting like a little child."
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." He says and pushes me into the sea for the second time.
I get out of the water shakily.
"I'm going to kill you." I whisper, my teeth chattering more than before. He just stands there laughing his butt off.
"Don't be so uptight, have some fun!"
"I will have my fun while murdering you. It's bloody freezing!"
"Oh, really?"
"At least I didn't push you into the water!"
"It was a joke!"
"It won't be a joke if we freeze to death!"
"Now you're exaggerating."
"I don't care! We need to go back to the tent so we can change before we catch anything!"
"Whatever." He says and we start walking again.
Upon arriving we took turns changing, then sat by the fire. The others had gone to sleep long before we left. I laid my head on Matt's shoulder and he laid his head on mine.
"You know what?" I say.
"You're nothing like others expect you to be."
"Is that a good thing?"
"Of course, dummy." I smile.
"You're not what people expect you to be either."
"Is that good or bad?"
"It's great." He says and I feel him smile too. I, on the other side, turned red and I have no idea why. Must be that allergy again.
"I think we should go to sleep..."
"How do I know you won't kill me?"
"You don't." I reply and stand up. "For now, though, I need some sleep." I yawn.
"You go, I'll come later."
"Fine by me..." I yawn again, go to the tent and fall asleep. The bad thing is, that the nightmares were back.
We were all at the cliffs, climbing. This time, though, it wasn't practice. This time, we were going to go through the fence. This time, we were breaking in.
It was night. Eliza and Sylvia were at the House, while the boys and I were doing one of the most dangerous things in our lives.
We were four tonight. Not two like the other time, so it was easier for us to be detected. We were all nervous.
When we finally reached the top, we took out, or bottles from the backpacks and drank some water.
"Well, well, well. Look who's back again." Mayor Phillips said. He had four policemen with him. I don't know how he knew we were going up there tonight.
"What are you hiding?" Matt asked.
"Why should I tell you? A bunch of kids?"
"Because we care about the island." Chase told him.
"And I care when someone starts meddling with my business. You have gotten quite annoying."
"And what will you do to us? We are just a bunch of kids, you said so yourself." I replied.
"Shoot him." The Mayor said and pointed at Matt.
"What?! No!" The twins and I said at the same time, but one of the cops shot Matt who was standing near the edge and sent him falling of the cliff.
"No!" I scream waking up and found myself sitting on the airbed.
"What happened?" Matt asks rubbing his eyes.
"It was just a dream... Thank God, it was just a dream..." I whisper wiping my tears.
"Nightmares again?" He asks again.
"Oh my God... It was just a dream..." I repeat and hug Matt.
"Parker, are you alright?" Marta asks for the third time and I start sobbing.
"You're alive... It was just a bloody dream..." I sob as he hugs me back.
"Of course I'm alive!" He says, but doesn't talk again, probably because he knows I won't answer. He just rubs my back soothingly with his thumb.
"I'm sorry..." I say after a while.
"It's okay. And you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Just go back to sleep."
"But what if it happens again?"
"It won't. And even if it does, just remember that we are all here for you. It's just dreams." Matt tells me and I nod. "Go back to sleep." He says and I do so.
I fell back asleep immediately and, surprisingly, I didn't have any nightmares this time.
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