Chapter 6
Katniss' POV.
I put a small touch of makeup to my face. I usually don't use makeup, but today I want to look nice. For Peeta.
I'm really excited, although it's something casual. We're just friends, but sometimes I wish we were more. I really do.
I'm interrupted from my trail of thoughts by a knock in the door.
"Come in." I say.
"Hi Katniss." Prim says entering my bedroom.
"Hey, Primmy." I answer, redoing my braid.
"Why are you getting all prepped up? Are you going somewhere?" She asks with a sneaky smile.
I automathicly blush. "Yeah, I'm going out with Peeta." I say.
"Uhhh! Like a date?" She sniggers.
"No, not like that." I chuckle.
"So like what?" Prim insists.
"Like two friends that hang out together and have lunch together." I answer.
"Like Two friends that keep flirting with each other, and hold hands, and sleep together in the same bed? That sounds a lot like a date to me." Prim argues, wearing a smirk.
I scoff "If you put it like that..." I say, rolling my eyes, when it hits me "How do you know me and Peeta slept in the same bed?"
"Oh, dear Kat, I know everything. Plus, Haymitch told me." Prim says, her smirk growing.
I huff "That old man..."
"Well, I'll leave you to get ready for your date." She says giggling and leaving the room.
"Prim!" I huff.
Before she leaves my room she turns around "Peeta's hot! Katniss sure thinks like that!" Then she runs out of the room.
I roll my eyes, and turn around, facing my mirror again.
I look at myself. Maybe it's too much, the makeup, I mean. It'll look like I'm putting to much effort into it, and I never put effort into anything.
I decide to wash my face and just put some cream, that makes my skin shine. I guess That's better.
I go down the stairs and wait patiently for Peeta to come back from the therapist. So I stand there, looking out the window, when I see Peeta walking with Haymitch to their front porch.
Peeta looks somewhat upset.
Haymitch opens his front door, while Peeta waves at home, walking to my house. Soo. He knocks on the door. I almost run there.
"Hey Peeta." I say smiling.
"Hey! Are you ready?" Peeta asks.
"Yeah, let me just get my purse." I say "Come in, it'll only be a second."
Peeta comes in, Training behind me.
I go to the kitchen, where my mom and Prim are sat in the table, reading some magazine.
"Mom, I'm going out. I'll be back later." I say.
"With who?" My mom asks.
"Who do you think with, mom. With Peeta, obviously." Prim says, smirking.
I roll my eyes and pick up my purse.
"By the way Katniss, see if this time you come back home at night." My mom adds, wearing the same smirk as Prim.
I huff and go walk up to Peeta, who is in the front hall, looking at some pictures in the wall.
"Ready?" I ask.
"Yes, let's go." Peeta ssays.
We both walk out together, holding hands. Again, in a friend way. We're always like that.
"So, where do you want to go?" I ask.
"I don't know, I'm still new here. I've moved from the Capitol in less than a month." Pesta answers. "Where do you suggest."
"I don't know. There's this Pizza place, and it is pretty awsome." I suggest.
"Sounds like a plan, I never tried pizza, you know?" Peeta says.
My eyes widden "No way! I can you not? That's impossible." I say, impressed. If you never tried Pizza, then you haven't lived yet.
"Well, not that I remember. Maybe I had pizza with my father, but I would've been too young to remember. My mom wasn't really the type of waisting too much money with food and Haymitch prefers chinese." Peeta says. He makes that look, he always has when he talks about his family. I've already realized that family is a sore subject for him.
"Well, let's go then, you'll love it." I say, walking faster, still clinging into his hand. Soon I start running, pulling Peeta behind me, just for fun.
"hey, slower!" Peeta says, laughing.
That makes me only run faster, making Peeta trip a few times.
Soon enough We're in the Pizza place.
"Ok, We're here." I say excitedly.
"Very eager for pizza, are we?" Peeta chuckles.
"Well, what can I say, pizza is almost my whole life." i say.
Peeta places his hand in his heart and prettends to be hurt "I thought I was the most important part of your life. Wow, that hurt." he says.
"Oh, knock it off." I say punching him playfully. "You're spending too much time with Finnick!" I add.
Peeta chuckles and we both come in.
"Where do you want to sit?" I ask.
"Maybe that booth" Peeta says, pointing to a booth in the corner.
I nod and we both sit there.
"Nice place." Peeta comments.
"Yeah, here they have the best pizza in the district." I say reading the menu.
"What are you going to have?" Peeta asks me, staring at the menu.
"I don't know, I guess carbonara pizza. How about you?"
"It can be the same as you." Peeta says.
A waitress comes "Hello, have you already decided what to order?" She asks, not once taking her eyes from her notepad.
"Yeah, we'll be having a carbonara pizza with extra cheese for both, please." I say, closing the menu.
"Anything else?" She asks.
"Hum I'll have a coke." I say. "How about you Peeta?"
The waitress immediatly looks up, showing very big fake smile, that is kind of scary.
"I'll just have water." he says, feeling rather unconfortable. I'm sure it's about that smile the waitress has, it's kind of creepy.
"Anything else?"
"No thanks." I say "Oh, wait! When I say extra cheese I mean extra extra cheese. That's all."
The waitress turns around and Leaves.
"Ok.." Peeta mumbles.
I chuckle "So, what's up?" I ask, trying to start a conversation.
Peeta shruggs "nothing big." Peeta says.
"How was therapy?" I ask again, smiling.
Peeta huffs "The guy is a complete asshole. He doesn't say anything relevant. Plus he is always overly positive and always says things like I'm safe now and that shit." Peeta says rolling his eyes.
"Is he that bad?"
"Worst than you can imagine" Peeta grumbles.
We have some small talk when the pizza is served.
"This is delicious! "Peeta says.
"I know!"
Soon the pizza has disappeared.
"That was great!" I say.
We both stand up and leave the restaurante and in hand.
When We're at the door we see it's raining like crazzy.
"Wow, I can't believe this. Have you brought an umbrella?" I ask.
"Obviously not" Peeta answers.
"What are we supposed to do now?"
Peeta takes off his jacket and puts it around my shoulders, immediatly engulfing me in his sweet scent.
"I guess we'll have to run." He adds.
"But you'll get sick without the jacket." I say.
"And you'll get sick without the jacket." Peeta says.
i really don't want to take off the jacket so I don't cat all stubborn, like I usually am.
I grasp his hand on my own.
"Ok, let's run."
And with that We're out the door, running like We're crazy. But I don't care because Peeta is beside me.
"Hey Katniss watch this!" Peeta suddenly says. I look at him and he starts tap dancing in a puddle, making water splash around him. He holds out his hand to me, as if incutindo me to dance with him.
I giggle and gladly take his offer, trying to copy him. My feet are getting all wet and my hair is a tangled mess, the braid already loose, but I've never felt any better than I'm feeling right now. I feel happy, in euphoria. As if I had finally found my utopia. And I know did, as long as I'm with Peeta, I'm in heaven.
Peeta pulls me closer to him, so that I'm facing him, and rests his hands on my hips. I place mine in his shoulders. And we start dancing around, ocasionlly stepping on each others foot.
I look deep into Peeta's blue eyes. When I look at his eyes I always feel this bliss that I can't explain. Truthfully, I'm not sure How I feel right now, it feels so new, and so great at the same time.
Our faces are milimmeters from each others, and I can feel Peeta's breath itching my nose.
Peeta comes closer, and I do to. Our lips are about to touch when I say
"This is so clichê."
Peeta chuckles "Way to ruim the moment" he says, still smiling.
"Yeah, sorry about that."I say.
And with that I close the gap between our lips.
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