Chapter 5
Katniss's POV.
I wake up with someone beside me. I turn around to find Peeta laying next to me, warmth irradiating from him.
I look around, I'm in his room. What?
I stand up but immediatly lay back down once I feel a terrible headache. what happened last night? I feel confused, why am I in Peeta's bed? And why am I wearing his clothes? What happened?
I probably Should get off his bed but the truth is that I don't want to, I feel so comfy and safe here, with Peeta beside me, snoring lightly.
I chuckle when I notice he sleeps with his mouth slightly open. Cute.
But still, what happened last night? I remember drinking something and feeling dizzy. Then I called Peeta and he came.
Wait I just remembered. Thresh tried to rape me. I Bury my head deeper in Peeta's chest, making him stir, but he doesn't wake up.
And the. Peeta appeared and they started fighting. I still don't know how Peeta managed to stand a fight with Thresh. I mean, he is strong and all, but Thresh is much taller, and buffer. Plus, Peeta's in recovery from whatever happened to him in the past.
I look at him closely, examining him. There's a dim light in the room, but it's still dark. His soft blonde hair is messy and sligthly curled, making him look younger, almost like a small child.
I rest my head I'm the crook of his neck, trying to place what doe suis scent smell like. He always has this fresh sweet scent. Pinetrees? Yeah, I think That's it.
I feel Peeta stir, starting to wake up. I really don't want to get out of here. It feels so right to be cuddled in Peeta's chest that I don't want to leave. Do I pretend to be asleep.
I close my eyes and feel Peeta stirring besides me, breathing heavily. After awhile he plants a kiss in my forehead.
"Sweet dreams, Kitty." he whispers to me. I smile and Peeta Laus back down and pulls me closer to him. I snuggle deeper in his chest, but not to much, so that he doesn't know I'm awake.
Soon We're both sleeping again.
I wake up to someone shaking me "Kat" they whisper sweetly.
I smile when I recognize Peeta's voice. He has this effect on me, I can't explain.
I slowly open my eyes, meeting Peeta's shiny blue eyes.
"Morning." I whisper. Peeta is still beside me.
I look at the clock, it's almost 10 a.m.
"How long have you been awake?" I ask.
"A while now." Peeta says.
"You could've woke me up."
"No, I like watching you sleep." Then heblushes realizing what he just said. "I mean, in a not creepy way." He tries to correct himself, his cheeks deep red.
I giggle and I can feel my cheeks turning pink, too.
"Yeah, it's not creepy at all." I say, not sarcasticly. I was also watching him sleep last night, and don't find it that creepy. Okay, Maybe it's creepy, but apparently we both do it, so it stops being creepy. "It's not creepy at all." I repeat.
Peeta chuckles "Someone looks guilty." He says. I blush deeper.
I snort "Fine."
Peeta stands up "do you want breakfast?" He asks.
"Yeah, could you give me a minute? I just need to change, I don't want Haymitchti see me in you pijamas." I say, chuckling.
"Right." Peeta says.
I go to his window. I always leave mine sligthly open when I go out at night, in case I have to sneak in.
I jump to my window and come in my bedroom, leaving the window open so that I can still talk to Peeta.
"What should I wear today?" I ask to Peeta, who is in his bedroom.
"I don't know. " Peeta says.
"What's your favorite colour?" I ask.
"Orange." he says.
"Orange?"I ask raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, like a sunset." Peeta says.
"Oh, That's pretty." I say searching for my orange t-shirt I bought last summer. I also pick up a pair of jeans and my converse.
"I'm gonna go get dressed" I say going to the bathroom."
When I'm ready I go back to Peeta's bedroom, through the window, of course.
Peeta is also dressed, wearing light jeans and a green sweater.
"That's my favorite colour!" I say.
"Really? Green. Wow! Lucky shot." Peeta says laughing. "I love your shirt by the way."
I chuckle.
We both go downstairs where Haymitch is sitting in the kitchen table.
"Good morning. You lovebirds look very happy today." He says.
I huff "Haymitch!"
He chuckles "You both were very cozy together upstairs."
"Wait, what?" Peeta asks.
"Yeah, not to sound like a creep but I just went on to check on you last night and you were cuddled with Katniss. No big deal." Haymitch says. God, how doesn't Peeta lung at him sometimes. He can be so annoying. Don't get me wrong, I love Haymitch, he's just so... I don't even know.
"Do you always sneak in my bedroom and watch me sleep?" Peeta asks raising an eyebrow. He doesn't even seem mad about the fact that Haymitch was watching us sleep.
"It's just checking." Haymitch says as a matter of fact "Plus, you should be thanking me. I just go make sure you're okay. Stop you from falling off your bed."
Peeta sighs and walks to the fridge
"What do you want for breakfast?" Peeta asks me.
"I don't know... Maybe just cereals." I say.
Peeta prepares two bowls of cereals and we eat them.
"Do you want to do something today?" I ask shyly.
"Yeah, I'd like that." Peeta answers, smiling.
I smile back.
"You therapy today. Don't forget that boy." Haymitch says sitting down in the table, between me and Peeta.
"Don't call me that Haymitch. Yoy know I hate it." Peeta mumbles. "And I hate therapy. The therapist is a complete ass." he adds.
"Uh, I see your point." Haymitch sarcasticilly says "But you have to go, boy."
This somehow sets Peeta off.
"Don't call me that! I have a name you know? Or I'm not worth having one?" Peeta almost yells. And with that he storms off.
That was kind of weird. I know Peeta can be a little moody sometimes but he never yells or gets this upset.
"Great job Haymitch!" I say, rolling my eyes, glaring at Haymitch."
He just grunts.
We start hearing the sound of glass thrashing and thigs being thrown around.
Haymitch almost immediatly stands up, and so do I.
I'm already going to the stairs, to see what's going on with Peeta when Haymutch stops me.
"You stay down here. Let me handell this." he says seriously.
"Sure because you have a great way of dealing with people." I say crossing my eyes.
He scoffs and just says "You stay." I with that he runs upstairs.
I feel a urge of going upstairs and comfort Peeta, or whatever. But I stop myself from doing it because, although it was Haymitch who caused this situation, he knows Peeta better than anyone. Even better than I know him, which makes me feel a little jealous.
I can hear Peeta yelling at Haymitch but after awhile there's a long silence.
My curiosity wins and I decide to take a sneak peak at them.
I quietly go up the stairs and direct. myself towards Peeta's bedroom, where I heard noise coming from.
I peak at the bedroom.
Peeta is in a corner, curled up in a ball, shaking violently, with his hands on his ears, while Haymitch is say beside him trying to get his attention.
I see Haymitch whisper something in Peeta's hear, getting no respond from Peeta who doesn't even seem to be there.
Haymitch keeps whispering thing to him and after a while Peeta nods. Haymitch gets instantly relieved, and I feel to, although I have no idea what's going on.
Haymitch finally notices my presence and senda me a look saying 'You better go downstairs'.
I turn around and go to the living room, sitting in the couch, patiently waiting for them to come back downstairs, although I wish I could be with Peeta comforting him right now.
Haymitch comes down after a few minutes, with Peeta Training behind him, staring at the ground.
I've noticed that he does that allot. At first I thought it was because he was shy, but now that I know Peeta Mellark, I'm sure he's not shy.
Peeta finally looks up and gives me a sad smile, which disappears after a few seconds, and he goes back to staring at the ground.
"You know Peeta, if you have therapy today, we can do something another day." I say, trying to sound positive, also controlling myself to not ask questios about what just happened, although curiosity is killing me.
"We couldstill do something in the afternoon, I just have therapy in th morning. We could have lunch together, I guess." Peeta says, quietly, his cheeks slightly rosie.
I instantly light up at his suggestion. I have to admit I felt kind of disappointed when Haymitch said Peeta was busy today because he had therapy. I like spending time with Peeta, actually, I love it.
I like to talk to him, joke around with him, laugh with him, even walking with him makes me happy. There's no one I'd ratear spend time with. Don't get me wrong,I love spending time with my friends, and Prim, but with Peeta it's different. When I hang around with him, I feel something different, new, although I can't put my finger on it.
"I'd love to!" I say, noticing Peeta has already been waiting for my answer for a while.
"Well, we got to go to therapy, but you can stay here waiting till We're back." Haymitch says.
"No, I'd better go home. my minhas no idea where I am, I'd better go." I say standing up. "See you later Peeta." I'm going to the front door when I hesitate. I turn towards Peeta and give him a kiss on the cheek, feeling my face getting hotter. Peeta's face gets a shade of pink too.
"Bye, Peet!" I say going out the door.
Once I reach my front porch, a sight escapes my lips.The effect this boy has on me.
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