Chapter 11
Peeta's POV.
I look inside the enveloppe again. Just it? There's nothing else beside the wedding invitation? Could have he really gone through all this trouble just to invite me to his wedding? Nothing else?
I was expecting everything to be inside that enveloppe. Everything. Everything but that.
"What?" Katniss asks furrowing her eyebrows. Not even her can believe this. I mean, how can this be possible? It's been 5 years since I heard from him, and now a wedding invitation appears? How?
Unexplainable angrr starts boiling inside me and I throw the letter to the ground in frustration. I run my hand through my hair and huff.
"Are you okay?" Katniss asks, looking at the letter in the ground.
I nod and go to my bedroom, flamingo tye door behind me. I know Katniss is going to come after me and try to comfort me or whatever but right now I only want to sleep so I lock the door.
Sure enough, soon Katniss is knocking on my door asking me to open it. I try to ignore it as I throw myself on the bed.
"Please Peeta, open the door." Katniss keeps insisting.
"I'm fine Katniss. Just want some time." I say after a while of her knocking on the door and asking me to open it. I hear her sight on the other side.
"Peeta, I'll give you some time just let me see you." Katniss insists "Open the door, please." I do my best to ignore her and don't move.
I hate to do this to Katniss, I really do, in the end She's just trying to help me, but there are some times when it's better to be alone.
I hear Katniss sight on the other side and leave, giving up on trying to get me to open the door.
Katniss POV.
I sight and go downstairs to the kitchen, over with trying to get Peeta to open the door. I'm just worried about him. I know he's not very stable and it worried me what might he be doing or thinking in there. I just wanted to be with him, to hold him, to help him.
But he doesn't let me.
When I'm in the kitchen I pick up the wedding invitation from the floor. I guess it's up to meto do something about this.
I read it over again. in the corner of the card is a phone number. I contemplate my options. Should I really do this? That somehow makes me feel as if I'm invadindo is privacy in some way. Something tells me he wouldn't want that. But then again, this is for his best. I think it might be good for him to reunite with his brother, to put things on the right terms with them. I know this is the best for my own experience. When my parents divorced my dad ignored us. I felt like he didn't care, he didn't love us. After a while I finally had the courage to phone him, and it was one of the best activos I ever done. Although my parents still can't stand each other, I still have my daddy. And recently I found out he for remarried and all.
I pick up the phone and deal he number. It rings for a few moments until a girl with a bright voice and a twank of british accent answers.
"Hello?" She asks.
I exitate for a moment until I speak up "Hi, I'm looking for Teodore Mellark, is he available?" I ask.
"No, sorry. He isn't home. Who is this?" The sweet like honey voice on the other side asks.
"My name is Katniss Everdeen. My-" What is Peeta to me? Are we dating? We act like a couple but we never really made it official "boyfriend received a wedding invitation and the phone number on it was this." I say.
"Is there anything you'd like me to tell Ted?" The girl asks.
"Could you just tell him that is brother received the invitation? And to phone me please?" I ask.
"Which brother?"
"What?" I ask feeling confused.
"He does have two Brothers, you know." The girl says.
"Peeta." I say quickly.
"Oh, so he received the invitation!" The girl says suddenley turning excited "We weren't sure if the address was right, I mean, District 12 is a long way from the Capitol. He really is coming?"
"Probably. He hasn't really said anything about it, and he will probably say no, but I'll find a way to get him to come." I say uncertainly.
"Oh, Ted will be thrilled!" The girl gushes "He wanted to reconnect with his family for the wedding, you know. Not that he actually had any hope of getting them to come! "
"Well, I guess he did" I say awkwardly.
I hear the sound of a door opening and someone talking in the other side of the line.
"Ted! I got great news!" I hear the girl squealing on the other side.
There's a small talk on the other side but I can't catch what They're saying.
"I'm going to pass. the phone to Ted honey." Tge girl says.
"Hello?" A male deep voice on the other side of the line says.
"Hi." I say.
"Who is this?" Ted asks.
"I'm Katniss, Peeta's girlfriend." I say this time more confidently.
"I'm Ted, Peeta's brother." he says kind off feeling awkward.
"Yeah, I kinda already know." I say chuckling.
I hear a chuckle on the other side of th line. I can't stop noticing the similiarities between Peeta's and his brother's voice. "Peeta said he would come?" Ted asks kind of impressed.
"No, actually not. But I thinkhe would, if I insist on it. I'm not sure, he's really reserved with the iPod of his family and such." I say.
"I didn't evenknow he was living in 12. I thought he still lived with out mother." Ted says.
"Well, I guess you need an update. Peeta's been living with his new foster family for almost two months now, here in 12." I snap. This really set me off, he didn't even know Peeta wasn't living with their mother anymore! I mean, he didn't even care a little to unless check if his little brother was okay. How is this possible? I know I'd never let Prim out of my sight for too long.
"What happened?" He asks, sounding worried. Oh, now he is worried! I'm actually considering putting an end to this whole plan but then I remember. Peeta needs this, it'll be better for him.
I should just try to be nice.
"I don't know. He doesn't talk about much" I snigger. There goes the trying to be nice plan. I just can't avoid it.
I hear a sight on the other side of the line. "Okay, then. Nice talking to you." Ted says a little abruptedly. I can easily see I've stricked some aorta of nerve, plus, from what I've heard, Ted seems to be a little hot headed.
"No, wait!" I almost yell, very fast.
"Yes, Katniss?" Ted asks, his patience coming to an end.
"I was wondering. I sort of don't know if I can get Peeta to come to the wedding. And I was thinking, Peeta could be actually happy in seeing you again, you know, before the wedding. I bet you could get him to come." I say unsteadilly.
"What are you suggesting, Katniss?" Ted asks obviously fed up with me.
"I think you should come see Peeta." I finally say.
"Do you really think it's a good idea? What if he doesn't want to see me?" Ted asks, sounding incredulous.
"Didn't you ask yourself the same questions when you sent. him the wedding invitation?" I snap yet again. I can't even controll myself, I swear I'm trying to be nice.
"So you think he'll want to see me?" Ted asks hopefully.
"I'm not sure. I think he is pretty upset but it'll pass. Or Maybe not." I think for a few moments. "Come anyway. We see how it goes." I add quickly.
"Okay, I'll come. Will you warn him?"
"Maybe it's better not. To make sure he won't try to avoid you or something." I answer.
"Okay, I'll be there in two days." Ted finally says.
"See you, Ted!" I say trying to be as cheerfull as I can.
"See you Katniss." Ted says.
And with that the line goes dead.
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