That's all I see. It's everywhere; the ground, all over my clothes, staining my hands. All I can do is stare at the dark substance as it surrounds me, making my heart race faster and faster in my chest. I knew that this couldn't be real, but it only reminded me of what all I had done when I wasn't myself.
"This isn't real," I mumble to myself, shaking my head. My hands begin to shake as I stare at them, remembering how I had attempted to kill Allison and that I had killed Stiles and that other man. Their lives had been in my hands as I had let them go like they were nothing. "This isn't real..."
"What are you talking about Sarah?" I hear someone say, causing me to finally look up and see Stiles standing there, a concerned look on his face. He was wearing a blue and red plaid shirt; the one that he had been wearing before I had killed him.
I shake my head as the blood begins to seep into my shoes. "You aren't real. This is a dream."
"None of this is a dream Sarah," he says, taking a step towards me. "This is real."
I take a step back, my voice beginning to choke up. "It's not..."
"Sarah-" he begins to say before he chokes, his hands clasping around his throat. I watch with wide eyes as he coughs up blood, spitting it all over the floor and near my feet. I gasp as I back away, watching as more blood begins to form where he had been stabbed.
"It's not real Sarah," I say to myself, watching as Stiles fell to the ground, dying all over again. "This is a dream-"
"Why Sarah," I hear someone else say as I whip around, knowing that voice from anywhere. It was Allison. "Why did you let him kill me?"
She was wearing that same purple dress she had worn when she died as well, making me even more uncomfortable than I already was. Her face showed anger and sadness at the same time; a look I've never seen on her face before. It made me feel even worse.
"I didn't-" I try to say but stop myself. "I wasn't in control."
Allison shakes her head as she walks towards me. "You were in control, Sarah. You just won't admit that to yourself. You enjoyed what you were doing and didn't want anyone to know that you really were yourself. You're such a coward."
I shake my head, not wanting to listen to what she was saying. "No-"
"Admit it!" she screams in my face, her eyes burning with rage. "You enjoyed spilling blood! It's who you are, Sarah! Why can't you get that? You killed that man and Stiles, and you let him kill me."
I bite my tongue, trying not to cry. "Allison, I-"
"Everything is your fault!" she screams once again, her voice beginning to fade. "All of this was your fault!"
Her face slowly starts to fade away before I flash my eyes open, finally waking up from that terrible nightmare. Only I had forgotten where I was in the first place.
"Finally zorro, I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever wake up," I hear that woman say, her hands crossed behind her back.
I start to go at her for hurting my friends and I before I'm held back. I furrow my eyebrow before I look down at myself, seeing that I was strapped to some type of chair. There were metal chains around my wrists and ankles, permitting me from getting out anytime soon. I thought that I could maybe melt the metal off, but there was something around the metal that actually stung me. I wasn't sure what it was.
I look around me and see that Scott was strapped down to a chair as well with more chains and things around his wrists and ankles. He was staring at me with wide eyes for some reason, making me even more nervous than I already was.
I glare up at the woman as she smiles at me. "I'm sorry Sarah, I never formally introduced myself. My name is Araya. You don't need to introduce yourself because we already know all about you. We know that you are a fox, that you were possessed, and that you are supposed to be dead."
I narrow my eyes. "What do you want."
"I originally wanted Scott, but you seem just as interesting," she says, raising her eyebrow.
I flash my eyes orange. "Leave the rest of them alone."
Araya scoffs. "Now I've got a fox warning me of things? If I can ignore a banshee's warning, I sure as hell can ignore yours."
I slightly growl at her for some reason. "Why am I so interesting?"
Araya starts to pace. "Well, not only are you a special kind of kitsune, but you also seem to have resurrected, which is supposed to be impossible."
"Not for the supernatural," I say, smiling like a smart ass.
Araya glares at me before she pauses for a moment, staring at my hands. "I bet you're wondering what's around your wrists."
"Chains?" I say, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes, but I happened to have done some research about foxes and learned of a poison to them," she says, making me slightly nervous. "It's something called Strychnine. It can kill a regular fox in hours, but unfortunately it only renders you weak."
"That's fascinating," I say, tired of this woman. "Now can you please get to the point of why you have us chained up?"
Just as I say this, the same man as before walks into the room, dragging Kira and Lydia at his side. I perk up a little as I watch them struggle, well, that was before they saw the two of us tied down to the chairs. Another man walks over and takes Lydia before the other man drags Kira over to some type of table, resting her hand on something.
"Don't you dare hurt them-" I start to say as the other man straps Lydia down to another chair.
Araya smiles. "Here's how this is going to work. I ask a question, you answer it truthfully. You don't? Well, since Kira over here is immune to electricity, she will be turning the dial up on either Scott or Lydia, who doesn't have the supernatural ability to heal. What about you you ask? Well, as much as electricity would be fun to play with for you, I thought I'd do something special for you."
I furrow my eyebrows before the door opens again, showing a man walking inside with another person with a bag over their face. I knew who it had to of been before they even take the bag off.
It was Stiles.
I start to kick and scream. "Don't you dare touch him!"
"We won't," Araya says, raising her eyebrows. "As long as you cooperate."
Stiles stands there wide eyed for a moment as he tries to figure out what's going on, but he soon figures it out and starts to fight the guard. "You can't do this!"
"First question," Araya says as she ignores Stiles, turning towards me. "How are you alive?"
I furrow my eyebrows. "My mother brought me back."
"How?" she urges farther, making me grow angry.
I shake my head. "I don't know-"
"How?" she repeats again, this time louder.
I growl again slightly. "I just said I don't know!"
"Turn the dial," she says to Kira, who looks at me with sad eyes. All I can see is red as I stare at Araya, who seemed pretty proud of herself.
"Do it Kira!" Scott yells, giving Kira a look that it was okay. "I'll be fine."
Kira seems hesitant, but she soon turns the dial slowly. Scott growls as sparks begin to fly off of the chains, shocking him. I try to fight against the chains around my wrists again, but it only stings me even more. I look up at Stiles when I see him hiss a little in pain, rubbing at his wrists slightly.
"Question number two," Araya yells over Scott, looking back at me again. "Where is your mother?"
I flash my eyes orange. "I don't know! I left her-"
"Wrong answer!" she screams again, turning towards Kira. "Turn the dial!"
Kira shakes her head. "I'm not turning it."
"Kira!" Scott yells again, telling her to turn the dial, but Kira stands her ground.
Araya isn't wasting any time. "Pedro, you know what to do."
My heart skips a beat as I watch the man holding Stiles turn and face him, holding him in place before clenching his knuckles. I scream out when the man punches Stiles across the face, causing him to fall to the floor. I feel a slight pain in my cheek as well, but I just ignore it.
"Stop it!" I beg as I watch Stiles look up at the man, a bruise already beginning to form on his cheek. The man glances at me again before he raises his foot, landing a kick right in Stiles' gut. I feel another knot form in my stomach as I fighting against the chains, but it only causes Stiles to cry out more.
I felt useless.
"That's enough," Araya says before the man stops, leaving Stiles coughing on the floor. My eyes burn orange as I stare at Araya, furious that she had made that man hurt Stiles. "It's Scott's turn to answer the questions."
"Go to Hell," Scott spits to her as he stares at his best friend.
Araya smiles. "Where's Derek?"
Scott seems even more pissed off now. "What? Why do you think we came here?"
"Answer the question Scott!" Araya screams as Kira cringes.
"I don't know!" Scott yells back, causing Araya to look over at Kira.
"Turn the dial!" she says as Kira tries to keep her hand back, but Araya soon turns towards Stiles. "Or do you want Pedro to hurt Stiles again?"
Kira shakes her head. "No!"
"Then turn the dial!" she screams again, causing Scott's eyes to flash red.
I can tell that it hurts Kira as much as it does Scott, but she turns the dial again. Scott screams out louder as more sparks fly off of the chains, more electricity coursing through him.
"Now I'm going to ask you again Scott, where is Derek!" Araya screams over him once again.
Scott glares at her. "I told you I don't know!"
"Think about it Scott!" she screams, shaking her head with rage. "Who could have been turned? But not by a bite!"
Scott's face changes as he thinks his hardest, but I could tell that he was still a little clueless. I narrow my eyes as I stare at Araya, furious that she was hurting my friends. Why was she asking us questions we didn't have answers to?
"I don't know!" Scott yells again, causing Araya to stomp her foot. She marches over to Kira before pushing her to the side, cranking the juice all the way up. Scott's roars grow louder as he fights the electricity, making me wild with rage.
Suddenly, Scott rips his hands free, cutting off the current. He gasps for air before he looks up slowly, glaring slightly at Araya. She raises her eyebrows as she waits for an answer, making me more enraged.
"Kate. It's Kate Argent," Scott says, but I didn't know the name. Araya smiles slightly and nods, indicating that Scott had finally guessed it.
I shake my head before my gaze goes back to Stiles, who was now lying on his side. He seemed to be seriously hurt and in pain, which only made me feel even worse. He was hurt because of me once again, even after I swore to myself I would protect him at all costs.
He gives me a nod showing me that he was truly okay, but I still had my doubts. What worried me the most was the fact that he had red marks around his wrists, ones that looked just like mine. That was when it hit me; when I realized why I had felt something in my stomach and cheek.
Stiles could feel my pain while I could feel his.
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