Chapter 8
"Maybe I'm just too complicated for anyone to love"
Song: Unsteady by X Ambassadors
An elderly woman walked out of the kitchen with an apron on as I walked in. "Hello dear," she welcomed me. Then she untied her apron and hung it up on a hook. "Hi Mrs. Evans," I greeted her as she wrapped me in a hug. I awkwardly hugged her back, not being used to that many hugs. She laughed. "Not Mrs. Evans, honey. Just call me Elizabeth." "No problem, Elizabeth. I'm Hope," I tested the way her name felt in my mouth. It was weird, but I could get used to it. "Hey Hope. I'm making dinner right now, but it will be done by six. Hunter, show her around the house," Elizabeth commanded as she walked back into the kitchen.
Hunter awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "Will, go help Mom set the table while I show Hope around." Will pouted but followed Hunter's instructions. "So, this is the hall, and this is the kitchen..." Hunter was practically mumbling as he showed me around. I chuckled at his adorable awkwardness. I had the feeling he wasn't used to having guests at home. As I looked around the house, I observed that it was small and cute. It also had something special, something my house didn't have. It had this feeling of... homeliness. You could smell the food in the kitchen from any corner of the house. You knew you would never be alone because you could hear someone's laughter from every corner. There was a feeling of happiness and joy that permeated the very floorboards I walked upon. These were things that my house never had.
Hunter stopped in front of a plain, white door. "So, this is my room." He opened the door and let me in. To say that I was shocked was an understatement. I had expected it to be messy with posters and clothes all over the floor, but it was so neat and clean! The walls were painted deep blue and the bed was in the corner of the room. The covers of the bed matched the wall and the was a nightstand and lamp beside it. There was also a study table and a cabinet, which showcased his various awards. The room was about half as big as mine, but it wasn't cramped, since there was enough space to walk around. It was cozy, nice, and perfect overall.
I walked over to the cabinet and looked at all his awards. One of them caught my eye: '#1 Storyteller.' I chuckled and held it up as I turned to Hunter, raising my eyebrows. "Um... I got that in 1st grade for reciting Humpty Dumpty." I saw a twinge of red in Hunter's cheeks. His obvious embarrassment made me bust out laughing. "You were a pretty cool kid, weren't you?" Hunter blushed even harder, but tried to redeem himself as he asked, "Is that past tense I hear? I'm still pretty cool. Cooler than you at least." I rolled my eyes. " Whatever floats your boat." I put the award back down and settled down on the bed next to Hunter. "Do you like the house?" Hunter asked. I nodded, "It's really nice and pretty. I wish my house was like yours. You know, I should invite you over one day. I at least owe you that much." Hunter shook his head. " You don't owe me anything. I invited you over because I wanted to." I smiled. "And because your mom forced you to." "My mom can be a little overwhelming," Hunter replied. "Nah, she's fine. In fact, she's really sweet." it was true; Elizabeth had been really nice. Much nicer and more genuine than my parents ever are.
"Kids! Dinner's ready!" shouted Elizabeth from the kitchen. I jumped off the bed. "Great! I'm starving," I called. I followed Hunter out of his bedroom and into the kitchen, where I could smell the lasagna before I saw it. It looked mouthwatering. The table was already set, and I sat down next to Hunter and Will, directly opposite Elizabeth. Elizabeth served dinner and I nearly moaned as I bit into it. It tasted even better than my Mom's lasagna, which was really saying something. "This lasagna tastes heavenly," I complimented. "It tastes alright," Elizabeth replied, but I could see that she was pleased. "I know, right? My mom just can't take a compliment," Hunter added. Will nodded, unable to talk since his mouth was stuffed. During the rest of dinner, I told Elizabeth about myself and asked a bit about her, as well as Hunter and Will. I learned that the Evans family had moved from London because Elizabeth's job transferred her to America. Will also proudly announced that he had made a new friend at the daycare named George.
Soon dinner was over, and I helped Elizabeth wash the dishes as the boys settled in front of the TV. At first Elizabeth refused to let me help, as I was a guest. But I insisted, and she finally agreed to let me help. We talked a little, and I realized Elizabeth didn't make me feel uncomfortable; she made me feel welcomed. It was a foreign feeling, and one that I hadn't experienced in a long time. That is, until Hunter came into my life. As we finished doing the dishes, I looked at the clock. It was about 9 p.m. I had texted Tyler that I would be home late, but he might still worry. "It's already nine. I should probably get going. Bye, and thanks for inviting me!" I bid farewell to Elizabeth and Will. Both of them gave me a hug and I promised to see them again soon. Hunter wanted to drop me off at my house, but I said no. I didn't want to trouble him. He would have to drive all the way to my house and back for no reason! Hunter reluctantly agreed, but before I left, Hunter asked to borrow my phone. I gave him a questioning look, but still gave it to him. He fiddled with it for some time and gave it back. "What'd you do?" I asked. He gave me a secretive smile. "You'll see." I narrowed my eyes at him and he shrugged, looking innocent. "Okay then. I'll see you at school tomorrow. Bye!" I hopped into my car. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hunter wave back at me as I sped home.
When I reached home, Tyler wasn't back yet. I finished my homework and had enough time to complete the book I was on. As I was choosing another book, I thought about today's dinner. I always had dinner alone, unless my parents took enough time to eat with us. It was nice to have company during dinner for once. I chose my next book and packed my bag for school tomorrow. Just as I was about fall asleep, I felt a vibration from my phone. I checked it, and saw a text from 'Hunter the Great.' I smiled and shook my head. 'Hey,' I replied back to his text, and tossed my phone aside. I felt no more vibrations and assumed Hunter was asleep. Giving up on any further conversation tonight, I closed my eyes and let myself fall into the familiar darkness... But this time, instead of being frigid and depressing, the inky darkness was filled with warmth.
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