Chapter 7
"I get lost inside my mind"
Song: Smoke and Mirrors by Imagine Dragons
I didn't even try to hide my puffy red eyes, or the circles that highlighted them. "What happened? Tough night?" Hunter asked as soon as he saw me at my locker. "It it that obvious?" I asked. "Maybe...?" he said, his reply being more of a question than response. "I just couldn't sleep last night," I told him, leaning against my locker. He gave me a skeptical look, but didn't ask more. We were walking to 1st period together when Hunter asked, "Are you free tonight?" I gave Hunter a look. He chuckled. "I'm not asking you on a date. Will liked you so much that he kept talking about you during dinner, so Mom wanted me to ask you to come over. It's fine if this is too much; I know that you haven't known me very long. I might be a serial killer for all you know."
"Yeah, I'm free today. I'm sorry I left suddenly yesterday though. I didn't get a chance to introduce myself properly to Will. Don't worry, I'm definitely coming today. And though I'm not sure that you're not a serial killer, I have a feeling that I can trust you," I replied. I smiled up at him, and he smiled back down at me just as we reached class. 1st period went by so slowly that I started falling asleep at my desk. Suddenly, I felt someone kick the bottom of the chair. I turned around to see a smirking Hunter. "Hey, don't sleep! You don't want to get in trouble," he warned. "But this class is so boring, it makes me want to sleep!" I whined. "Mr. Evans and Ms. Hawkinson! You are disturbing the class. Out!" the teacher yelled at both of us. Well, I guess it probably wasn't a good idea to talk on the day our teacher finally decided to get up and teach the class for once.
I sighed. I guess I was going to be stuck outside with the idiot who got me in trouble for the rest of the class. I got up and exited the classroom, with Hunter right behind me. After we reached the safe haven of the hallway, I leaned against the wall and complained to Hunter, "It's all your fault that I got in trouble." Hunter chuckled. "You should be thanking me. You would've been in more trouble if you were caught sleeping in class." I pouted, but he was right. However, I wasn't going to agree to that. "I wasn't sleeping in class," I protested. Hunter only smirked again. "Sure you weren't. Whatever floats your boat." I punched his arm, and he caught my wrist. I winced a little and he must have noticed, because he flipped my hand to the other side. My wrist was still wrapped with gauze. His eyes met mine.
"What happened?" he asked softly, his voice persuading me to tell the truth. I still lied. "I was cooking yesterday and I cut my wrist pretty deep." His face told me that he didn't believe me, but he let it go. We kept quiet for a minute before Hunter asked, "Did your parents leave already?" I nodded in response, too tired to talk. I could feel tears threatening to fall at the mention of my parents. I turned up to look at Hunter, and he was looking at me. "Come here," he said softly, and I fell into his arms. My tears spilled, soaking his shirt. I sobbed and whimpered. Hunter stroked my hair carefully. We stayed in that position for a few minutes. I felt nice to have someone comfort me when I needed it the most.
"Thank you," I whispered after I finally regained control, my voice hoarse. Despite the fact that my throat was begging me to shut up, I had a question to ask. "Could you promise to stay as long as you can? No matter what other people say, no matter what they do, could you promise to be my friend?" I asked. I knew it was a lot to ask. Too much in fact. But I needed it. I needed to believe that he would be there when I need him. I needed it so badly that it hurt. "Of course, Tomato," he tried to joke, but his voice failed him. He sounded soft and cautious, like he was afraid I would break. He didn't need to worry. I was already broken into too many pieces. There was nothing left to break. He kissed the top of my head in a caring way and pulled away. I wiped my eyes and looked at him. My face morphed into an opaque mask. "This never happened. You never saw me cry." Hunter tried to laugh it off. "Wait, you have tear ducts?" he joked. I slapped his arm as the bell rung, and we bid goodbye before going different directions.
The rest of the day moved like a sloth. Only lunch and 6th period weren't a drag, due to Hunter's company. We never mentioned what happened during 1st period, and I was grateful for it. I liked to regard myself as a person with strong walls built around me, but today my walls had crumbled. I didn't want to be reminded of my crumbled walls. "Hey, you're coming with me to pick up Will and have dinner with us, right?" Hunter confirmed at the end of 6th period. I nodded in response as I packed my things up. "Okay, I'll see you at the parking lot near my car after school then," Hunter said before walking off to 7th period. "See you," I called out to his retreating figure. In a span of a very few days, Hunter and I had become very close. We were practically best friends. I usually never trust anyone immediately, choosing to keep my walls up instead. But something about Hunter pulled me in. I trusted that he would never let me go or push me away. I trusted and believed that someone cared about me, after a long time. A very long time. I hoped my instincts that I could trust Hunter were right. I smiled to myself. At least I had finally made some progress in making friends. I cleared my thoughts and walked faster, realizing that I might be late to 7th period.
7th period went by slow too, just like the rest of the day. Finally it was over, and I walked to the parking lot. Hunter was waiting by his car. I smiled and waved at him so he would notice me. He waved back as I jogged up to him. "So, I guess you'll just follow me to pick up Will and them on the way home. Okay?" Hunter asked. "Sure," I nodded. I entered my car and waited for Hunter to do likewise. Once he started driving, I followed him. We soon reached the daycare to picked Will up. When Hunter saw Will, he bent down and ruffled Will's hair, just like he had the day before. "Hey buddy! Remember Hope from yesterday? She's here today too, and she's also staying for dinner." Will looked around for me, "You mean that pretty girl from yesterday?" I chuckled, and Will finally found me. "Hey!" he exclaimed as I bent down and gave him a hug. "Hi Will," I smiled kindly at him.
Hunter got up and dusted off his skinny jeans. "Come on. We've got to get home." I stood up, and Will held the hands of Hunter and me. We left the daycare, and Will's eyes lit up when he saw my car. "Hunter, could I go in Hope's car? Please? " Will looked up at Hunter with puppy eyes, which caused Hunter to sigh and run a hand down his face. "Fine," he agreed, unable to resist Will's cute puppy face. Will hopped into my car and I started it, following after Hunter. Will asked me some questions about myself and I did the same. I found that his full name was William David Evans and his favorite food was chocolate. "I love chocolate too!" I exclaimed. I reached into the secret stash of candy I had established in my glove compartment and gave Will some hard caramel candy. Will gave me a toothy grin and popped one in his mouth.
When we got to Hunter's house, Will got out and exclaimed, "Hope is the best! She's much better than you, Hunter!" He then stuck his tongue out at Hunter. Hunter chuckled. "What did she do to win your heart over?" Will fished some candy out of his pocket and grinned. Hunter laughed again while I looked around. The house looked small but big enough to fit a family. It was one story and was painted light brown. The exterior was clean and neat. Hunter walked to the front door and looked back at me. I gulped, nervous to meet the rest of his family. But I had promised to meet them, so there was no turning back. Hunter opened the door and motioned for me to enter.
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