Chapter 5
"I haven't felt alright for a long time"
Song: Here by Alessia Cara
I smiled as Hunter settled next to me under the tree. There was something different about him. He didn't want popularity. He didn't want girls. Something about Hunter made me quite sure that I could trust him. His pearly white teeth shone as he smiled back at me. "So, how was the second day of school?" I asked. "Pretty cool. I'm still really happy that I don't have to wear those stuffy uniforms with ties. I finally don't feel like I'm dying in a sauna," Hunter laughed. I couldn't help but notice that his laugh sounded amazing. It was really light and soft, contrasting with his normal speaking voice. I cleared those thoughts out of my head quickly. This was my first friend in recent times and a friend only.
"So, you told me that your parents came home..." Hunter trailed off. I had known that we were going to come back to this topic again. I cleared my throat, feeling a tiny bit uncomfortable. "Well, my parents are the CEOs of the famous Hawkinson Enterprise. They're really busy all the time. And I'm not exaggerating when I say all the time. Even when they come home, they'll be busy during the night, working. I see them pretty rarely, but I've gotten used to it over time. So when they're going to miss the birthdays of my brother and I, they buy us presents early. Sometimes, they even miss Christmas."
I tried to choke my tears back. I will not cry in front of someone I had only known for two days. "Um yeah, that's my story," I finished. I nearly jumped in shock when I felt two big and strong arms wrap around me. I felt myself lean into his hug. It was nice to finally receive a hug from someone that actually meant it. To be consoled when no one else cared. Hunter released me "I know how it feels," he told me. He didn't elaborate though. I didn't ask him to. If he needs time to open up, I will give him time. I didn't open up to him fully either.
Now it was my turn to give him a hug. Sometimes, people just needed it. Hugs were a way of consoling. They needed to be given more around the world. I knew that from experience, since so few were given to me. I rested my head on his shoulders and he rested his head on mine. We stayed that way for a few minutes. When I pulled away, Hunter was smirking. "If you wanted to touch me, you could've just asked, Tomato." Although I knew that his comment was just a way to lighten the mood, I started blushing... like a tomato. I guess his nickname for me does make sense.
The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. Together Hunter and I went to 6th period. During 6th period we had some free time and I plugged my earphones in and started a Pandora station. Seeing Hunter sitting beside me, I offered him a earplug. I also took out my homework. Hunter helped me with my homework. That's when I realized that he was really smart. And I mean like, genius smart. "What is your GPA?" I asked. "About 6.9," he replied. I opened and closed my mouth like a fish. "What? But you just came," I tried to process what he just said. "Yeah, nearly all my courses in London were considered to be AP over here. I don't even need to do high school. But I'm still doing it because I'm trying to make up my on-level credit and I didn't want to study more than I should for my age," he replied like it was no big deal.
"Nope. I'm just going to pretend like you didn't even say that. I'm gonna act like I'm intellectually superior to you and you have a lower GPA than me. Or better, that you don't even exist," I replied, my now-not-so-smart brain still trying to process his GPA. "Wait, does that mean that you're going to Harvard?" I asked, my eyes shining. I had always dreamed of going to Harvard. My application had been rejected twice, and I had only one more chance to submit my application. I had tried everything. I'd joined in more extracurricular activities, acquired more skills, but nothing worked. I wasn't sure if I wanted to submit my application again, if it meant to be rejected once more. Like I said, expectations bring disappointment.
Hunter replied, "Yeah, I might go to Harvard. Or Massachusetts Institute of Technology, since their mathematical courses are better. I got accepted into both though," I was stunned speechless. He got accepted into both! More questions piled in my mind.
"I got accepted into MIT too. What do you what to be? I want to be an aeronautical design engineer," I asked. "I want to be a professor for any course related to Mathematics. I want to spread my love for math," Hunter responded. I smiled at his genuine response. Most people wanted to work for money and financial security. I want to be an aeronautical design engineer, as there are so many plane crashes per year and maybe being a design engineer can make a difference, no matter how little. Maybe saving about a thousand people might be little compared to the number of people who die because of plane crashes, but that's a thousand more people who get to live because of me. Hunter's reason was noble too; he wanted more people to understand, and love, what he loves.
Soon, the bell signaling the end of 6th period rang. I let out a sigh of relief. Just one more period before I could go back home. To those people who think all nerds like school, no, not all of us like school. Some of us treasure sleep more. 7th period went by fast and soon school was over. I was at my locker, putting all the books I didn't need back in, when I saw Hunter walking down the hallway. I waved at him and he jogged up to me. "Hey. You going home?" I asked. "Yeah. I need to go and pick up my younger brother from daycare," Hunter replied. Younger brother? I never knew Hunter had any siblings. I hadn't known him very long, but still.
"I'm free tonight and I'd like to meet your brother. If I'm not invading your privacy, could I come with you?" I asked cautiously. I had only known him for 2 days and I didn't want to seem to be too nosy. But I was also proud of myself. I had always been scared to make friends, scared of the risk of them breaking my heart, and this was a big step for me, to approach someone and take a bigger step in our friendship. "Sure. Will would love to meet you," Hunter shrugged. We both got into our respective cars and I followed after Hunter.
Once we reached the daycare centre, Hunter and I walked towards a particular room. He seemed to this place really well. I peeked around, curious. Hunter stopped in front of a mahogany door and opened it. "Will!" he called out and suddenly, I felt really nervous about meeting Hunter's brother. Then I turned around, and saw the cutest kid I've ever seen in my life.
Thank you to my amazing editor LOTRgeek14 who helped me with this chapter all day and she's also an amazing friend. Also, thanks to all my other friends who support me and actually take time to read my book.
Sandhya ❤️
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