No one's P.O.V
Once the Csi team was informed that Liz wouldn't be working with them any more,they weren't very happy with Erin Strauss- not that she cared. It hasn't even been a full two weeks when a young woman is introduced to the team as a replacement for Liz. Which didn't go down well with the team,the team are missing there friend,they aren't happy about being left in the dark about Liz's whereabouts. All they have been told is that she is alive.
The woman that is Liz's replacement -Tanya West - couldn't understand why none of the team where very welcoming to her. Tanya made her way to autopsy, she wanted answers. Her heels click on the floor as she enters autopsy, she could hear voices. Tanya headed towards the voices and came across Alex the M.E talking to H. They both stop there conversation when they hear someone approach, H looks at Tanya before leaving the room.
"What is that guys problem?" Tanya asks Alex
"That guy is your boss Tanya, remember that" Alex tells her
"Some boss,he hasn't really spoken to me. None of the team have" Tanya complains,Alex closes the file in front of her and looks at Tanya
"Look Tanya two weeks ago this team lost one of there members, she wasn't just a part of the team she was our friend" Alex says.
"So what,its not like she is dead or anything" Tanya says dismissive
"Yes Liz isn't dead,but she was a great member of this team and a good friend to all. You are just going to have to accept the team isn't going to accept you fast" Alex tells her.
"So I'm just supposed to play second best to this super woman, that everyone misses dearly" Tanya says annoyed.
Alex sighs
"Look Tanya,Liz was no super woman OK, she was just a really good friend. There to listen if anyone needed to talk..."
"God I hate this Liz Rossi so much" Tanya grumbles
"Don't say that around the team,especially H" the voice of Frank says as he enters the room
"Why what's he going to do?" Tanya asks.
"H won't do anything, just be respectful" Frank tells her
"Anyone would think they where a thing or something" Tanya laughs, Alex and Frank share a look" Eww gross" Tanya says,she goes to leave the room but turns back and says"I will make this team like me,just you watch."
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