Huge shout out to Ruby-Riot for being the first person to comment on the last chapter.I will shout out the first commenter from each part on the next part(except if it is the same person).VOTE,COMMENT AND FOLLOW IF YOU HAVENT ALREADY AND I'LL CATCH YOU NEXT TIME!!
Momo had just convinced Young Todoroki to follow her to his house.As Momo expected the 5 year old besides her was attracted to everything that he saw,as expected of him after all he had told Momo that when he was a kid he didn't really go out a lot.
They were currently outside of his house's door.She knocked twice.
She was so nervous right now that she even counted the seconds it took to answer the knocks.13 seconds.
"How can i help you?"said Fuyuma opening the door.
"Hello,my name is Momo Yaoyorozu-"said Momo and she got interrupted.
"So you're the famous Momo i've been hearing so much about!Shoto has been making me go crazy lately,he either is silent like a rock or never stops talking about you!"exclaimed Fuyuma.Momo started blushing hard at the thought of Todoroki only talking about her.
"Actually-"she got interrupted again.
"If you're looking for him he's not here,he should be here any moment now"said Fuyuma scanning the area around them and noticed Shoto.
"Oh,how cute,he looks just like Shoto when he was a kid,even the hair matches!"said Fuyuma.
"Fuyu...Why are so tall?"asked innocently young Shoto.
"Only Shoto usually calls me that,even the voice is exactly the sa-"said Fuyuma but got hit by the realization train.
"Is that?"asked shocked Fuyuma turning to Momo.
"*sigh*Yes...But i can explain!!!"said Momo.After a few minutes of explaining Fuyuma had understood the situation.
"I see.You want me to take care of him don't ya?"asked Fuyuma.
"Yes,since this is his house i be-"she got interrupted again.
"Well*nervous laugh*i can't...Shoto always took care of himself so I didn't need to worry about him,for that reason as a Teacher a got the opportunity to have Spring break classes,for the students that don't have the potential of other students.Since the school that i teach in is really far already i leave from my house at 6am and come back at 5pm.So i could never take care of him...."said Fuyuma.
"What about your father?"asked Momo.
"Endeavor!?Not a chance he would say something in the lines of"That kid isn't my son,until you bring him back to normal he won't be,so get this cry baby off my sight!""said Fuyuma.
"What am i going to do!?I can't give him to his mother either..."said Momo panicking once again.
"Fuyu,where's mommy?"asked simply Shoto.
"She's not currently here,she's out of town for a while"said Fuyu.
"But i want to see her"said Shoto.
"Don't worry you're going to see her*turns to Momo*.You could get him to stay with you"said Fuyuma.
"What!?Even if my parents were understanding of the situation i could never take care of a child all by myself!"said Momo.
"Sure you could!From what Shoto has told me i think you're fully capable to even take care of whole family,maybe one day a family that will be related to the both of us"said Fuyuma in a teasing way rubbing her shoulder on Momo.Momo instantly blushed hard.
"Fuyuma!"said Momo.
"Sorry,do you think you can take care of him?"asked Fuyuma.
"*sigh*Yeah..."said Momo.
"Won't your father feel his absence?"asked Momo.
"Please,that old ball of lava doesn't know what it ate for breakfast"said Fuyuma.
"Alright then"said Momo stepping up to the challenge.
"Great!Bye future sister in law!"said Fuyuma closing the door.
Momo just blushed a bit a kneeled down to Shoto.
"Listen,do you mind staying with me for a few days,i will make sure that you get treated vewy well"said Momo even making baby words.
"I don't mind,but i want to see my mommy"said Shoto.
"Um..a-i...i...*sigh*We can visit her tomorrow!"said Momo and gave him the friendliest smile she could at that moment.Shoto looked down and said
"All right,but do you promise me tomorrow we'll see her?"asked Shoto a bit shyly.
"Of course"said Momo.
"Pinky promise?"said Shoto.
She held out her pinky.
"Pinky promise"said Momo and they made a Pinky promise.
"Now,Let's go to my place"said Momo.
They started walking,Todoroki held Momo by the hand at all times.
They were five minutes away when Momo got a call on her phone,she looked at her screen.
(This screen was edited by me,i just noticed that i forgot to remove the wifi signal,just ignore that)
She had totally forgot about the plans she had with the rest of the class.She decided to answer.
"Momo!!Where are you!?We are all waiting for you...and Todoroki!!"
" have some serious family business and won't be able to make it this week!"Momo lied as she knew that if she was honest Todoroki would never forgive her.
"Are you serious!?!?!?YOU'LL GET 3 MONTHS!!!"said Mina.
"*sigh*I accept that..."
"Okay bye i am calling Todoroki!"said Mina closing.
After 3 seconds the phone on Todoroki's pocket started ringing.
He pulled it out.
"What's this?"asked simply Shoto.
"Oh nothing you can just give it to me"said Momo,Shoto gave it to her but she accidentally answered.She couldn't not talk,but she still didn't know what do.So she gathered up all the courage that she could and tried to make a male Todoroki voice.
"Momo?Is that you?"
"What?*normal voice*I mean What?*male voice fail*"
"OMG!!You two had planned this all along!!!You and Todoroki are dati-"Momo hang up.
"Todoroki's going to kill me..."
"What?"said simply young Shoto.
"Nothing"answered quickly Momo.
After a while they arrived.Went through the front gate and opened the door.
"Mom,Dad i'm home!"said Momo.
"Ah Momo,we're in the living room!"said her mother.
"Which one?"asked Momo.
"Fireplace!"said her father,Momo made her way up the stairs and entered the room.
"Momo,how was school today?"asked her father.
"You must be excited for Spring Break"said her Mother.
"Yeah...Do you two remember my classmate that i talked to you about?"asked Momo.
"Let me guess,the ones that you haven't even mentioned or the guy you've been always talking about,what was his name?...Shoto Todoroki"exclaimed her Mother.
""she looked down at her legs to make her parents notice the 5 year old child that was hiding behind her legs shyly.
"Is that Shoto Todoroki!?"said her father.
"I can explain!"said Momo.
After at least 10 minutes of explaining she was done.
"And you want to take care of him?"asked her father.
"Yes,he can't go home..."said Momo.
"Momo,we are not against you taking care of him,but you need to know that taking care of a child is a heavy duty"said her Mother.
"Of course,and i am willing to take this on me!"said Momo.
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