Momo's Bizzare Adventure
Huge shout out to Nash_Nguyen_20 for being the first person to comment on the last chapter.I will shout out the first commenter from each part on the next part(except if it is the same person).VOTE,COMMENT AND FOLLOW IF YOU HAVENT ALREADY AND I'LL CATCH YOU NEXT TIME!!
Momo had just witnessed Shoto Todoroki,one of her best friends turn into a five year old again.
"No!Not again!I did it again!"yelled the girl in a brink of tears.
"Little girl girl could you tell me your name?"asked Momo in a the most stable way she could at this moment.
"It's Olivia..."said Olivia in a bit of a shy way.
"Well Olivia,did you accidentally use your quirk on my friend?"asked Momo.
"Yes...but it was an accident,i just barely learned what it does,I can't control it"said Olivia and a woman started running towards their direction.
Momo felt something pull a bit on her skirt,it was Todoroki with his oversized clothes around him.
"Hey miss,do you know where my mommy is?"asked Todoroki to Momo.What could she answer,she couldn't just explain to him what happened,he was only five.
"Mommy didn't feel so good so she went home and told me to take care of you for a bit,i will bring you back home really soon,just be a good boy for a minute"said Momo in the friendliest voice she could make right now,but internally she was screaming.
"Olivia!Don't tell me that it happened again!"said a worried woman running towards them,most likely Olivia's mother.
"Excuse me,are you Olivia's mother?"asked Momo.
"Yes,i'm Noelle.I am terribly sorry for what my daughter has done,she recently developed her quirk and can't fully control it,so it activates when she has some strong feelings"said Noelle in a apologizing way.
"It's Alright,if she can bring him back to his normal self the problem can just end here"said Momo.
"That's the problem,she can't control how much she changes something,her quirk lets her change something or someone in a past or future state.One time she accidentally turned a watermelon to dust.We better not make her try to change him,we don't want to bring him in state which he can't come back from"said Noelle.
"Then what can we do!?We can't just leave him like this!What about his family!?His sister!His studies at U.A.!"said Momo starting to panick like crazy.
"Don't worry,my husband's quirk lets him deny all the effects of a quirk used on something or someone"said Noelle.Momo calmed down.
"Great,so where's your husband now?"asked Momo.
"He's..."said Noelle as realization hit her and she made a i fucked up face.
"He's in America and won't be back till Sunday night..."said Noelle.
"What!?I-We can't just leave him like this till Sunday!"said Momo panicking again.
"Look i am sorry about your brother,but we can't do anything right now..."said Noelle in a defeated voice.
"He's not my brother..."said Momo.
"Sorry,i thought he was your brother cause you were worrying so much about him,then sorry about your boyfriend"said Noelle and Momo started blushing like crazy.
"He's not my boyfriend either,just a close friend.Anyways do you have a number or anything i can contact you with?"asked Momo.
"Yes of course"said Noelle and they exchanged numbers.
"I need to go now,i hope I am not causing too much trouble.When he will become normal again he won't remember any of this,i'll call you when my husband comes back"said Noelle leaving the playground with Olivia.
"I guess i can take you home now"said Momo,again trying to make the most stable smile that she could,but Shoto took a step back.
"My mommy never told anything about a friend of hers,but she has told me about strangers who might be dangerous,so please explain to me before i freeze you"flat out said Shoto.
"God f-ing dammit,even when he was a kid he was acting tough and closed"thought Momo.
"I am your mom's friend,or else how would i know that your favorite color is blue,that your favorite food is Zaru Soba,that Your favorite drink is green tea with a lemon slice on the side and that your favorite toy is*makes a movement like she is taking something from her pocket,but she's actually using her quirk*This!"said Momo as she gave young Todoroki a robot like red figure.A few months ago she was walking with Todoroki and they were passing by a Toy store,Todoroki stopped and said...
"I used to have an action figure like this when i was young,it was my favorite toy,i had named him..."
"Captain Crimson Cold!"exclaimed excitedly young Todoroki.
"Now,how about we get you back home?"said Momo.
"Alright"said Shoto.
Momo noticed his oversized clothes and made him new more comfortable clothes to wear.
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