"I can see you have no idea on what to make." I sighed.
I'm currently in Jacob's room and I'm doing nothing, totally nothing and the funny part is that other groups have long chosen what to make and some have started but here I'm sitting and eating home made delicious cookies that Jake baked.
It's cool that he can actually bake.
"We've been staying here doing exactly nothing!" Jacob said frustratedly.
"Nope! You're the one doing exactly nothing but I on the other hand is eating cookies, so I'm doing something." I protested.
"Like seriously?" He brushed his hair with his hands.
"What! It's the truth." I defended.
He looked at me and a smile formed on his little pouty lips making my legs turn to jelly.
"Come up with an idea beautiful." He deepened his smile.
'Beautiful'.... My mind went back to when Jake said I was beautiful three days ago and Yeah! I avoided him for three days. Immediately he called me beautiful, I lied that i had to go home because my dad needed me home early and it could tell that he didn't buy the lie from the way he raised his brow but he just let it slide. The one thing I have no doubt about is the fact that I'm not beautiful so why would he call me that.....of course he's just mocking me.
"I have an idea, why don't we write a list of what we can make. Then we can choose from the list." I suggested as I picked another cookie from the plate and put it in my mouth and chewed it, devouring the delicious taste.
"That might actually work."
"So lets begin!"
I brought out a pen from my bag and a book from Jacob's drawer but I found something glowing, a golden necklace with a heart-shaped pendant. It looks so beautiful and familiar, it's like I have seen from my days in middle school but I can't remember exactly where. My hands reached to pick it but Jacob slammed it shut before my hands could touch it, making me yelp in shock.
"You can't touch it!" He snapped.
"Oh! I-i'm s-so sorr....sorry." I apologized, I kinda felt guilty for trying to touch his privacy.
His eyes softened "It's alright and I'm sorry for snapping at you, it's just that I'm over protective of the necklace, it belongs to a girl I had a crush on in middle school named Lily, she wore it to school every single day and one day she lost it. I found it and I went to her house to return it, hoping that it would be my first talk with her and maybe her knight in shining armour but when I got there, she was already gone. They had packed to Florida, I never got a chance to give her but I still believe that we will meet some other day or maybe in the next life." A sad smile spread across his face.
"You still love her, don't you?"
"I did but I now have a new crush and what hurts is that she has no idea." He muttered.
"Why don't you tell her, I'm sure she will love you back. You might not know but maybe she feels the same way about you."
"Thanks for the advice but i don't think I'm her type."
"Of course you're her type, hell! I think you are everybody's dream girl, with your looks, your brains and your body, I'm sure you can pull it off as Alex Prange reincarnated."
He chuckled as replied," You're boosting my ego."
"Nah! Just stating a fact, anyways lets start!"
"First volcano."
I wrote it down.
"How about a robot?" He suggested.
"Yeah, that would be so cool. Let's just go for it."
"But what type of robot?"
"Umm....I'm thinking pet robot like a dog or a delivery robot."
"Either one sounds perfect."
"I don't know which one to choose, that's my problem, I gave two options but I don't know which one to choose so I think that you should decide." I said confusedly.
"Ok! Lets go for Pet dog, that talks, barks and also delivers."
"This is gonna be epic!"
"You wanna go out for coffee?" He asked as he picked his wallet and car keys.
"Sure and why don't you ditch your car, I like it when we walk."
I walked downstairs to where Jacob's grandma and grandad sat watching TV, her head was on his shoulder and his hand encircled her.
It reminds me of my mum in the hospital who will be having an operation in a week.
Jacob lost both of his parents in an accident when he was ten years old, his father was an only child so he started living with his grandparents.
"Grandma I'm leaving, I will be back in an hour!" Jacob said to his granny as he kissed both of his grandparent's cheeks.
"Take care of the young lady, I don't want any harm to come to her." She replied.
"Wait, so you aren't concern about my well-being?" He pouted his lips.
"Of course not, I'm only concerned about the beautiful girl my grandson brought home." She teased before adding, "Well hold her heart firm. I don't want to see her heart broken and protect her."
"You have got this the wrong way, I'm not...I mean he's not-"
"Then you have my word." He intruded and bow his head.
"I will be going Mr and Mrs Wilson, good bye."
"Make sure you come again sweetheart." His grandad said sweetly.
"I sure will." I returned the kind gesture with a smile.
Jacob walked in front of me and opened the door, "After you my lady."
I laughed at this and replied, "Thank you my lord."
We went to the nearest coffee shop which is a few blocks away from his house. As we entered the coffee shop, the nice smell of coffee welcomed me. We found an empty spot and sat. The waitress who was dressed in a long white and black gown with matching veil approached us to take our orders. Her eyes raked my body in disgust as she chewed her gum.
What's the problem with waitresses, just because I'm with a cute guy doesn't mean I'm invisible.
"What can I get for you, handsome hottie?"
"And cute lady." I finished.
"You're nowhere near cute." She scoffed.
"And you're nowhere near ugly because you're way lower than that!" I retorted.
She gritted her teeth and stormed away.
"Hey b*tch! You forgot to take our orders!" I tried to call her back but she kept walking away.
"Are you always like this with waitresses?" He asked laughing.
"Yup! And for some odd reason, they treat me this way anytime I'm with a cute guy." I laughed back.
"Hey yasmin!" I turned back to see him smiling at me.
"You miss me?" He smirked.
"What do you want?" I snapped.
He laughed in his deep voice creating echoes in the coffee shop.
"I want you."
Just kidding!
Thanks for reading so much.
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Love and kisses
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