Helena Walton's POV
"Hi, I'm Josh Martin" surprisingly, Josh tried to be friendly and he extended his hand to Adam who for some reason just ignored him and looked at me with a glare.
"You broke rule number one Lena. I'm scratching it".
My mouth fell open as he left without glancing back. How did he know I was dating Josh? Might have been a friend, I was allowed to have friends over. Was he threatening to bring girls home?
I looked at Josh giving him a small smile "I'll be right back, make yourself at home"
I ran outside and luckily for me he had just gotten into the elevators, I stopped the doors from closing using my hand and got in.
"What are you doing here Helena?" he asked harshly. We were back to Helena now. He was mad.
"I broke no rule, Josh is just a friend"
He smirked maliciously "Do you make out with all your friends Helena?"
I frowned "Wait, what are you talking about?"
"I saw you on campus yesterday. You were making out with him so I know he's not your fucking friend. So you broke the rule and I'll be bringing girls over"
"You mean Amanda?"
He paused for a second but then nodded. Did they break up? Was he talking about random girls?
Suddenly there was a high pitched sound and the elevator stopped briskly shoving me to the side, knocking my head on the glass.
"Lena? Are you okay?" he crouched next to me and concern was evident in his eyes. His beautiful green eyes. We were so close that I could easily claim his lips. I shook the idea out of my head and nodded.
"I'm fine, but what happened?"
"I'm not sure" he stood up and pressed the button on the panel ringing the concierge.
"This is Rob"
"Rob, it's Adam, the lift stopped"
"Shit, alright Mr Yilmaz, I'll call the tech team, it won't take long. Hang in there"
"Thanks Rob"
I hugged my knees up to my chest and hid my head so Adam didn't see me crying. I hated seeming vulnerable in front of anyone. I always put up the image of the strong willed and wild girl. Nobody needed to know that I was easily scared.
I felt Adam sit next to me but still keeping his distance. He didn't say anything until I accidently let out a sob.
"Lena? What is it?" I didn't say anything. Damn this elevator.
"Hey hey Lena, look up at me"
I did. I slowly lifted up my face and turned to look at him, finding him dangerously close to me. I was starting to shake and my heart was beating fast, as fast as a racing car.
"Why are you crying? Look I didn't mean to hurt you but you broke the rule not me"
"It's not about that stupid rule! I'm..." I stopped. I couldn't tell him another secret about me.
"Lena talk to me"
He said it in such authority that I found myself opening up to him.
"I'm claustrophobic Adam, I can't... I can't breathe I need to get out of here Adam now!" I was now clutching to his shirt getting closer and closer to him. "Please tell them to let us out"
"Lena breathe, in and out, in and out, you're here with me, you're not alone" he held my hands, "I won't let anything happen to you. I promise Lena." I nodded but was still panicking.
"Remember when we were little? Before... before I moved in with you. We used to be close, we used to be best friends, always doing pranks and annoying everyone, you remember that?"
I let out a giggle and nodded resting my head on his chest as his arm automatically wrapped around my small body. I knew he was trying to distract me. And it was working.
"Remember that day we put Mason's old sock in your dad's car? He was picking us up from school and kept saying it smelled bad and we kept laughing and telling him it was coming from him. You put the sock under his seat, and he believed us. He took a shower as soon as we got to your house."
"And when he went to drive you home, he almost threw up at the smell" I laughed with him wiping my tears away, feeling my body relax.
"And there's that time, we wrote on their cars 'I love you' using a screw, remember that?"
"Oh my god dad went ballistic! He grounded me for two weeks!"
"Mine grounded me for a month. I wasn't allowed to see you for a month"
"But that didn't stop us" I grinned "Remember when we swapped their phones?"
"That was a brilliant idea."
"It was mine"
"Yeah... now that I think about it, they were all your ideas" he laughed "You were a little devious girl"
"But the time we put eggs in Mason's bed was your idea not mine"
"Don't remind me" he laughed "They threatened to ship me off to Turkey"
"How come you never visit your family there?"
"Who said I never visited? I did, many times and I'm very close to my cousins but you hate me so much that you never noticed me gone"
I was saved by the voice coming from the intercom.
"Mr. Yilmaz, the crew is working; it will take a few seconds now, sorry for the inconvenience."
"Thank you Rob" he said moving away from me as the lifts came back to life. He composed himself and held out his hand to help me out. I gladly took it but kept a distance from him. Once we reached the ground floor I held his hand stopping him from leaving "Thank you Adam"
"No need to thank me. You may hate me Lena but I'll always be there for you." He gave me a fragile smile and left the building.
I watched him go and pressed the penthouse button. A little scared about the lift blocking again but I had to go back to Josh. Thinking about Josh now, maybe it was a bad idea bringing him here. It was like declaring war with Adam. A war I could never win. I knew he liked going out with different women, he wasn't the guy to commit and that's why I was surprised he had a girlfriend in the first place. But then again, he did hesitate when I brought her up. And he did seem awfully angry when I got home. Maybe they broke up?
"Great! I should have become a detective instead of an architect!" I shook my head as I walked out of the elevator relieved it didn't bug again. I walked into my flat and saw Josh sprawled on the couch, his shoe touching the white material.
I bit my lip not wanting to offend him.
"Oh you're back! I called you but your phone is here"
"Yes the elevator got stuck on us. I just waited the tech team to repair it"
"God that must have been scary"
You have no idea. "Not at all" I lied plastering a smile "Will you remove your shoe from the couch? It's a very white couch"
He laughed and I followed suit watching him take off his shoes completely "Better baby?"
"Yes better" I smiled liking the fact he was understanding. I sat next to him and he wrapped his arm around me. I was waiting for that tingly feeling I felt whenever Adam had his arms around me but there was nothing. I ignored the nagging feeling and cupped Josh's face kissing him hard.
He broke the kiss a minute later and caught his breath before asking me.
"I know it might not be the right moment to ask, but what rule was Adam talking about?"
"Seriously?" I couldn't believe it
"I'm sorry I just want to know, I'm curious like that. And since you're my girl, I'd like to know everything about you"
"When he moved in I specifically told him not to bring girls over, and I wouldn't bring boys"
"Why bring me then if it was your rule in the first place?"
"Because you asked me. And I didn't want to say no to you"
"You're sweet" he kissed my cheek "And beautiful" he kissed the other cheek "And sexy" hi kissed the corner of my lips "And wild" he kissed down my neck going further down and making me jump on my feet.
"Want something to drink?" I asked trying to seem unfazed.
"Do you have a beer?"
"I'll check, I'm sure Adam has some" I went to kitchen and had him follow me. He sat on a bar stool and watched me.
"I was wondering, why was Adam so angry to see me? I'm sure it wasn't just because you broke the rule? I mean he should have been happy about it"
"I don't know maybe he was pissed at something. I already told you this morning, we're not close"
"He seemed pissed by my presence. He wouldn't even shake my hand."
"What are you getting at Josh?" I was getting tired of this subject and wanted to talk about anything else, anything that didn't concern Adam. I gave him a beer and sat across from him.
"Maybe he's in love with you? Have you ever thought about that?"
"Stop it Josh! Seriously this is nonsense! He just takes the brother thing seriously. It's nothing like you think.
Josh didn't seem convinced but saw how annoyed I got and changed the subject. We talked about college and about past relationships and all was good until he asked if he could spend the night.
"Josh we've been dating for what a couple days? I think I'm going to need more time than that to let you stay the night". That was my response to him, and he didn't take it very well. He put his shoes on, gathered his things and barely kissed my forehead before leaving. With the way he left, I'd be surprised if he called tomorrow.
I cooked dinner and ate alone on the huge balcony. It was hot so I had a fan installed when I moved in. I had it decorated with plants and flowers. Just like my grandma Alara, I loved flowers, and loved taking care of them. I had also installed twinkling lights to create a romantic mood.
I ate my dinner, and cleaned everything up before grabbing my book with a glass of red wine. I sprawled myself on the couch. I felt like reading under the moon light. The ambiance was perfect, from the stars shining, the twinkling lights to the candles I had lit everywhere. It was perfect for a night alone at home.
I don't know how long I read for, or when I drifted to sleep, but I only woke up by two in the morning feeling a chilling breeze on my barely covered body. I check my phone and saw many calls from Serena, even Josh had called. Which really surprised me. I decided on going to bed and calling them back when I woke up. Thankfully I had no early classes so I could rest.
I sleepily dragged myself inside closing the doors behind me. The flat was in complete darkness, meaning Adam was asleep. Or he was still out. Just as I made it to my door and had my finger on the handle, I heard a strange noise making me freeze in place. What the hell was that?
I turned my phone's flashlight on and scanned the flat, there was nothing there. I was about to go into my room when I heard it again, and again. I followed the sound and noticing it was coming from Adam's bedroom. The door was slightly ajar, I could see with the dim light coming from his bedside lamp a figure moving.
A redhead was riding him while moaning.
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