Helena Walton's POV
The evening was going well So far. Apparently Amanda had already told Emily about Adam being her dad and she was very excited and happy with the news. They immediately hit it off developing a father-daughter bond and it was obvious by how quickly they got along.
I smiled while watching them play with a doctor set Adam had given her. She was the doctor of course and her daddy was the patient. Emily did look a little like her dad, now that they were together I could see the resemblance.
Looking at them playing like two old friends was an amazing scene proving how wrong Adam was to be scared. He was going to be a great father that was for sure. Getting up, I could feel Amanda glaring daggers at me but ignored her and joined them on the carpet to play a little with them.
Emily, I could tolerate, even grow to love. But Amanda? That could never happen. I still had a feeling she had a hidden agenda, and something told me she wanted Adam back even if she wasn't being blunt about it. I could see how she kept looking at him lovingly, and I didn't like it one bit.
"Hey doctor" I faked a cough "I'm not feeling well"
"Oh that cough isn't a good sign!" she quickly got on her little feet and came over pretending to take my temperature. I glanced at Adam finding a huge smile on his face. I couldn't be happier.
"Oh no! you are burning!" she hurried to her doctor's bag and brought out a syrup bottle. "Now you should feel better" she giggled and I couldn't help the giggle coming out of my mouth.
"Come with me Hewena, I want to show you my room" she took my hand and led me upstairs. I certainly didn't want to leave Adam and Amanda alone, but I didn't really have a choice now did I?
Emily and I played a little with her dolls and I told her I needed to speak with Adam. So we agreed that I'll go talk to him and she'll follow when she's done playing.
"So you're saying you want to be in her life but not in the same house?"
Amanda's voice made me pause on the stairs wanting to hear more.
"Amanda, don't you dare twist my words okay? I never said that!"
"Shhhh keep it down I don't want our daughter hearing us fight"
"We're not fighting we're talking." I heard Adam sigh "Look, I am going to ask Lena to move in with me. And I said I want to be in her life in any way possible. But that doesn't mean I'll be living here with you two. She can come and live with me, or she can come and spend days or nights or stay as much as she wants. Neither I nor Lena would mind having her around."
"So the problem is me? Not Emily?"
You fucking bitch!
"Amanda, what are you trying to do? I'm with Lena, did you expect me to come and live here with you? My ex-girlfriend? while I have a girlfriend whom I love very much? That's just crazy..."
"You're crazy! She's your sister! How can you live with her? How can you sleep with her? How are your parents okay with it anyway? This is just sick!"
Oh no, you didn't go there Amanda!
"Just shut the fuck up! She's not my sister, we're not blood-related, we don't share the same parents. We're not sick! You are for thinking I would leave her for you!"
That's my man! Yeah, let her hear it! That was it. I wasn't going to stay hidden while she tried to convince him our relationship was wrong.
"What's going on here? Are you two nuts? Emily could come down any minute!" I glared at them both.
Amanda snickered "As if you care!"
"What? Of course, I care why wouldn't I?" I asked her confused and felt Adam's presence by my side.
"If you cared enough you would have walked away and let him live with his daughter."
I bit my lip trying to stay calm so I wouldn't lose my shit here and now. It wasn't the place or the time. But if she wanted to play bitch, two could play that game.
"You think if I walk away he'll come back to you? I'm not standing between him and his daughter, I'm standing between you and him" I smiled cockily lacing my arm around his. "Get it through your thick skull, Adam and I love each other, and no matter what you do, that will never change."
I watched how she flipped her red hair back, hands on her waist trying to look intimidating. I straightened my leather jacket and smirked shaking my head.
"Trust me, if it weren't for my boyfriend and his little girl I wouldn't be in the same room as you. But let me tell you something, you lost the battle long ago" I winked at her and took Adam's hand in mine who was just looking at me in pure admiration. I saw Emily coming down and smiled at her.
"Hey Emy, come give me a kiss before we leave". Amanda was fuming and I was just satisfied.
She rushed over and I picked her up letting her peck me on my cheek and hugging me tightly.
"Will you come to play with me again?"
"I sure will princess" I smiled and passed her to Adam who hugged her as well and pecked her forehead gently.
"You be a good little girl, and when I come back from my trip I promise I'll take you home with me for a few days how about that?"
"Trip?" Amanda and I said at the same time and I raised an eyebrow at her.
"euhhh yeahh trip. I'm taking Lena away for a few days"
Suddenly I wasn't bothered anymore. I was smiling like a little kid who just ate her favorite candy. I wanted to do as Karam advised me and take him away but he beat me to it before I could even manage to find a place to take him to. We bid our goodbyes and walked out to his bike in silence.
"Where are you taking me?"
"Bali" he grinned
"You sneaky bastard!" I chuckled "When did you even have time to plan it?"
He smirked leaning closer to me and lifting up my chin "Wouldn't you want to know? I had it planned for a while but we weren't talking due to the 'you have a daughter' thing." He smiled warmly "So I just postponed it. We're leaving tonight by the way."
My smile grew bigger and I brushed my lips on his own teasingly. Just as he was about to make a move and kiss me I pulled back.
"We are? But I'm not ready, we haven't packed yet."
He pulled me to him and crashed his lips on mine kissing me intensely making my body jolt with an electrifying sensation. I moaned against his lips giving him entrance letting our tongues dance together for a few seconds before he pulled away leaving me breathless and wanting. He didn't seem affected by the lack of contact while I was dying to be in his arms again. Dick.
"I know. We'll go to the hotel so I can get my bag and the car and then we'll go to your place so you can pack whatever you need before heading to the airport. How is that?"
"Perfect" I smiled and put my helmet on and waited until he was on the bike to climb behind him. I wrapped my arms tightly around him, glad for the contact again, even though I was a little bothered by all the fabric between us.
Getting Adam's bag was quick. He had it packed already and just picked it up and threw it in the trunk of his car. Getting my things took a little while though, and Adam was starting to grow impatient.
"Are you done already? We've been here for an hour! Seriously how hard can it be to pack?" He huffed while tossing around in my bed.
Seeing him there made me want to leave everything and just join him under the sheets. I blushed at the thought and cleared my throat. Get a grip, Lena!
"Almost! Tell me, how many days are we staying?"
"I don't know Lena just pack a few things and if we stay longer we can always go to the mall there."
"Have you ever been to Bali?"
"Yes, I've been there a few times. You'll love it."
"I'd love anywhere as long as I'm with you" that must have lifted his mood as he grinned and made his way to me wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Come on Lena, I want to make love to you under the stars in Bali" he whispered huskily in my ear making my heart do a double summersault and I felt all hot and bothered feeling his intense gaze on me.
"Alright I'm ready" I pulled away briskly looking anywhere but at him. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep my hands to myself if I saw the look in his eyes right now. A few minutes later, we finally made it out of my apartment and headed to the airport. Or so I thought.
"Holy shit!" I fastened my seat belt looking out the window "He actually let you take his private jet?"
We were in my dad's jet and it was startling because everyone knew Zachary Walton never let anyone near his jet. So how did Adam convince him was a mystery to me.
Adam smirked "Why wouldn't he? He said that it was okay as long as his own pilot flew us. Plus, he knew I was taking you to Bali and you know your dad. Anything for his little princess"
"Well, you're not wrong about that" I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. I was feeling tired and sleepy and needed the comfort of his body right now.
"It's going to be a long flight we can sleep in the bedroom if you want?"
"No way! My parents slept in there, just eww!" I scrunched up my nose at the thought "I'm good here the seats are big enough."
"Get some rest baby, it's late."
It was indeed a very long flight; about twenty hours long but far from tiring or boring. We spent our time in the sky talking, playing little funny games, and mostly reminiscing about our childhood. Adam even told me more about Celine, explaining how their friendship started and assured me there was nothing going on between them. I enjoyed the funny stories he told me about, his life in Istanbul was undoubtedly eventful. So in short, twenty hours felt like a blur.
"Oh my God! This place looks like heaven on earth!" I squealed at the sight of the private villa he had booked us. It was magical and so romantic that I was silently melting.
"I'm so glad you like it!"
"Like it? I might never want to leave Adam"
"Great! Maybe we could make a baby here."
Hey guys! hope you liked this chapter!
Which POV are you liking most? Adam's or Lena's?
Thank you for reading this far, don't forget to vote and brighten my day<3
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