I pulled up next to my trailer, sitting in my car for a few minutes to rest. I looked over to Eddie's trailer, listening to the muffled sound of him playing his guitar. I waited for another moment before I sighed, getting out and walking over to his porch.
I raised my hand to knock and paused, shrugging before walking in. "Eddie!" I yelled over the guitar, but it continued playing. I walked further into his trailer, looking at the mess of dishes in the sink. "Eddie!" I called out again, walking closer to his closed door.
I knocked on it hard for a moment before walking in. Eddie had his back turned to me, standing on his bed as he played his guitar as loudly as he could. He jumped and turned around, yelling and fell into his bed. "Jesus Christ are you trying to kill me?!" He yelled, his guitar ringing a sit fell into his lap.
"Sorry. But you were playing pretty loud so it's not entirely my fault." I pressed my lips firmly together and smiled. Eddie rolled his eyes.m, setting his guitar on its stand. I looked around his room, my brows raising when I spotted the handcuffs on his wall. "You showing off that you've been arrested or is that just for sex appeal?"
Eddie whipped his head to the handcuffs, grabbing and tossing them under his bed before sliding most of his stuff off of his nightstand. A bottle of lotion fell head first onto the ground, splattering onto the side of his bed. "Shit." Eddie grumbled, grabbing the tissues he had also tossed and wiped the lotion off his bed.
I chuckled in amusement as he stood up, standing awkwardly. "It's uh— A uh... Yeah. Yeah I've been arrested once or twice." He laughed, throwing the tissue away. I hummed walking into his bedroom. "Anywho—" Eddie stepped forward, tripping on the wire from his guitar. My heart leaped out of my chest for a moment, and Eddie caught himself on his bed.
"I think you might want to invest in cleaning. Or an acoustic." I joked as Eddie's eyes widened.
"Aco— Do I look like an acoustic player?!" He spoke defensively, outstretching just arms as I laughed again. Eddie's offended look dropped as well as his arms. "Anyways. I know I have a bad reputation with the hard drugs—"
"That you do." I interrupted and he shot me a glare, pulling a metal lunchbox out from underneath his bed. "Let me guess. You rolled me a joint?"
"A? No, I rolled two. One for me and one for you." He handed me a small, fairly well rolled joint and I sighed, taking it.
"I would yell at you for offering, but I seriously need one of these after today." I went to sit down on his bed, pausing at the sight of questionable stains, and moved to sit down at his desk.
"What, did an old lady try to scam you or something?" He joked, putting his joint between his lips and grabbed a lighter.
He lit mine first and I took a long drag of it, shrugging as I huffed the smoke out. "Basically. She tried to tell me she bought her movie like two days ago. But she was two weeks late. Thought I wasn't the one working two weeks ago."
"Must have dementia or some shit." Eddie laughed it off, flicking his lighter on and put it to the end of his joint. I blew out of his window, humming.
"She does this so often she might as well be clinically stupid. Or trying to get off the hook." I took another hit of my joint, spinning in the chair to face Eddie. "Anyways, what about you? Graduation is in like, 2 months."
He shrugged. "As long as I ace those finals I'll finally get out of that place." He grinned, puffing out the smoke. "Anyways. You're birthday is in what... a week?" I nodded hesitantly, taking an even longer drag of my joint, the tip turning a hit red. "You got any plans for it?"
I shook my head. "Steve, Robin and I got my birthday off. Don't know what we'll do since StarCourt is now in the ground. Why do you ask?" I raised a brow at Eddie as he shrugged, scratching the back of his neck.
"Ahh, no reason. Thought I'd get you something." I shook my head, smiling softly.
"You really don't have to. I don't mind not getting anything."
"Seriously!? Rory, we're talking about your birthday. You can't not get something in your birthday." Eddie argued as I stared at him for a moment, then shrugged slowly.
"You really don't have to—"
"No. Absolutely not. You're birthday is in a week, and I'm going to get you the best damn gift you've ever gotten." Eddie stood up, waving his hands around as he tried to imagine what to get me. His expression softened into confusion, turning to me. "What the hell do you like?"
I thought for a moment. "Scooby-Doo. Oh, and that one Tim Burton short film that came out a few years ago uh... Vincent." Eddie frowned, looking at me oddly. "You know... Where the main character Vincent wants to be like the actor Vincent Price."
"Who the fuck is Vincent Price?" My jaw dropped in shock.
"Dude! He's supposed to be playing in the Great Mouse Detective this year." I stood up, Eddie giving me a small smile.
"Isn't that supposed to be a Disney movie?" I dropped my hands slowly, shrugging.
"So? I can like Disney movies." Eddie chuckled as I took another drag of my joint. "You know what whatever! Disney movies are fantastic. You just don't have good taste in films."
"I have great taste in films! The Exorcist is like, one of the greatest horror movies of the 70s, or Salem's Lot—"
"Halloween was way better than either of those. A horror classic." I argued, Eddie scoffing in disbelief.
"You're crazy, Rory. Half the viewers who watched The Exorcist when it was first released had to leave because it was so scary! Some even puked!"
"Oh, they were babies! You haven't even seen The Exorcist!"
"Oh, and you have?" Eddie raised his brows as I shut my mouth, watching him cross his arms. He shrugged. "Alright that settles it." He spoke up and I frowned in confusion.
"Next week. On your birthday, I'm making you watch the Exorcist with me." Now it had been my turn to raise my brows. "And I'll make you a deal."
"A deal? For watching a movie?" He nodded, clicking his tongue with a grin.
"If you can watch the movie, without crying in a corner, running out like a little sissy, or absolutely begging me to turn it off..." He shrugged, thinking for a moment. "Then I'll admit Halloween is better than The Excorsist."
"And if I do get scared?" I sat back down, taking another drag of my joint.
"You..." He shut his mouth, thinking again before snapping his fingers. "You have to go in a date with me."
"A date? That's the deal?" Eddie stayed quiet for a moment, looking as if he was rethinking the plan. He nodded quickly. I sighed, standing up again and flattened the end of my joint on an ashtray, outstretching my hand. "Deal. I win, you admit my horror movie is better than yours. I lose... I'll go on a date with you."
Eddie smiled, and shook my hand.
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