☯️Chapter 4☯️
The next day Nagito woke up in peace but couldn't move. He had forgotten that his best friend was laying on top of him since he's half asleep. Ah, I forgot I had asked him to stay last night. Nagito lightly shakes his best friend before his other one throws both of them off the bed. "Oi! What the fuck was that for?!" Nagito yelled. "You mortals were taking forever to awaken". "Gundam, I was already awake" he glared.
Gundam chuckles, "He's still sleeping come, I've made breakfast". Nagito sighs and gets up from the floor. His white fluffy carpet made the fall more comfortable than it should've been. The light green walls doodled with clovers had become burning to wake up to everyday. As much hope as Nagito has, the walls didn't give him much hope as it did before.
Maybe because of the decision whether to pursue the power of yin-yang and help everyone or don't pursue the power, leave everyone helpless, and leave all the responsibility to the other person. That wouldn't be fair if he did that to be honest. "Stop thinking about it, Rantaro isn't up yet so you don't have to decide yet", Gundam tells him.
"Well it's kinda hard not to think about". "Then let me distract you by rambling about your cousin". "Right, how is Sonia doing?" Nagito asks, sitting down at the dining room table. It was a nice area, not too fancy but nice to pass as fancy. A mini chandelier that hangs above the table, marble counters, wooden cabinets, and tile flooring.
"She's doing well! Her powers have increased as well and she still looks as beautiful as ever". Nagito giggles, "Why don't you just ask her out already?". "I-I simply can not ask her out! She's um out of my league" Gundam stuttered. Nagito blinks before laughing, "Out of your league? You very much didn't hear this from me but she is very much in love with you like you are for her".
"Unbelievable! There's no way a goddess as herself would like—". "Gundam you're starting to sound like me and that is very concerning", "We only need one person who degrades themself and that's me" Nagito tells him. Gundam sighs while groaning, "Are you sure she likes me?".
"If I have to listen to another five hour rant because you didn't confess, I'm kicking your ass". Gundam laughs at the statement, "Very well then, I'll make sure to confess to my dark princess as soon as I can". "Fantastic! Now within the next five years I want a niece or nephew, maybe ten".
"What is with you both wanting a lot of kids?" Gundam asks. "Well I want to adopt a lot of kids so they can have a home and receive the love that they deserve!" Nagito answers, softly smiling. "You have a kind heart Ko, though you should think about yourself sometimes". "You already know that's hard Gundam, me thinking about myself?" Nagito chuckles, "I could never".
"That's because he hasn't had breakfast yet!". Nagito yelps at the sudden weight pushed down on his shoulders, "What the fuck Rantaro?!". "Sorry Ko, but what's for breakfast?" Rantaro asks, sitting down in another chair. "No breakfast for you bitch" Nagito glares. "I apologized, I'd lie if I said I didn't mean to scare you".
Gundam rolls his eyes and grabs the pancakes off the counter, he then puts them on the table. "I believe we have something to talk about Ko?", Rantaro states, picking and eating a piece of pancake. "Do we have to talk about it now? We're eating and I rather not talk about it" Nagito states, playing with the food.
"We'd have to talk about it sooner or later" Gundam mumbles, eating. Nagito puts down his fork and scoots back in the chair, "Look I want to take it but I don't". "What's the con of not taking it?" Rantaro asks. "Chaos, I don't even know if the other person decided to take it either". "Well at least one of you has to take it" Gundam says, speaking up.
"And that has to be me?". "Yes but no, you don't know this other person and if they're going to take it. It'd be a risk to not take it as it is fifty-fifty" Rantaro tells him. "That's a good point but I can't handle responsibility". "Nagito, that's a damn lie, you probably can't take responsibility of others but you can take it", "This is an excuse and you know it" Gundam tells him.
Nagito sighs and shakes his head, "Didn't you want a partner, Nagito?". "Of course I do Rantaro, but nobody would like me". "Ko no, we talked about degrading yourself", "You're amazing who wouldn't want you?" Rantaro tells him. "A lot of people", Nagito groaned. "Then those people are missing out".
"Taro, I know you're trying to be flattering and all but nobody in this town likes me". "That's why you have to explore! What about that one guy you met?". Nagito giggles, "Uh the cocky guy, what's his name?". "Oikawa~san" Nagito answers. "Yeah him! Didn't you say he was cute anyways?" Rantaro asks.
"He has Iwaizumi~san, well I'm not sure if they confessed their feelings or not". "What about Chihiro~kun?". Nagito laughs, "He's cute but not my type". "You have a type now? Please tell me it's not like that one character from 'The Black Rose and Lucky Clover" Rantaro groans.
Gundam chuckles, "Of course that's his type". "Ko seriously?". Nagito smiles grow, "No comment". Rantaro bangs his head on the table and the other two laugh. "So are you going to take the role or no?".
Silence filled the room, "I might as well take the offer" Nagito mumbled. Rantaro leans up and claps his hands together, "Let's start packing then". "You make it seem like we're all going". "We are!". Gundam spits out his drink, "We are?!". "Duh, we have to support our little clumsy, reckless, hope baby".
"Call me that again and I'll beat you", Nagito threatens. Rantaro chuckles, "My statement isn't wrong though". Nagito rolls his eyes. "I guess we are accompanying you". "This whole trip is going to be chaos".
Author's Note: So uh, this chapter is short but take it, here ya go. This chapter is also half-assed if I think about it hard enough so I apologize, and I apologize for starting too many fanfics.
Published on: 04/17/2021
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