❝ you really know how to make me cry. ❞
THE TENSION was clear as the couple walked into the warehouse. the rest of the team could see it immediately, especially after taehyung stomped off and grabbed jimins hand, dragging him into the lab and away from everyone else.
"dude what did you do?" hoseok asked the ravenette, raising an eyebrow at the two boys disappearing behind the sliding glass doors and out of earshot.
"i don't want to talk about it." jungkook said.
"that bad huh?" namjoon said, walking up as well and taking a seat on the couch. the wooden boxes were out now, still padlocked and waiting to be opened, some pages of notes and plans scribbled messily laying on top.
"worse." jungkook sighed. he knows he should be fixing that, and talking to the brunette, but right now maybe space is what they needed.
namjoon hit the box with the two of his boot, "so what's in the box kook?"
it was a question the two others weren't present for, not when the brunette had dragged the small genius away from the rest of the team and back into the lab. "oh my you're excited to see me." jimin tried to joke.
taehyung stopped and turned to face his friend, and it's like everything finally hit him again, and there was no more anger — no red hot emotion exploding in his veins, no that was long gone. now it was cool blue washing over him, the darkness creeping in his mind and icy frost ghosting over his heart. the sadness overwhelmed him, and the tears followed. "shit, babe what's wrong?" jimin dropped all the playfulness and smiles, only frowning at the sudden condition of his friend and wrapping the boy in a hug.
"shh, it's okay." jimin hushed him, stroking the back of his head and trying to calm the crying boy.
"n-no jimin, it's not." taehyung hiccuped, his voice was muffled from being pressed against the blondes shoulders, tears and snot staining the nice fabric. "he k-kissed her."
jimins eyes closed and he sighed, he didn't even need a name to who the boy was referring to. it was kind of obvious, and he was most definitely disappointed in his best friend. "he's a fucking idiot tae." he said, still rubbing the boys back and trying to soothe him somehow.
he was starting to slow his sobs, only a mess of sniffles now. "he could have kissed eight random girls." taehyung said, voice still a quiet mumble. "why did it have to be her?" his voice cracked at the end and anyone who could have heard it would have been broken at the sound.
jimin stepped back, but his hands were still on his friends shoulders. "you know he has to break her out, he's probably just trying to gain her trust."
"well he's losing mine." taehyung wiped at his nose and eyes. surely they were red by now, and swollen from the crying. gosh he hated crying so much. "let me make you some tea." the blonde said, giving his shoulder a squeeze before walking away towards the back.
taehyung took a seat and started to sway back and forth on the chair. he didn't want to be here, but he also didn't want to be anywhere else.
jimin came back with the tea, made with lots of sugar and honey the way he knew his friend liked it. "here." he said, setting it on the table and giving him a spoon although already stirred. "i'm gonna go check-"
he didn't need to finish, because there was a noise from outside the lab, and then raised voices followed. it wasn't quiet yelling, but it was enough to raise some eyebrows and spark the curiosity in the two boys.
of course they were arguing again, the two embodying the brotherly nature between them when it came to literally anything. namjoon had his arms crossed and jungkook had that look like he didn't know what he was doing wrong. he looked like that a lot.
"this is not our thing dude." namjoon said. they were standing facing each other, the large wooden box between them and finally open. hoseok was sitting beside it with a wide smile like a child in front of a toy chest — and maybe a freshly opened box of firearms was his equivalent to legos.
"look," jungkook started to say, "i know it's not, but i much rather be prepared in case something does wrong. you can't argue with that." he said.
taehyung and jimin walked over, looking into the expertly packed guns and weapons. the brunette just raised his eyebrows and his jaw dropped a little, he didn't know they were this serious. "do you guys like kill people?" the poor asked to no one in particular.
"only when we're bored." hoseok smiled up at him, then laughing afterwards. "that's a joke, it's just safety measures."
taehyung sat down as well, just curious with the display in front of him and listening as hoseok went on about facts and stories from before. it was always nice to sit and listen to someone who was either very passionate or just interested in something. it also kept the boys mind off what was currently bothering him.
"so what's your plan?" namjoon asked. he still had a gut feeling that this was a bad idea, safety or not, it's more guaranteed that no one will get shot if there's no guns at all.
jungkook pulled out a piece of paper from his back pocket and read over over his scratchy handwriting. "two cars, yoongi and jin in one and getting into the side exit by the docks. jin will focus on getting in while yoongi matches the camera frequencies to knock them out. during that time, you and me will be heading in by the roof, that way we have the ground and top covered." he explained, looking up and not seeing his hyung looking troubled. maybe he'd actually agree. "hoseok will be on the roof of the next building, he's on watch for everyone, and jimin will be back here doing his thing."
namjoon was silent for a second, jimin watching him as well as the two boys on the ground. hoseok didn't really care, he was excited to be on sniper duty again, and he lowkey wished something would go wrong so he could test his skills again. "that could work." the tall man said, his arms were still crossed and an index finger rubbing his bottom lip in thought, "what about the car?" namjoon then asked, "we need someone ready to get us out of there."
jungkook pauses, not even thinking of that and wondering how it slipped his mind. usually they had one more man, but jina walked out, leaving them down. he couldn't even consider an alternative, because another voice startled him first.
"i'll do it." taehyung said, looking up with brightly blinking eyes and legs crossed. he looked like a child, an innocent thing sitting next to a crate of firearms that nearly represented everything that he needed to be protected from.
"no." jungkook said. his jaw was clenched and arms crossed, the muscles in his arms flexing at the action. any other day and the brunette would mentally think about how attractive he was right now, but taehyung was still pissed, and maybe he wanted to get back at him. "alright." namjoon said.
taehyung stood up with a smile and kept ignoring his boyfriends intense stare on the side of his face. "yeah, just tell me what to do and where to be and i'll drive you all home safely." he said.
"i said no." jungkook repeated, grabbing the boys elbow. his grip wasn't tight or painful, but it was strong enough to prove a point. he wasn't joking around — but neither was taehyung. "and i said i'll do it." he said, staring back at the ravenette with an stare that was just as intense.
taehyung pulled his arm away and looked down at hoseok, "will you show me how to use one of those?"
"bro yes." the boy stood from the ground as well and started rambling on about too many things that he couldn't keep up with. jungkook didn't even want to hear, and he grunted, turning to stomp away in an obvious storm of anger.
taehyung felt bad for a second, wanting to follow him and apologize and make everything better again. but he couldn't stop being upset, feeling so hurt — jungkook should feel hurt too. they could always make up later anyways. once the job was over, everything would be back to normal.
am i being positive or
just foreshadowing ???
let me know what you think
— m 🌻
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